Answering Questions


Active member
AlumaDoo - come to think of it... um, I'm not sure?

Russ, you win with THAT breakfast! Buscuits and gravy...mmmmmm

I had cold leftover pizza. I thought that was good til I saw Russ's rundown!


Well-known member
Nothing wrong with cold leftover pizza.....breakfast of champions! (rivaled only by leftover White Castle sliders)

Speaking of pizza....local pizza joint just brought us a couple large pies that some low-life bogusly (Nash, is that a word? ;) ) phoned in. Pork tenderloin on the Ronco "set it and forget it" rotisserie tonight. We're eating well today....
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Staff member
windingtrailgal -

For what it is worth, wintertime can out-wrench most I know and suspect he would out wrench indy with one hand tied behind his back.

He also makes excellent grades, works very hard at his job at one of the local stores and is a member and volunteer with the local snowmobile club.

One more thing, he has hand crafted a prize for the Ride In the past two years.

Just thought this would be of interest to all of you Indy-protectors out there.



New member
oh, by the way wintertime is 18 years old, is a senior in high school, takes 2 college classes and is finishing firefighter 1 and is a volunteer fire fighter for Bootjack Fire Dept. and is a hard worker like John says.


Active member
Poor Happy wades into the JD posting pool and his thread gets hi-jacked by a bunch of smart allecks roaming through and then posting you-tube videos!?!? :) It takes guts to post an opinion with this lot of hooligans in here?! :eek: (I have L'dmao tho!)

Happy, ya gotta ignore the posts that have nothing to do with, with, whatever?! I get what you're saying...but 9/10, folks in here are not mean and not trying to be disrespectful. IMO, there's just a lot of ADD'ers in here who forget what the original post was really about. :confused: Within that Mommotorsports post you were talking about, the question got answered with useful info, Indy increased his post total, some smart allecks weighed in and, all in all, everyone was just being themselves.

Just like real life, ya'v got some (very few, imo) jerks who never have anything nice to say (and i just ignore them - mostly!) You have nice people who have some tone issues because they don't use smiley faces or punctuation. You have some kids that need some discussion board raising! (some adults too!) You have some smart allecks...OK, a LOT of smart allecks! But it's a warm and fuzzy disfuntional family that, when push comes to shove, would answer any question you post to the best of their ability. I was just about in tears when I read the thread of the JD'er who was asking for help and advice from this family here about his brother.

Just sayin' :eek:

I'm gonna start with my original post in this thread....

and then I'm gonna state that I wasn't trying to stick up for anyone or slam anyone else...and anyone would be hard pressed to find anything I've ever said on this board that WAS slamming anyone. Well, maybe Brian France but he isn't on this board. I was making a joke about Indy not having a girlfriend saying they were trouble - and I'm a GIRL - so I was thinking that it would be taken as a joke. I wasn't trying to stick up for much to the point that I wasn't trying to slam winter time.

I'm kind of an idiot I guess...I felt like we were ALL joking around. I'm not quite sure how it got to the point that my comments were perceived as slamming winter time - which was not my intent in the slightest - but if that is the perception, I'll apologize to him -

Sorry, winter time. I wasn't trying to slam you nor be disrespectful in any way.



Well-known member
Wow, nice thread.
As to the original topic- Because of Indy's comment, Hoosier posted a very cool picture of his trip, which we might not have seen other wise.

As to all you Indy- basher's out there, realize your responsible for probably half of his post's!
"Poke a pig, it's gonna squeal".............
"takes 2 to tango"................
"hear no evil, see no evil"


New member
windingtrailgal -

For what it is worth, wintertime can out-wrench most I know and suspect he would out wrench indy with one hand tied behind his back.

He also makes excellent grades, works very hard at his job at one of the local stores and is a member and volunteer with the local snowmobile club.

One more thing, he has hand crafted a prize for the Ride In the past two years.

Just thought this would be of interest to all of you Indy-protectors out there.


oh, by the way wintertime is 18 years old, is a senior in high school, takes 2 college classes and is finishing firefighter 1 and is a volunteer fire fighter for Bootjack Fire Dept. and is a hard worker like John says.

I'm gonna start with my original post in this thread....

and then I'm gonna state that I wasn't trying to stick up for anyone or slam anyone else...and anyone would be hard pressed to find anything I've ever said on this board that WAS slamming anyone. Well, maybe Brian France but he isn't on this board. I was making a joke about Indy not having a girlfriend saying they were trouble - and I'm a GIRL - so I was thinking that it would be taken as a joke. I wasn't trying to stick up for much to the point that I wasn't trying to slam winter time.

I'm kind of an idiot I guess...I felt like we were ALL joking around. I'm not quite sure how it got to the point that my comments were perceived as slamming winter time - which was not my intent in the slightest - but if that is the perception, I'll apologize to him -

Sorry, winter time. I wasn't trying to slam you nor be disrespectful in any way.


Thank you very much for the compliments John. It really means alot to me.

Thank you traveler your compliments really mean alot to me also.

Finnaly Windingtrailgal, I personally did not take it as you were bashing me but were just trying to be funny and I feel that there is no need for an apology but thank you anyway.



Active member
Winter time -

Being funny at someone else's expense is never good with me. I'm glad, though, that my ignorant comments prompted others to state what an exceptional young man you are!



New member
I have to vouch for both wintertime and windingtrailgal. I spent a week with Joe and his dad in IP, Idaho riding. Joe's parents can be proud. I spent today with WTG and her husband, both outstanding folks. They own eleven Poo sleds how can you not like um! And I had coffee and 3 pretzel rods for breakfast. Lunch was a bottle of water and some airline salted almonds. Oh and a crusty french fry off the floor of my truck fr dinner! Life is Good!


Well-known member
idk, I'm quite the mechanic with these on my side


New member
Man!! Now I for SURE feel guilty that we didn't go grab some lunch!!!! Good thing you had that french fry off the floor?!?! ;)

just kidding about the french fry. We stopped at "white castles" red headed step sisters place "Culvers" Had the butter burger. What the heck is a butter burger anyways. Menu is so complicated. Their #9 should match Burger Kings and McDonalds #9. heck some of us order by number and color. "I want the number 9 with the red pop (soda)."


New member
thank you very much for the compliment wayne. im starting to save again for next years trip or hopefully trips

Sweet, We sometimes need a good mechanic on board to keep your dad from blowing his skis off his sled. I called Rick (Moms)this morning and told him to put me down for Cooke and IP for next yr. Heck I have to go back there now that we know where the "good stuff" is located. I think you would really like Cooke City, beacon, probes, pack and an Avy awareness class are a must if you wish to do that. And we will need to haul gas, when we go to "Top of the world". Smurfrider is in for both trips also. All we need is Traveler to go too! I am all about going to Lava Mtn. again. You may want to consider that trip. You may want to get penciled in. Mom's is already about 1/2 full on a couple trips out west for next yr. already.


Staff member
I need to apologize to windingtrailgal. We have sent private e mails, but I wanted to do it in public too. I did not see her follow up to winter_time, so I messed up when I made that post to her.

With that said, my feelings that winter_time is one heck of a guy still stands!

I am proud to know him.



New member
I have no knowledge either! I killed most of my brain cells already but, only the weak ones!
I still post, provide no real usefull information and still, somehow, haven't gotten banned! But I do like to ride and soak as much as a dry sponge can from this site and have met a lot of great people! Just keep with it, you'll make it! I have, so far...

I'm in with Dave_B.... my synapse's are not firing correctly this morning or some are fried due to my younger days but can't seem to follow what happened here since the last time I read it ????

Can't we all just get along ? Like I said in a previous post.... " we must have forgotten how fortunate we ALL really are....."