2013 Boating Season


Well-known member
went out for 1 last run to look at fall colors sat .
now she is wrapped up at sitting at its winter spot over looking the corn fields


New member
Last boat ride of the season. Windy as all get out this morning. Get to stay on boat at lift. then got exec. treatment with stairs being delivered for me to exit the vessel. (felt like the pres. getting off Air Force 1). the guys power washed it for me and off to its heated resting place on stands in Grand Haven. I was totally amazed at how many boats are still in the water.


Active member
I finally went to the lake and got the pontoon out of the water today. There was some snow on the shore which you don't see very often when riding in the boat. I think we got it out just in time as there was a thin layer of ice at the boat landing that I had to go through and the forecast is for 10 degrees tonight and 2 degrees tomorrow night with a high of about 22 tomorrow.