Wisconsin State Police- Overpasses.


I thought I would mention they are hanging out on the overpasses. They gun you then grab the on ramp and bingo you contribute to the cause.

I didn't get it but the car next to me did on 51 north around Wisconsin Rapids.

My friend got pulled over a week earlier heading south around Stevens Point same thing overpass.


New member
Wisconsin has been doing this in that area for over 10 years in that area on Sunday afternoons and guess what all the tickets are southbound .So just slow down.


New member
yes. they use laser and can pick you out of a crowd from a very long distance. If you keep your eyes peeled and look a long ways down the road you can usually see them. They usually sit on on the very end of the bridge. At night your only hope is a laser jammer, which I think is still legal in Wisconsin. Illinois made laser jammers illegal a couple of years ago. The speeding fine is pretty stiff. I think it's $190 minimum.


Super Moderator
Staff member
The fine depends on how many mph you are over the posted limit. A couple of weeks ago I was doing my best impression of an Illinois driver and got nailed for 65 in a 55. $175.30 is the fine amount.


Oh yeah, nothing new there. They just hang out in certain places. You don't have to worry about every overpass, for example, HWY 41 south of Fond du Lac at CTH B, the State Patrol hangs out there all the time.


Seen it for years in I think Sheboygan county inbetween Milwaukee and Green Bay.
I learned the hard way but got let go with just a warning.


New member
After 7 seven years of running from the Twin Cities to the WI cabin. I just go the speed limit.

Unless I can get someone in front to bust a trail, then I may push it for an extra 5.
But even then they need to have MN plates also. Follow behind a WI speeder and they skip them and take the MN plates every time.
Wisconsin has been doing this in that area for over 10 years in that area on Sunday afternoons and guess what all the tickets are southbound .So just slow down.

And on Friday evenings, alot of tickets in the 51 northbound lane. They're always on the overpasses south of Knowlton.


New member
We came back on Sunday from St. Germain and they seemed to like and sit on the 'clover leaf' on ramps and get you as you come under the overpass. There were not a lot of 'clover leaf' shaped ramps but the few there are it seems like there was county mounty on them or state. Keep it slow boys and girls or they will eat good up there.


New member
I think it's exit 175 on I39/51 where they like to sit on the ramps and use Vascar as you drive between two painted lines on the pavement to determmine your speed. No radar detector will pick that up so it helps to know where they like to hide. I got pinched there 15 years ago and I always slow down there now


Well-known member
your tax money at work collecting more tax.I wont even talk to them any more just crack the window and slide out license.they get really pissed off then I hand my cell phone out the window with my lawyer on the phone {brother in law]I have had 4 at the car before I got out last time all I got was 70 in a 55 F em


New member
You need to buy a $500.00 new radar detector with GPS the best one is Escort 9500. It has a 5 mile range my Cobra is only 1 mile I need a new one. One ticket from out a state is $125 and up.


New member
Wisconsin state troopers have been doing that for many years now. Some of them sit in the middle of the bridge, some are more clever and sit off all the way to either side, making them a bit harder to spot. A surefire way to know is you can usually see they have their window open, because they cannot shoot laser through glass. That applies to whether or not they are on a bridge or in the median. Since laser has become so inexpensive over the past 5 years now, they have switched to primarily using that instead of Ka radar. Ka is way to easy for a good detector to pick up, laser is next to impossible, and once you get hit its too late, its just alerting you to a ticket at that time! Laser jammers are legal in wisconsin still, so go ahead and get one installed for $800 if you want. The escort 9500ix with gps will allow you to mark those locations, which is what i do now, that way you can go on the defensive and not even worry about the laser threat. I would recommend marking the location with the 9500ix well ahead of where you know the location to be, because the detector does not give enough warning time if you are doing 80mph+, they can laser you at greater than a half mile and get a reading no problem if conditions are good.

Lots of people even with good detectors(V1 or 9500ix) wont even know they have been lasered by a good operator because the beam dispersion is so small its likely not to even hit the sensor on the detector! Hats off to the technology in laser speed enforcement, its pretty damn good!


Set the cruise at 70mph, crank up the tunes and sit back and relax. Too much stress wondering what's around the corner and over the hill! I let some "interference" go ahead of me this weekend and 5 miles down the road we both almost got busted! So, I said the heck with trying to make up a few minutes it's not worth the headache.



New member
I hate people who don't have a clue what they are talking about, nor are radar, laser, or vascar certified. OHHh, nobody even metioned vascar.