Search results

  1. F

    Storm of the Century-The Blizzard of 1949

    Did y'all happen to see the following comment on that video? Quoted here (with emphasis & [comments] added): More: Incidentally, many homes in da UP were (and some still are) built with a "mud room"/"snow room", sometime uninsulated/unheated, with an exterior door that opens inward, with no...
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    Minnesota Trip

    "Can someone give me advise [sic] …"? Well, I can advise you that you came to the right place for advice on where to go! (In anticipation of seeing a reply from you suggesting "where I can go"!) :numbness: "I have never rode [sic] …"? See (click →) Conjugation of the English verb to ride...
  3. F

    JD's Journal, Dec 10, 2017

    John, I generally greatly enjoy reading your journals, as you relate your boundless joy at your opportunity to live, work and raise a beautiful, wonderful family in the Copper Country. Having pretty much made the decision to not move back to finish my days there, I can at least put on my...
  4. F

    Pat's Motorsports Openhouse

    That sounds familiar, something like this: (click →) "The $100 Hamburger - A Pilots' Guide". (Been there, done that! :greedy_dollars:) Or as one reviewer said: This being one of my most memorable "fly-in" locations, tho' not exactly just a quick "hamburger stop". Nice! (Click above image to...
  5. F

    Up parking

    Sorry, I couldn't find a picture of ol' Oliver Wendell Douglas (Eddie Albert) on a snowmobile to go along with the above lyrics! Maybe this? Naw, close but no seegar. Well at least we have Green Acres Road in Houghton. No snow, though.
  6. F

    Are these bands ALL Lake Effect?

    What, is ALL this Lake Effect? Sort of a rhetorical question, but it sure looks like the typical Lake Effect banding! Intellicast Interactive Weather Map - "Future Radar" ≈ 2-4PM (EST) today.
  7. F

    The Lake

    "How high up in the air would you have to go to see the Superior from Calumet?" Of course the answer would depend on what you mean by "Superior". :friendly_wink: There is of course some higher terrain west of Calumet, but if you want to see "Superior" in the vicinity of Little Traverse Bay...
  8. F

    Tool pouch.

    One available: Yep, that should work. :greedy_dollars:
  9. F

    Northwoods Cam Network

    Found on the (click →) Northwoods Cam Network page: I'm trying to resist … trying to resist … trying to resist … Aaaack, I can't do it! How kinky! "Get nekkid with us on any cams not updating"? Better than doin' that on cams that are working! :grief: (c.f. "bare" vs. "bear".)
  10. F

    Getting excited

    After reading John's Journal today: I hope he will be thinking back to this "A tale of winter in da Keweenaw" post after the currently anticipated snow event eases off. 1. He deserves it. 2. It's about time! And the same to all the rest of you snow-starved sled jockeys! :devilish:
  11. F

    Pat's Motorsports Openhouse

    Hey Lenny, the house is looking purdy nice! (I wish I could take the 25¢ tour to see the beautiful restoration job you've done!) Just one thing … did you take that picture with a fire going in the room on the left front corner of the second floor — and the smoke pouring outa da window? :hororr...
  12. F

    8 weeks in da yoop

    Oh neat! Looks like … (click →) Air Choice One, to & from ORD Terminal 3 (≈2hr. + 30min.) and MSP Terminal 1 (≈1hr. +30 min.), flying … (click →) Cessna 208 Caravans (single engine turboprop, ≈200 mph, 8-11 pax?): That should be a nice trip1, at least to & from (click →) IWD — from the...
  13. F

    Chinese junk invasion

    "Chinese junk invasion"? "Chinese junk invasion"? It "wooden" be the first time! :devilish:: "Junk (click →) Keying travelled [sic] from China to the United States and England between 1846 and 1848."
  14. F

    kubota makes sled

    You must have blinked and missed this:
  15. F

    NANO OIL... the future arrives

    I'm sure glad that "Everything that can be invented has been invented." as has been erroneously attributed to Charles H. Duell, the Commissioner of US patent office in 1899! Or, as found in a report to Congress in 1843 by an earlier Patent Office Commissioner, Henry Ellsworth, where Ellsworth...
  16. F

    Guess when will we be able to ride in the U.P.?

    "able to ride"? or perhaps "allowed". I'm not an English [sic] major either, I are a "mathemagician"(BS Mathematics, MTU, 1964)/software engineer (retired). (Don't feel alone. it "ain't" you, it's a general deterioration in English language skills that I see nearly everywhere that bugs me.)...
  17. F

    Tell me where to go...

    See Wikipedia: (click →) Aircraft Deicing Fluid. See also: (click →) Sporty's Pilot Shop - TKS De-Ice Fluid, Quote (emphasis added): (Just kidding? Maybe yes, maybe no. :cool: )
  18. F

    Big dump of snow!

    Yep, that's the way it's done! Incidentally that hapless soul is headed north on Bridge Street in Houghton and when he stops drifting he finally winds up headed west on W. Houghton Avenue (between the yellow house (since painted pale blue) and the red Sherwin Williams paint store. I actually...
  19. F

    You say it how in Michigan...Really?

    Here's one for the Keweenaw/Copper Country locals: How do you pronounce Oneco, as in Oneco Rd (Calumet, MI), 1.5 miles north of the Houghton County Airport, from US-41 east on the Boston Road alignment: Is it "One-co" (like maybe the older brother of "Tuco Salamanca" (Character) from "Breaking...
  20. F

    Packers and Bears Week

    "DONT [sic] 'TREAD' ON this 'THREAD'"! :devilish: [English is a dying language!]