Search results

  1. uncle_ed

    My vehicle was totaled by my insurance company

    One of our group hit a deer in the u.p. some years ago. Scary stuff but he was ok and able to strap his sled together and drive the rest of the day.
  2. uncle_ed

    My vehicle was totaled by my insurance company

    I was in the collision business all my working life and have dealt with this quite a bit. Quite often I found the settlements to be fair and the owners happy with a settlement but not always. Yes, your settlement is negotiable to some degree but the burden is on you to prove why it's worth more...
  3. uncle_ed

    Interesting Snowmobiling pictures

    older vid but kinda neat. Dam climb
  4. uncle_ed

    Web cams?

    Im 3-4 years into Ring cameras and do like how consistant and well they work. You need a subscription for storage but easier than setting up and maintaining my own storage. I used to have i.p. cams in the past but they proved difficult to set up and maintain. The Ring cameras are plug and play...
  5. uncle_ed

    Favorite stops from back in the day..

    Its not a business establishment but the Teepee east of Shelby was very much a destination that locals would head to to hang out and warm up a bit. I have seen hot dogs cooked on the fire that was typically always burning in the old boiler inside on a few occasions. The land owners changed...
  6. uncle_ed

    The Journal; Thoughts from Gracie

    Quite obvious your parents did a great job in your upbringing......Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!
  7. uncle_ed

    John Dee

    Truly sad news. My heart felt condolances for the Dee family and friends. I always admired John not just for his weather prowess but for his love of family which you could read about weekly in his journals. He would share his life story with us and it always left you with a good feeling and a...
  8. uncle_ed

    So.......I started a project, My new Garage!

    "I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. It's because of them I’m doing it myself" - Albert Einstein
  9. uncle_ed

    So.......I started a project, My new Garage!

    Good choice for siding. I would have used that but I did my last house with the fiber cement and sold it almost 20 years later and it still looked great so went with that again. I used an 8 1/4 which leaves a 7 inch face. We had our place by the silver lake sand dunes for 25 years and then...
  10. uncle_ed

    So.......I started a project, My new Garage!

    Im on the tail end of my summer project. Not that it compares to the magnitude of your project but the cabin turned home had some miled oiut T1-11 that needed a fix. Had new windows installed last year and now im installing James Hardie siding this year. What are your siding plans?
  11. uncle_ed

    So.......I started a project, My new Garage!

    Thanks for taking the time to dociument your project with us like its not already enough just to knock this thing out on its own. Looks sweet and will give you many years of enjoyment and use. I must say...It looks like you know what your doing! :cool:
  12. uncle_ed

    What Will You Be Riding This Winter?

    Ill be the guy on the right side of the trail, with my hands on the bars, wearing my 22 year old snowmobile jacket and riding a 2 year old Renegade 600efi ;)
  13. uncle_ed

    What, no talk? no speculation?

    Not much interest for me either with big bores anymore. Bad juju with the 900/1000 motors so I would suspect competing in the 850 class would make sense. Smooth and reliable would be a winner and they NEED a winner!
  14. uncle_ed

    The Perfect Up North Property

    Having a 2nd place to get away is nice and should be just that....a place to get away from the "normal" routines and enjoy something different. Make sure there is plenty to do close by whether it be hunting, fishing, water sports etc. just make sure there is stuff you enjoy close by or at least...
  15. uncle_ed

    The Mosquito - It's Available

    Finally made it to the west end of the u.p. that last big rain turned to snow event of the season. Very nice trails with the groomers out as well. Even stopped in at Pats......super nice place and location!
  16. uncle_ed

    How many miles did you put on this season?

    Was able to ride out of the garage in silver lake a couple of times. Had snow that came and went a few times and was deep enough for a rip. Only one trip north but was to the Keeweenaw and was never that far west before so was very cool. Going back for sure! Might have around 600 for the season...
  17. uncle_ed

    3 Old Guys Ride to Alaska

    F From what Ive read for the most part these guys have the credentials to undertake this task. One thing they have for sure as old frank would say is they have Sisu......
  18. uncle_ed

    3 Old Guys Ride to Alaska

    Surprised because there is a bunch of old farts on here? lol I see the sense of adventure in this especially at their age. Very cool..... Just different than lets see how fast and how many miles can I click off today.
  19. uncle_ed

    BRP Exome Radiant Helmet

    You should like it indy. The couple times !`ve used mine its worked great. Only drawback I found was putting the face mask down after a stop was a little cold where the mask lays across the bridge of your nose otherwise a flawless cord free ride.
  20. uncle_ed

    Here we go... again.

    I was there at 10am and they dont open till 11am but I didnt see a soul anywhere. There may have been somebody inside but I never went into the place. Somebody may have info to confirm idk.