Answering Questions


Active member
John, no need to apologize to me but I thank you for it. It was a good lesson learned for me on respect. If nothing else, we all got to know just a little bit more about what a great young man winter time is.

AND how Indy putting a smiley face after something that's actually insulting is not "just a 16 year old kid just being a kid" but is disrespectful to all. I've been remiss as a parent myself in just ignoring some of the silly yet disrespectful things he posts.

Like you said Indy, you're top poster in your heart - so no need to post something that has no relevence to a thread just to keep those numbers up!? :)

And that's what puts the fun in our dysfunctional family...that there are people in here who care about others and care about the well being of others.

Thanks John.



Well-known member
Like you said Indy, you're top poster in your heart - so no need to post something that has no relevence to a thread just to keep those numbers up!? :)

What I think is odd is many people think all of my posts are just to get my #'s up?!?! If i come on here a lot of course i'm going to post a lot... When someone starts telling/complaining about me posting, of course I'm going to post back stupid nonsense things! Just like eagle1 said. If they reply with more complaining, I'm just gonna post back something funny until they stop complaining! Why do we need to get upset over a forum anyways? It's a great site, which allows us to find out weather, snow conditions, snowmobile info, etc., all while having fun doing so (at least I think we should be!). Thanks again for the great site John, I've tried dozens of other snowmobile forums but keep on coming back to this one.


Active member
Indy, not trying to bash you at all. But, for all we ADD'ers, this post did start with Happy stating his opinion that there are some posts within a thread that have nothing to add but some nonesense. We all rallied to state that one just has to ignore those posts. Some of those posts, though, happen to be yours. I'm not trying to bash you about it...just sayin! ;)

I'm in here all the time too...I have a grand total of how many posts? There are certain things I just stay out of and certain things I know nothing about. The issue of repsect comes into play with the reason that I don't post. I always try to be very conscientious of what my tone is and I try to always be respectful. I try to use my smiley faces and 'just sayings' for the sole purpose of letting people know that I am just joking around and an overgrown smart alleck...but never to make a rude or mean comment and or a comment that could even be perceieved in any way as disrespectful.

Now, for my joke part - "What I think is odd is many people think all of my posts are just to get my #'s up?!?!" - Um, maybe the pushing 5,000 posts that you HAVE is why people think that???? :eek:
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Active member
dc, I noticed folks were getting a little heated in some of their posts!! You could have stepped in and made some RESPECTFUL smart alleck, light hearted comments in my absense!?! :) And it's always good to throw out some Rodney King when one is trying to convey unity?! :eek:

You have your busy season coming up, yes? All ready for the craziness to start?


Active member
WOW, I have read this whole thing since the start but missed yesterday :eek:!!
Man I feel like a {{GROUP HUG}} or something is needed for sure :rolleyes: (remember I turned 50 this year and that allows me to be corny ..right) :)

" MAN " I just thought we all knew how it goes - straight-up with good info mixed with smart-alleck, smiley faces and great people :)

Well thats what I think anyway, just thought I chime in it's been a while and my post count is down :cool: :)


dc, I noticed folks were getting a little heated in some of their posts!! You could have stepped in and made some RESPECTFUL smart alleck, light hearted comments in my absense!?! :) And it's always good to throw out some Rodney King when one is trying to convey unity?! :eek:

You have your busy season coming up, yes? All ready for the craziness to start?

We will soon, be ready. It happens so fast...water turned on in a week, open on the 15th, close 6 months later....phew!


Active member
DC - Let me know where you are located...I know folks that head your way in the summer. Would be happy to lead em to your door!

And Mrs Bear - It's ALWAYS OK for a group hug...I don't care how un-LOVELY some men might find it!? :eek: It was getting a little scary in here with smart alleck smiley face abuse and some respect issues...but I think Happy started a happy thread that helped us have a nice therapy session for some of the dysfunctional members and now we can "put the fun back in dysfunctional" - (you didn't tell me how many times I could use it, right Russ?? :) )


Well-known member
Hey, I can't claim to be the originator of it, only a propagator. So please use it freely, with no obligation to pay royalties (though I would cheerfully accept them!) :D


New member
I mentioned 3 months ago that the constant post whoring and hijacking by certain individuals was getting annoying. Its only gotton worse since then


Active member
olsmann, did you not get your group hug from Mrs Bear? :D

And I thought it was only out of hand because so many of us couldn't do what we're supposed to do in the winter?!? :eek: