Where is everybody?


Well-known member
1 more yr like the last 2 I will be a trip renter with a old pile cheep zr or red head yammi out behind the shed for if snows


Well-known member
not great . I don't mind driving for good deep snow ridding but this driving 3 hrs for a trail is getting real old.


Well-known member
uh, arent u one of the 20 people?

Hello All,
Number 21 checking in from Green Bay, WI.
I saw somewhere we are half way through the spring, summer, fall period til snow flies, yahoo! I went on Doo talk today and looked at all of the 850 G-4 discussion and can't help but say I am stoked. I remember when I used to put up a sign in my office 60 days prior to the December 1 countdown of the trails opening to get people in the spirit of riding. Maybe I will again this year as I am about as excited about riding as ever as this may be one of my last few years living near snow.



New member
not great . I don't mind driving for good deep snow ridding but this driving 3 hrs for a trail is getting real old.

yea, i know, no riding around us just sux..i think i have the pattern..bust *** for 9 months..do the xmas family thing, and syanara for 6 weeks in the yoop..then if we get snow by later feb/early march, do some ditch bangin, which i miss the most


Well-known member
Hello All,
Number 21 checking in from Green Bay, WI.
I saw somewhere we are half way through the spring, summer, fall period til snow flies, yahoo! I went on Doo talk today and looked at all of the 850 G-4 discussion and can't help but say I am stoked. I remember when I used to put up a sign in my office 60 days prior to the December 1 countdown of the trails opening to get people in the spirit of riding. Maybe I will again this year as I am about as excited about riding as ever as this may be one of my last few years living near snow.

The 850 will be a great sled....start the countdown. and begin chanting LA>>>LA>>>LA>>>NINA!!!


Well-known member
i think all sort of sites like this have matured and you can only say the same things over and over again til it gets stale. Thats why I try to spread my joy around on different websites just to stir the "pot" a little...I think ezra just perked up....LOL

This is probably right. Only so many different ways to re-hash the oil arguments.


Well-known member
did some one say hash oil ? did I mention I really enjoy ridding in CO

That got yer attention. May need to try riding out there someday. Only ridden in Wyoming, as far as the West goes. I have bookmarked that place you suggested with the rentals where you get the trailer with them and drive up the hill.


Well-known member
I may have posted them to much. we called 2 times last winter after big snows and they well all booked out so we had to drive . I may be sending my sled to CA this winter not sure yet or may just use a buds extra pro a few times and ship one there next yr if it is as good as I hope .


New member
did some one say hash oil ? Did i mention i really enjoy ridding in co


- - - Updated - - -

That got yer attention. May need to try riding out there someday. Only ridden in Wyoming, as far as the West goes. I have bookmarked that place you suggested with the rentals where you get the trailer with them and drive up the hill.

yup..ez is great contact..he knows tons!!;)