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Viking fans -------- You've been Favred once again! MUAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA
Best face palm ever?
Best face palm ever?

Brett favre is a class act and one **** of a quarterback by any standards ....He took the hits and stayed in the game where alot of quarterbacks his age would of fell.... This game was a well played game by both teams and was not lost to a better team ,But was lost to their own mistakes...... Brett farve is and always will be be remembered as the best to have ever played the game... His love and passion for football has made him the class act he is .... Gee all this and im still a bears fan sad huh???
Lol, just a little farther than the Bears I guess, lol.
Best ever...What..Quit the cool aid dude..
We have a guy at work that reminds me of farvra..Never missed a day..older guy..nice most of the time..thinks he is the only reason the place is still standing..everyone wanting him to retire
The more things change.... The more they stay the same....
Us Packer fans TRIED to warn you!
There's no doubting Farve's toughness and love for the game but that's also his downfall always trying to do it all.
Whats not to understand? Live by the Favre.... Die by the Favre![]()
so you say farve blew the game????HaHA
Was there really much doubt how this games ends? Lmaoo.. Favre throwing pics while coach kick butt poops on the ground. It was only a matter of time when the Vikings choked and hit the ground with their paints around their ankles and a rope around their neck.
Obvious that some of you Green bay Packers fans wanted him to fail. He gave you many GREAT years and you turned on him like no other. So how far did the PACK go this year I think that says it all!
Obvious that some of you Green bay Packers fans wanted him to fail. He gave you many GREAT years and you turned on him like no other. So how far did the PACK go this year I think that says it all!