Whitedust, if you need a deal and you want to upgrade, let me know - I might be interested in letting the '09 LTX GT go. Still in mint shape and close by. Think about it and we can talk before the season. My preference would be to sell the Vector and that was the plan, but I am flexible, so let me know if I can help.
Face it dude, you aren't going anywhere, any more than I am. I love FL and the gulf shores of AL, but I'm not sure I could handle that heat in the summer anymore. It gets pretty intense down there from June to Sept.
Thanks Fusion but if I did upgrade it would be a used XTX with EPS, a used GSX or Gade 4tek. Right now my Attak is in great condition so the urge to upgrade is just not there. I have been to FL in August & was ok but I stay on the beach 24/7. Inland forget it in summer you will bake in 10 minutes. Bama gulf shores are indeed very nice but I'm an Atlantic boy.