Where is everybody?



Things generally do get rather slow during the summer, but, this is probably the slowest I have seen in quite a few years. This is the only social media sight I use. I have signed onto a few others just to see what they were like, needless to say, wasn't very impressed. Never been into FB or Twitter & have zero desire for either. The majority of the members here are decent folks & that in itself is the reason I like this site. I found this a bit peculiar, Most users ever, 1336 users on 04-09-16 at 3:11 a.m.???? Really? I can't stay awake that long anymore LOL! Have a Day.....-Mezz

what I cannot believe is that you guys still wonder why this happens...let me simplify it for you....if you belong to a web site such as HCS that is owned by VS ( http://www.verticalscope.com/powersports/ ) and that's just the power sports tab...click under OUR VERTICLES to see more.....and you come to a web site that they don't own such as this.....you can only read and not reply because if you say anything they deem not appropriate they will suspend your privilges and or ban you at all VS sites you are signed up to....so no one has the cajones to post anything....and they like to guest at odd times so VS doesn't ban them on their most favoritist web sites....this happens all across the web....for a test join HCS or some VS site....then post a thread here saying their crooks.....then see if your banned at HCS.....you will be....where you guys live....under a rock.....LOL


Things generally do get rather slow during the summer, but, this is probably the slowest I have seen in quite a few years. This is the only social media sight I use. I have signed onto a few others just to see what they were like, needless to say, wasn't very impressed. Never been into FB or Twitter & have zero desire for either. The majority of the members here are decent folks & that in itself is the reason I like this site. I found this a bit peculiar, Most users ever, 1336 users on 04-09-16 at 3:11 a.m.???? Really? I can't stay awake that long anymore LOL! Have a Day.....-Mezz

I noticed the exact same thing a couple months ago, and I knew. Uummm, let me explain this for you - "somebody" updated that "most users on line" notation to give the impression the site is active. Prior to that revision it was a 2012 date, so someone has a vested interest in this site not looking like it's dying. Problem is, they forgot to put a BELIEVABLE time in there. There ain't nobody clamoring to hang around on a sled sight at 3:11 AM in mid April.


Staff member
I never even noticed the new "most users online" number. I would say it would not be legit...because of the date and time.

Must either be a hiccup in the software or some other kind of issue. I don't even know if I can reset it!



New member
I never even noticed the new "most users online" number. I would say it would not be legit...because of the date and time.

Must either be a hiccup in the software or some other kind of issue. I don't even know if I can reset it!


i was here that night....it was me, ez and mark:cool:


Well-known member
I think facebook is taking up a lot of people's attention. Another thought, this site seemed to boom during "the recession" maybe since then, people are working a lot more? Everyone I talk to doesn't just work 40 hrs a week anymore. I work 50 hrs in 4 days, and on my days off I got too much to do after being a zombie for 4 days.


Well-known member
i think all sort of sites like this have matured and you can only say the same things over and over again til it gets stale. Thats why I try to spread my joy around on different websites just to stir the "pot" a little...I think ezra just perked up....LOL


Active member
… I found this a bit peculiar, Most users ever, 1336 users on 04-09-16 at 3:11 a.m.???? Really? …
It was those notorious, evil Chinese hackers, just finishing up their work day at about that time. :rolleyes:
Note: 3:11 AM (EDT) = 6:11 PM China Standard Time
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Well-known member
i am making plans to meet everyone that I upset on the sledder websites this up coming epic LA LA LA NINA winter.


Well-known member
what I cannot believe is that you guys still wonder why this happens...let me simplify it for you....if you belong to a web site such as HCS that is owned by VS ( http://www.verticalscope.com/powersports/ ) and that's just the power sports tab...click under OUR VERTICLES to see more.....and you come to a web site that they don't own such as this.....you can only read and not reply because if you say anything they deem not appropriate they will suspend your privilges and or ban you at all VS sites you are signed up to....so no one has the cajones to post anything....and they like to guest at odd times so VS doesn't ban them on their most favoritist web sites....this happens all across the web....for a test join HCS or some VS site....then post a thread here saying their crooks.....then see if your banned at HCS.....you will be....where you guys live....under a rock.....LOL

HCS is so big that they think everyone needs a more secure password. The HCS site is pretty much under water right now scrambling to change 1000's of passwords.
I might be inspired to rip it a new one as much as I am able.


Well-known member
Hcs is a cluster F now for really no reason . do they really need to change everyone's password the same day. going to be hundreds of "NEW" users on there after this including me
U only need thick skin if u take it serious . it is most fun when u know some guy is serious about it though .


Well-known member
u guys are over thinking it,,,this is a predominantly winter snowmobile site and its mid june.


New member
i got into some pretty nasty blackhawks arguments..to much stress for me for a damn computer screen..
X2 the stress is not worth it. Plus people get really tuff behind a computer screen and key board but wouldn't think of acting that way in front of you.


New member
I think facebook is taking up a lot of people's attention. Another thought, this site seemed to boom during "the recession" maybe since then, people are working a lot more? Everyone I talk to doesn't just work 40 hrs a week anymore. I work 50 hrs in 4 days, and on my days off I got too much to do after being a zombie for 4 days.

How about people are getting out of the sport or are sick of reading posts by the same 20 people every day? (shrug)