Why do we need snowmobile clubs???


New member
A great question was asked and a lot of great answers were posted, I don't see any harm done even if motoski belongs to a club or not. Motoski never said he didn't belong to a club anyway, nice job.


New member
Good job ezra, well said whitedust!

Now and forever the trust and childlike innocense of the young and/or new member is gone. Future questions from those seeking knowledge will be subject to scrutiny and doubt. Elders and those with answers will fear that this is just a game and they are a pawn. Ha Ha.
You have done alot of damage with your deceptiveness. Does not thy own clubs merit stand on its own? Is this an example of how clubs "open your eyes" ? Short of a rewinding of time, I cannot see how the honest people of the JDee community will ever believe again...

Hang your head Motoski, and your "horn blower" Blu2u2 who was deceptive in the WI Senate Bill SB-406 thread.

WTH??? PLEASE explain how I was DECEPTIVE! Yes I did try to rally the troops to go over to the Senate Bill SB-406 thread; but other than that what did I do to cause you to say this?


New member
we all need to go ride our sleds.

I agree...Yesterday I had a nice ride in Outagamie, Brown, & Shawano County. Put on almost 150 miles. Trails were better the further south do to more snow and being groomed. Had a great burger at the Sportsman's Club in Navarino, WI. It was nice to see a lot of sleds and money being spent at the businesses.

Yesterday was a good day on the trails. However, when I read the thread I was not happy with what Sabercat posted because it was bogus!


New member
This thread is the perfect reason to join a club. Miscommunication and understanding.
Like others have said it is a group of people to do things with who have the same interests and who want to ride and make things better for other riders.

Join a club and have fun.



In regards to the other thread:
You said the AWSC is large enough that a paid president would be just.
I responded that its your club, you pay him, & not from state collected money.
You responded by seperating yourself from being a member of AWSC.
I apologized.
You responded by admitting that you actually hold 2 positions within AWSC and are running for a 3rd.

Thats deceptive and unnecessary.


I am all for clubs I just don't want AWSC in charge, Nor do I want them to be "reimbersed" for their time. Keep it volunteer and you will keep it pure.

After all AWSC only represents approx. 13% of Wisconsin snowmobiliers. ( I took that number from the other post )


Well-known member
I am all for clubs I just don't want AWSC in charge, Nor do I want them to be "reimbersed" for their time. Keep it volunteer and you will keep it pure.

After all AWSC only represents approx. 13% of Wisconsin snowmobiliers. ( I took that number from the other post )

I totally agree with Sabercat AWSC & Goverment strange bed partners & can lead to corruption & patronage. Keep them separate. Clubs do a great job on WI trails no one questioned the value of clubs. We are not comfortable with AWSC & Goverment becoming clearing house for revenue lead by Sen Holprin that already sold us out with Bill 264 shutting down riding off WI marked trails. Snowmobiles did not belong in Bill 264 but Holprin did not care. When you get a ticket for getting food, drink or gas off the marked trail you will understand. Just using roads to get to the marked trail is not legal under Bill 264. Ubee is seeing DNR road blockage already in NW Vilas so we lost access to our public land by snowmobile. We don't need to be regulated up the ying yang & AWSC & Goverment partnership will breed new laws. Keep them separate. AWSC supports the nightime 55 speed limit always did. I don't have a big problem with nightime 55 speed limit but I don't need a law to make me slow down at night either. Those that jump on sleds & haul *** into buildings & trees will not be stopped by nightime 55 speed limit but AWSC & DNR thinks it will by using low snow years lower death count to high snow years higher death count. The stats. are totally bogus to amount of traffic & actual users on the trail. No snow less deaths less trail users we are not riding & nothing to do with nightime 55 speed limit. Keep AWSC & Goverment separate best for all.


New member
In regards to the other thread:
You said the AWSC is large enough that a paid president would be just.
I responded that its your club, you pay him, & not from state collected money.
You responded by seperating yourself from being a member of AWSC.
I apologized.
You responded by admitting that you actually hold 2 positions within AWSC and are running for a 3rd.

Thats deceptive and unnecessary.

Sabercat if I was running for President of the AWSC I would agree with you because I could gain from this IF the President becomes a paid position. However that is not the case.

Yes I am an active member of the AWSC. I also VOLUNTEER my time to be my local club treasurer and club membership chairman. These are local club positions and are NOT AWSC Executive Board Positons. The ONLY position that is paid by the AWSC is the Office Manager. This is a full time (M-F) job that entails working at the office in DeForest.

Don't you think if I was trying to gain something from this Politically I would be posting the actual club that I am a member of?....

Sorry members if you feel I was being "deceptive"!

I hope this clarifies things


New member
Let me take a stab at this club/funding thing. The clubs (members) are the ones that do all the volunteer work, grooming, signing, brushing, the list goes on. In short, with out the clubs--no trail. The money that the clubs get ($250/funded mile) comes from your registration and a gas tax formula, so the money that the clubs get for maintaining the trails comes 100% from the user., the DNR and the state do not contribute anything to snowmobiling. For the non-res, this money goes into a supplemental fund, this is used at the end of the season when the 250/mile is used up, there is also a gas tax formula used here. 100% of the non-res fee & money from the gas tax formula goes into the supplemental fund. There is usually a prorate on this, in other words if a club claims $1,000, they may get only 650, because when all the claims are totalled, there is not enough in the supp fund to pay 100%, so the pro-rate.


New member
Well spoken, sabercat,ezra, and whitedust. Prime examples of people that more and likely do not belong to a club, and just sit on here and complain about things. (good job folks!) that there is a good role model for kids that read this post too.

TB, I am trying to figure out where your righteous indignation comes from, and why your typical reply involves sarcasm and anger. I dont see that from the other regulars here. I have actually followed their threads.
Your credibility would improve if your comments were more factual and less emotional. Some of your well thought out ideas may gain credbility by improving your disposition. :):):):)
Great job as usual to the JD community, even in the face of this twisted circle of deception.
BTW, aren't guys like Ranlam volunteers? if they do get paid, i doubt it is enough to reward them properly for their service.
When my sled burned up on South Boundary Road, the fire chief informed me the club would need to come out with the groomer to repair the trail, and encouraged me to send an "allowance" to the driver. I did, along with a thank you to the club.
If you don't feel like joining a club, or if you travel to your riding area, how about a little donation to the club where you ride? It makes you feel good, and benefits the downline!
Thanks to all the helpers in the Keeweenaw for making my six hour drive worth it!


Active member
What are the costs associated with all the clubs in a given county? Insurance, groomers, groomers mainteance, groomers gas, administration? How much? Anything else?


What are the costs associated with all the clubs in a given county? Insurance, groomers, groomers mainteance, groomers gas, administration? How much? Anything else?

Grooming and associated costs like insurance, fuel and maintenance are factors. There are also donations to worthy causes in the community. The land owner appreciation gift or meals.

Purchasing items like signage, posts, fencing, materials for shelters/bathrooms, maps boxes. Anything you see put up along the trail was purchased with club money.

Travel expenses for club members to attending DNR meetings, meeting with landowners, meeting with map sponsors, distributing maps, purchasing trail supplies and parts. Travel expenses get to the trails to do trail work.

Purchasing and maintaining equipment like Chain saws, brush cutters, brush hogs, post hole diggers and pole saws.

Then rent or own some kind of building to put all of this in.

I am sure I am missing items that others can add.


Well-known member
Well spoken, sabercat,ezra, and whitedust. Prime examples of people that more and likely do not belong to a club, and just sit on here and complain about things. (good job folks!) that there is a good role model for kids that read this post too.

why through me under the bus I just pointed out moto ski sounded like he new. any one named moto ski who was looking at trail equpment alredy new. I do belong to a club and have for around 35yrs when my grandfather started one.ps I am in Rome Right now and if you think the trails in da up are crazy after xmass to new yr try driving in this town.CRAZZZZZY thay use 2 lane roads as 5 lane with no reguard for any signs.see you all in a week.the autostrada was fun at 120 or so untill thay closed the freeway for 3 hrs because of a 6death reck .so when I got to Mt Visuvius I was like Chevy Chase in vacation what I flew 10 hrs drove 3 sat on a freeway for 3 and the last tour is at 3:30 and you wont let me in because it is 3:45 oh well I hit 135 on the way back to rome and it took that yinny clown car about 20 mi down hill to do it


What are the costs associated with all the clubs in a given county? Insurance, groomers, groomers mainteance, groomers gas, administration? How much? Anything else?

An example of another cost incurred by clubs came at last nights meeting. On the south end of our trails seom riders decided to go around our heavy metal farm gate indicating the trails was closed and completely tore up the adjoining barbed wire fence in the process. So there goes some money that could have been used to groom trails that will instead go to fixing a fence and kissing a landowners rearend to ensure the trail isnt closed for good.