Wisconsin Fatalities



When we were at Lake N a few weeks ago it got to be a zoo about Thursday. The webcam at Lakewoods on weenie roast Sat showed about a gazillion people and sleds. Just too much action in one place.


no one knows how fast he was going . the truck was parked no one was in it . it was not a t bone it was a side sort of deal .
he was moving out for sure . from what I was told his goggles were fogging before last stop from falling in wet snow? not a excuse just a possibility.
he did hit a black 2500 chev so hard it knocked the wheel off by looks of picks he hit the wheel at like a 20 or 30deg angel .
the guys got to lakewoods and he was not there. they thought he went back to cabin so they went in short time latter a ice fisher came in and said there was a body on the ice .
yeah I knew the guy sad deal. and BTW all in his party passed the breathalyzer soon after law enforcement got there and they were not kids all 50+ yrs old dave I think was 52 or 53

2 of the guys are 41 - I know those two well. Another guy is 49. Not sure what Dave's age was.


Active member
In Mn snowmobile accidents are common in the winter. This is because the DNR has a whole different accident format than Wisc or Mich. In Mn if a snowmobile can be seen from wherever any vehicular accident takes place it is deemed a snowmobile accident. Also if while investigating an accident and a pickup truck with a snowmobile in the back of it happens to drive by it instantly becomes a snowmobile accident. If you fall through lake ice while sitting on a bucket next to your snowmobile - snowmobile accident. If you are shoveling snow in your driveway and you have a heart attack and die and the neighbor's old Skandic is idling next door - snowmobile accident. If you are standing next to your snowmobile raking snow off your roof and a big chunk of ice breaks loose and hits you in the head - snowmobile accident. If you are riding your snowmobile out in the woods and you run out of gas and a pack of wolves comes and eats you to death - snowmobile accident. If your garage starts on fire and your snowmobile is parked inside - snowmobile accident. If you are backing up your snowmobile trailer and run over your birdfeeder - snowmobile accident. If your dog chews the seat off your new $15000 snowmobile this too is a snowmobile accident. If you are loading your snowmobile on your trailer and your wife calls you to kill a mouse and you then forget to tie the snowmobile down properly and you go driving down the highway and your snowmobile falls off the trailer and gets run over by a snowplow - snowmobile accident.

Hey grub, if you have sex on a snowmobile with your girlfriend and she gets pregnant, is that a snowmobile accident too in MN?