Ok What is smart ride?
Pete, if you are referring to mine yes it caused an issue and is now fixed. I can only imagine the bugs will be worked out with future models with smart shox. It's all mostly related to wiring where rubbing is causing wires to short out. I will say this is where Yamaha would have had it right the first time. Anyway, highly recommend them. Much better than air ride and I know since I have both. Not even in the same category in my opinion.
Attakman, maybe you don't use GPS or music but many of us do. I can only listen to the drone of the engine for so many hours. I like to mix it up a bit. My son and I used GPS all last week with the BRP go app while out in Idaho and Montana and believe it or not the maps were spot on. Helped us navigate in a storm when someone got lost and unfortunately died. They found him several days later. He was not with us but we were on the same trail at the same time. So, for some it should be an option and is very useful for those of us who can utilize it.