In Mn snowmobile accidents are common in the winter. This is because the DNR has a whole different accident format than Wisc or Mich. In Mn if a snowmobile can be seen from wherever any vehicular accident takes place it is deemed a snowmobile accident. Also if while investigating an accident and a pickup truck with a snowmobile in the back of it happens to drive by it instantly becomes a snowmobile accident. If you fall through lake ice while sitting on a bucket next to your snowmobile - snowmobile accident. If you are shoveling snow in your driveway and you have a heart attack and die and the neighbor's old Skandic is idling next door - snowmobile accident. If you are standing next to your snowmobile raking snow off your roof and a big chunk of ice breaks loose and hits you in the head - snowmobile accident. If you are riding your snowmobile out in the woods and you run out of gas and a pack of wolves comes and eats you to death - snowmobile accident. If your garage starts on fire and your snowmobile is parked inside - snowmobile accident. If you are backing up your snowmobile trailer and run over your birdfeeder - snowmobile accident. If your dog chews the seat off your new $15000 snowmobile this too is a snowmobile accident. If you are loading your snowmobile on your trailer and your wife calls you to kill a mouse and you then forget to tie the snowmobile down properly and you go driving down the highway and your snowmobile falls off the trailer and gets run over by a snowplow - snowmobile accident.