I rate them as the following:
#1 Mystic. It was clearly the thickest and most purple. Everyone knows purple oil is the best oil, and thickness is key. It finished last in the race across the plywood. That means it protects the crank well.
#2 Legend SR. It smells the best. Smell is everything when it comes two stroke oil. It traveled to the bottom of the board the fastest. Fast oil is good oil.
#3 Klotz. It absorbed into the wood the best. It must be enviornmentally friendly. Envoirnmentaly friendly is always a good option.
Ive said it before, Ill say it again. I only use Purple PowerLube because its the best. Breeze's test proves it.
It soaks though the old style cardboard containers, so it absorbs well. (Environmentally friendly).
Also when it soaks through, it leaks out and runs out all over the place quickly. (Fast = Good).
Sometimes, I cant get it to come out of the container without a fight, so it sticks to stuff well. (Sticky is also good).
And most important, its purple. (And it stinks good).

The only down side is they haven't made it in 40 years and its hard to find.
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