Your trip is how many days?


Active member
Most and least amount of many days do you typically take off work to go sleddin and what day do you arrive on?

I think the most was 9 days over a New Years and I've driven 800 miles round trip to sled for a couple days.


Well-known member
Most and least amount of many days do you typically take off work to go sleddin and what day do you arrive on?

I think the most was 9 days over a New Years and I've driven 800 miles round trip to sled for a couple days.

Check out Polaris Dan's post in the Ride section, he holds the current record.



Active member
Travel day is usually Saturday (9-10 hours), riding days are Sunday thru Thursday then travel back home on Friday. If conditions allow the trucks will head for the bridge with most of the group riding to the bridge, 5-6 days straight of riding is a lot. We do this twice a year as we avoid riding the weekends for the most part.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I usually head up every Friday around 10 am, ride Saturday and if conditions are awesome, ride till noon on Sunday, then head home.

ICT Sledder

Active member
Saturday through Saturday or Sunday through Sunday, generally. Mileage math doesn’t work for me for the 3 or 4 day weekend trips, but I wish it did. Someday. Long drive for me, so travel days are pretty rough.

Go Fast or Go Home

Active member
Travel day on Sunday....Ride Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, head home on Thursday unless snow is epic then may extend it a day.

We used to ride on the weekends, but to many weekend warriors now tearing up the trails.



Well-known member
For us it's normally a 10 hr or so drive. Leave Wednesday night after work, stop along the way, and finish the drive Thursday morning. Ride most of Thursday, then all day Fri - Monday, and drive back Tuesday, back to work Wednesday. So take 4 days off work, ride 4 1/2 to 5 days. Try to do this twice a season. My main group all has young kids and works too much, but this seems to work out right.

Also take the family up to my in-laws once a year over President's Day weekend.

We used to take longer trips in college over Christmas break, but we had very old machines so inevitably we'd spend a lot of time wrenching while we were up there too. All fun though.


Well-known member
Gotta be honest, if I had to drive 10* hrs each way and only got out 1-2 times each yr I’d quit the sport. I drive 90 minutes, leave Friday after work, ride Friday night, Saturday and Sunday, then drive 90 minutes home Sunday night. And I do it 8-10 times yr.


New member
Drive is 6hrs, typically drive up wensday ride thur Fri Sat head home Sunday! Lately weve been chasing big snow storms last couple years. Do this 2 to 3 times a year. And we take as many day trips as we can chasing snow.



Well-known member
I do mostly day trips from town, and a couple of Friday, Saturday, Sunday trips but try to ride from town, if we have to trailer it is usually two to four hours one way


Well-known member
Right out the garage door, or 5 hours from the garage. Nothing set in stone, gotta go when there's snow.


560 mile one way....leave Friday nite out of parking lot at work....get thgere at 3 am...sleep...ride Saturday....leave sunday at noon...home by 8/9pm ish....if really good in sick then for some days....LOL


Leave Superbowl Sunday morning. Get there in time to unload and unpack and then watch Superbowl. Ride north Monday. East Tuesday. South Wednesday. West on Thursday. Wherever the best riding was do that again Friday. Load on Sat AM and head home. Too many idiots on the trails on Sat and Sunday. With the exception of Tracker of course.


Active member
My current record in the truck is 24 hours straight. 24 hours EACH WAY to get to I. Park / West Yellowstone! Pulling a big old trailer with a gasser so it was slow going. I don't want to do that ever again!!!!!


Active member
"My current record in the truck is 24 hours straight. 24 hours EACH WAY to get to I. Park / West Yellowstone! Pulling a big old trailer with a gasser so it was slow going. I don't want to do that ever again!!!!!"

This is why i'm more drawn to renting as of late.
To drive a nice AWD sedan is a lot less draining and can make quick time.


Well-known member
This is why i'm more drawn to renting as of late.
To drive a nice AWD sedan is a lot less draining and can make quick time.[/QUOTE]

I agree.When we go west now we fly and rent.


Active member
I plan 2 trips up North every season in N WI/UP depending on conditions. I leave early Sunday morning early. Typical trip is 3-5hrs depending on destination. We'll leave on Wednesday afternoon. Ideally I would love to wait till Monday and stay till Thursday, but that's two extra vacation days I save with both trips. Trails can be somewhat beaten down on Sunday depending on location, but I deal with it. Usually flat and smooth comes Monday-Wed.

We drove straight from W Yellowstone one trip- 21 hours w/ good roads. Dad did it the next year and was 24+ with bad roads. That fly in and rent sounds like a better idea. Been 10 years since I've been out there.


Well-known member
when I worked for someone was sunday through Friday, now its arrive Saturday leave Wednesday try to get 200 - 250 miles a day, that's my only ride of year unless can go for day trip