If I had all that money I'd have one home where it's warm and one where it's cold. Not two of the same. Just sayin.'
Well, my cabin is my future home, probably in about two years I'll be there permanently.
It's like this: I've been fortunate enough to see the world. I lived in the UK for two years. I've lived on the northern west coast. When we traveled we would do extended vacations. Spain for a month and a half. Puerto Rico for a month, etc. As far as hot climates go, I'm really not into them. Take Spain in example, their entire culture is based around avoiding the hottest part of the day. Sweating my nards off just isn't my thing. I'd much rather be in a cold climate and relax next to a warm fire. And it isn't that cold here thanks to Lake Superior, at least not like Minnesota cold.
As far as living some other place, I just dont know? Seems like there is a lot of problems in the world and the U.P. is just about far enough away that it filters some of that other world I'm not fond of.
I'm a single dad raising two great teenagers and taking care of my elderly parents.
This place is a great place to raise kids.
I know what I like and I know what I dont like. I know I have stated that I'm somewhat of a introvert but people tell me that I'm the most outgoing person they've ever met. At the same time I find great comfort in my solitude. Something about if you don't enjoy solitude then you're hanging out with the wrong people.
I just like it up here.
And it's because of many reasons....and snow is one of those reasons.
I understand that it's not for everyone. A few years ago some people from Rhinelander moved in a few houses away. They were huge into snowmobiling. They last one year. Too much snow. Keeping their 40 foot driveway clear was just too much for them and they felt like they were trapped...or something.