where is this location in Canada?
Day 14 / Mar 19
The 3 Old Guys set off towards Hay River this morning well equipped for the next leg of their journey. We continue to be awed by the welcoming communities of Northern Canada and the First Nation people. Yesterday afternoon, after so many of you assisted us, the guys were able to connect with Earl Evans who not only shared his maps and knowledge, but also fed the 3 Old Guys a Moose Tongue, Bear Fat, and Bannock dinner. Reportedly delicious!
Thanks to fortunate encounters like these, and the kind individuals that share their stories with them, the 3 Old Guys are able to learn, laugh, and gain so many friends along their way. When we received the check-in call last night, the 3 Old Guys sounded like they were having the time of their lives! - who wouldn’t be?