Well, now that it is about 8 days after my world record attempt - I am finally feeling more rested and coming out of the exhaustion. It has taken a little time to re-bound back, but it is slowly coming. I am continuing to book radio, newspaper, and magazine interviews along with booking club meetings as well. I want people to keep remembering the Keller Family Community Foundation and why I wanted to do the 60 day world record attempt in the first place…
to help people with cancer. As the board is just starting out and going to be meeting again soon, we are hoping for anyone with ideas or suggestions on other events/fundraisers to please email our foundation at
snowballcancer@gmail.com. We are also open for ideas on how we could include other
snowmobile clubs from all different states into a fundraising event as well. We want to keep the snowmobiling concept
‘helping people’ going. We want to keep KFCF alive and on people’s minds. Thanks in advance for all of your support and suggestions!
Can check out more information on the web: