how about a 6 year old kid getting shot in his home
WOWWWW ===== Have a little anger problem there , pal ? If your tough guy www image is who you are I bet you have an arsenal tuckered away ready to take on the world. Until the wife says enough.
say what you will the last decent cop retired 20 yrs ago and was glad to get the **** out of the modern militarized f uck head system . all just little bitches who were picked on and now have something to prove
Militarized Police?
I guess I've been lucky, either 'cuz I haven't personally seen that, or 'cuz I haven't had a need for that.
However, in the afternoon on Dec 1 of this year, with a "breaking and entering of an occupied dwelling" (Mine!) in progress, I was definitely impressed to see the Phoenix PD heli-cop-ter hovering over the house within 20-30 seconds of my 9-1-1- call.
And the pair of Phoenix cops (1 male, 1 female) that arrived in an SUV in something less than 3 minutes certainly didn't fit that image; more like either Eagle Scouts or fresh out o ' the academy!
As I encountered the culprits in my back yard, the male culprit hastily pedaled his way down the alley on his bicycle while his ditzy bimbo accomplice first walked briskly down the alley in the opposite direction then brazenly returned to ask if she could fetch her purse, which she had left at the other end of the yard.
"Uh, no, but I'm sure you can recover it from the police, as I'll be sure to leave it with them," said Frank.
(P.S.: Cop discovered that said purse conveniently contained the female culprit's driver's license and who knows what else.)
next time call 9-1-THUG
that is what they told us after Vegas also . to bad there are so many cameras with clocks in Vegas to show the real display of police bravery what a joke(Bad cops???)....running towards gunfire....
last time I called 911 after catching some guy jacking off in my garage . it took 2 calls and 25min of me holding this guy by the neck up to a tree in my yard . they all came at the same time from 3 towns . btw my town is less than 6 mi across and I live 5 blocks from the cop shop . oh they were real tough when every cop from every town around rolled up together though .well they drove him home because he was a good kid or should I say a related kid .well 3 yrs latter when the Hennepin county choppers were flying around looking for a guy who was standing over a woman's bed when she woke up I knew exactly who it was. and I was correct I made sure to call the Hennepin county prosecutor with my story. he could not use it because there was no rescored of my incident. yeah good work boys
last kid I caught in my truck trying to steel tools I did not even call he got the message loud and clear
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that is what they told us after Vegas also . to bad there are so many cameras with clocks in Vegas to show the real display of police bravery what a joke