climate change VS global warming



some commented aboot how it was colder when he was younger and it global warming is evident kinda to him and others....maybe I can shed some light on it....its actually not global warming as we know it....pollution, man. exhaust, energy, etc...what ts more like is climate change....its not due to man....and there are several reasons that included specific facts and events but are largely ignored or over looked by scientists kinda like the ufo bigfoot debate in science also...since its always been nutty to look at it scientifically its been shrugged off as a myth....but heres the short version....the earths tilt...and you can look up AXIAL TILT WIKIPEDIA if you want read youself...


Earth's axial tilt (obliquity) is currently about 23.4°.
Earth's orbital plane is known as the ecliptic plane, and Earth's tilt is known to astronomers as the obliquity of the ecliptic, being the angle between the ecliptic and the celestial equator on the celestial sphere.[6] It is denoted by the Greek letter ε.

Earth currently has an axial tilt of about 23.4°.[7] This value remains approximately the same relative to a stationary orbital plane throughout the cycles of axial precession.[8] However, because the ecliptic (i.e., Earth's orbit) moves due to planetary perturbations, the obliquity of the ecliptic is not a fixed quantity. At present, it is decreasing at a rate of about 47″ per century (see details in Short term below).

so the tilt has been tilting.....and when it does....the magnetics of the sun and the IRON CORE

will be back

old abe

Well-known member
Very good stuff Tracker. There are many things out there to look at. I' am a "Elwin Taylor" type. There is a big difference between "climate change", and "global warming". The climate has always, and will always be changing.


I feel much better now. Here I always believed things were tilting because of too many Bud Lites. Now you say the tilt is tilting. It has nothing to do with Bud Lite!!!!!!

old abe

Well-known member
Well, go ahead and another one grub!!! You'll be just fine. Oh; and here's to ya!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhh. I just can't quit understand how it still tastes sooooo good.


Well-known member
I think, and MY 2 cents here, the tilt deal, can have effects, but there is NO way possible to over look that fact that HUMANS are making more heat
take any empty room in a set temp of say 50 degree's and just fill that room with a 100+ people and watch the temp rise!
add in the couple billion people on earth NOW as to yrs past, and well, you have more heat being put off, add in emissions going out there, more reflective things on EARTH now than ever
and there HAS to be some sort of negative effect of it all!

would have to be a fool to NOT think it all adds up into more warming going on in our world now than in the past!
I'm NO global warming nut case, and I think both sides of this stuff has some nutty views
but logically thinking, there has to be a CHANGE in things from humans and all the things we do and use and make!

water is in in VERY low conditions in MORE places now than ever that cannot be helping matters either?

All my local lakes rivers and streams are LOW and been low and getting lower yr after yr here
when we DO get rains, they flood due to how hard the ground is, it all runs off

the world might be leaning tilting more, but there is more to it than just that with weather changes! IMO


Well-known member
well Cal just banned cow farts lol.
but sort of true put caps on farming methane. god I hope it breaks off and sinks soon


sorry was outta where were we

so the tilt has been tilting.....and when it does....the magnetics of the sun and the IRON CORE pull it closer to the mantle during peak shifts and pole switches....all what we see is actually this....the iron core gets pulled towards the crust closer than its ever been which in turn melts the ice and warms the seas and the evidence is in the earthquakes and tsumanis....the japan one was aboot the start of this cycle of warming....or so....and now you see more cracking everyday....they MUST look from within AS WELL as external AS WELL as mans contribution.....but the melting of the peat moss and release of carbon by this far out does any other event in carbon we contribute...yes but really we need to cut back on polution....yes but that's not the driving force of warming....can we stop or slow it quit thinking global warming due to pollution by aint so....the pole shift and magnetics and iron core are all moving right now more than they ever have....since the last ice age that is....and this event...its every 750,000 clock work.....look up geomagnetic pole shift

PS...theres a mountain out west this all can be measured by the iron crystals hardening in rocks as cooling towards magnetic pole

this is the part they think is a myth...only the rocks tell a different story....its all part of the 13 times the mayans and egyptains Templars nostradamos and all old civilizations say happens but everyone says its hog wash like ufos and bigfoot.....I hate to tell you this....but its all real...hard to believe but there it is none the less and IMO needs a good SERIOUS LOOK AT IT AGAIN....hope that clears some stuff up...its not set in stone as nature can and will override any event...there a lot more to this but I don't want to get off into the mythical stuff since I know a lot of you cannot fathom this are even reluctant to hear anything out of the norm....Einstein summed it up best at death

LIFE IS BUT AN ILLUSION....I'LL BE IT A DIFFICULT ONE TO BELIEVE....roughly....and its all related


its like the PAULDING LIGHT also....that light is actually similar to an aurora but its moving along one of the magnetic leylines of magnetism of the earths magnetic fields.....will people look at this say this....its a ghost....its a car....its a it aint....its freaking nature....its a natural event and it occurs everywhere on the earth...but if you say something aboot it, then your labeled nutz....but its part of the climate change evidence whether you think its mysterious or not...they say ley lines are hypothetical....o really.....the how come I can see them from space and one lands and enters earth at Paulding....hmmmm....this is all driving the iron core closer and melting aint rocket science....theres ALWAYS 10% truth to any mystery


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so to sum it all up...due to all this activity and platetonics.....the earth and seasons are off 2 this is like end of October really


Well-known member
so to sum it all up...due to all this activity and platetonics.....the earth and seasons are off 2 this is like end of October really
if all we are is off 2 months, then how do you explain places that seasons DON"T happen at all , as in PAST condition repeating at all?
more to things, than just being two months off !


if all we are is off 2 months, then how do you explain places that seasons DON"T happen at all , as in PAST condition repeating at all?
more to things, than just being two months off !

the spring last year....did it last longer than usual? the summer last 2 years.....did they seem like summer when summer should start and end....the fall this year and last....did ya notice how warm it was lately and November seemed like October? and now....the winters....last 2 years they started late and lasted well into after the trails closed in march....the snow comes later now....and it lasts until april may forget aboot places with no seasons....focus ON YOUR LOCATION...has it changed like I said? does it seems 2 months off to you? i'll bet 95% on here answer....why yes johnny....I did notice that now that you mention it


Well-known member
the spring last year....did it last longer than usual? the summer last 2 years.....did they seem like summer when summer should start and end....the fall this year and last....did ya notice how warm it was lately and November seemed like October? and now....the winters....last 2 years they started late and lasted well into after the trails closed in march....the snow comes later now....and it lasts until april may forget aboot places with no seasons....focus ON YOUR LOCATION...has it changed like I said? does it seems 2 months off to you? i'll bet 95% on here answer....why yes johnny....I did notice that now that you mention it
your 100% wrong here for my location
I never had a winter last yr, just one snow fall, and then warm more than cold
and NO season didn't; run longer than normal, warm up green up was sooner this past yr then I can ever recall, way before normal
and again winter never really came at all
Summer started sooner, and then got colder than normal! then hotter than normal, then colder
been up and down like a yo yo all yr here!

been almost mid 80's one day in OCT and then in the 20's 12 hrs later and then two days later back to 70's and then back to freezing
and so on!

NO rhyme or reason lately here! so, its NOT just like seasons are off , coming later ot sooner or lasting longer
its completely up and down all the time
have had 40's in July, when it should be in the mid to upper 80's
HOW do you explain this?? as fall and winter have LONG been GONE< and if you say were running Later into seasons'
well winter was long over, as we had a few months of warmer weather, then a drop like this?
again more is going on that things JUST being backed up!
in MY area that's for sure, NE PA!


NO rhyme or reason lately here!

if you woulda looked at the info aboot the MOLTEN CORE (think lava lamp blob) and magnetics we know is not stable and would of answered your own question

in the meantime.....try looking out the cabin once in awhile....and man o man.....your a hard you didn't notice a thing...good for you little tommy....the rest of us don't go all francis on us again