January 1st, 2000. I head out for a quick evening ride. I am heading home running the ditch, and jump a driveway, land a little bit crossed up, and I head right for a power ploe, I turn just in time to hit the pole with the right side ski, planting myself on the windshield. Hmm, spindle looks bent, ski is a little crooked, and the hood is bulging out on the right side. 2000 ZR600. I get home, put it in the garage, worry about it in the morning I says. Well, the next morning I am taking a look at it and realise the bulkhead is bent! So, I order up a new one, and the next weekend my buddy and I change it out, 18 hours it took us.
150 miles today, need more snow!!
AH yes the buldging belly pan plastic unfortanatly I know it all to well.2 times on my own and 1 on the wifes 25 mi wreck