Windows 10


New member
Did anyone else do the download? I put it on my laptop last week. I din't see any benifits to it at all, at least not for what I use my machine for. Some stuff is moved around but not sure it's worth all the hype


Active member
I was waiting to hear about it, i got the free upgrade thing but did not install yet. Heard all your pics slideshow as your screen saver, waiting to hear more about it.

And like frank said freebie makes you wonder?
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Active member
A freebie from Microsoft??? Kinda makes ya wonder.
I usually stick with the tried and true old rule: "Never be the first kid on your block to install a new software product." — particularly not from Microsoft!


Well-known member
My 8 month old HP laptop is sitting at geek squad/best buy due to this download. As soon as I clicked download, computer froze so after waiting 15 minutes I shut it down. Well a file went corrupt on the hard shut down and I couldn't get it to boot back up so they reinstalled the entire operating system. Get it home, try to download google chrome, black screen and says boot device does not support please install operating system on hard drive. Back to Best Buy I go. It is now sitting there, trying to get fixed under warranty again. I give up, Technology SUCKS!


Well-known member
come on indy was it really the windows 10 download or was it the window peepers 10 that made it crash


Active member
… Technology SUCKS!
Sucks: Technology no, geek squad yes!

Oh, and of course you violated the old rule — maybe the cardinal rule: "Never be the first kid on your block to install a new software product." — particularly not from Microsoft! :p
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Well-known member
Motherboard is junk. Back to hp it goes. Not a virus just quality Chinese craftsmanship. Really though I would like to try Windows 10...


Well-known member
I suspect that the roll out of windows 10 is because they will probably be discontinuing support for the windows 7 home & professional versions in the near future. I am waiting to do my download on my systems until I get some feedback. I have been told by some beta testers that they have not experienced any issues with it & for the typical desk tops & laptops that do not utilize a touch screen will have very little notable change to the look & operation.-Mezz


Active member
I was a beta tester. It is not so much look and feel where you are going to see changes. It is the security. More secure - runs more efficiently/faster.
Its a no brainer all should upgrade. I personally wait for the first Service Pack to come out so all initial release bugs are detected by the early adopters.

Cell phones, Tablets, PC's, Servers..... all run on Win 10..
Because it is free there will be huge numbers adopting the new platform.
This new cross platform Operating System will really drive the applications being created in their app store. It really is genious how they are reinventing the company.

Your personal info - data - Microsoft protects user privacy 1000x more than google or apple. Goole just split their business up. A big part of that alphabet soup company is selling data.
Guess who is one of the top buyers because they can not legally collect on their own.... The Government-NSA.
Apple is just as bad. They will sell your soul in a heartbeat.
The privacy deal is enough for me to make the switch.
My next phone will be MS.
I am also a buyer of MS stock.


New member
Snocrazy, everyone sells data to everyone ! to think MS is above that is crazy ! On Yahoo today is a story about AT and T the NSA partnered for data. Good for you on being a beta tester. No one cares ! Its MS and its passed on ! Good luck with that MS phone and stock. Don't use your credit or debit cards, or use your I-pass or have a mortgage etc. ! We all have been 'SOLD' and you can't escape it. BTW MS stock at $38.16,,,,Apple at $117 and Google at $661. Stock can't increase in value when your giving away a sub-product for free!


Active member
Snocrazy, everyone sells data to everyone ! to think MS is above that is crazy ! On Yahoo today is a story about AT and T the NSA partnered for data. Good for you on being a beta tester. No one cares ! Its MS and its passed on ! Good luck with that MS phone and stock. Don't use your credit or debit cards, or use your I-pass or have a mortgage etc. ! We all have been 'SOLD' and you can't escape it. BTW MS stock at $38.16,,,,Apple at $117 and Google at $661. Stock can't increase in value when your giving away a sub-product for free!

Just remember this day and the stock price...... Time will tell.