Colorado and the legal pot....


Well-known member
You can't place "potheads" and casual users in the same group just as you can't lump together alcoholics and casual drinkers. Like Lenny stated, some have addictive personalities and can lose control very quickly, some are in control at almost all times. I used to smoke in college, if offered up one today i might/might not do it. I have no problem with it being legal and regulated. Of course there will be people who abuse it, just like liquor, prescription drugs, illegal drugs, etc... Its your choice of what you do and you are the only one that should bear the responsibility of what you do. I wish i could take back some of my actions while I was drinking, but you can't. There are plenty of professionals that smoke weed and are very successful, just as ones that have a drink or two everyday after work. I draw the line at impairment and driving or doing another process that endangers others, specifically me!


Active member
True statement > " Its your choice of what you do and you are the only one that should bear the responsibility of what you do. "

However the problem is once whoever crosses that line to Too Much,, booze, pot , drugs, the responsibilty is now shifted to others who may be affected or around you whether other drivers, friends coworkers family,,

And as far as a Toast with pot, usaually a fist bump is sufficient


Staff member
Kind of makes you wonder why the US Government holds the patent on medical marijuana.



Well-known member
think they bought it from George Washington .he was the first sitting supporter.
u know just 1 of those lazy shiftless pot heads. dont forget that burn out Jefferson man a conversation with him must have been like talking with Jim on Taxi.
George-Washington-hemp.jpg hemp_-_jefferson-argument_for_marijuana_george_washington_legalise.jpg


New member
I am not an expert on weed, but I did research it a little. For those of you that have not researched it or visited a shop out in Colorado, google it. But this is what I have learned.

There are two distinct strains of the stuff you buy at the store. Sativa and Indica.
Sativa is used to treat depperssion, ADD, fatigue, etc. More of a pick me up. If a lady walks into the store and says I need more engery to clean the house, this is what they would recomend.
Indica is more relaxing, unwinding at the end of the day, like a glass of wine.

They sell different % of the stuff as well as a combination of the two. The stores I have been in have glass cabinets with all sorts of strains/potency. They educate you on everything and you kow what you are getting.

If I had a medical condition that had me taking pills, I would rather get a precritpion from a doctor and treat it naturally.
I think the stuff you buy on the corner is laced with who knows what and is a ton more stronger then when you were in high school.

I don't mind the taxes they charge. At least now it is regulated and you know what you are getting. Better than it going south of the border


Well-known member
Silly potheads....sheeesh!

Useful for rope, paper, and clothing, hemp was long promoted in Virginia as an alternative cash crop to tobacco. Tobacco depleted the soil, and gluts sometimes drove prices down. Shifting economics led to a small "hemp boom" by 1765. In two Virginia counties, folks were allowed to pay their taxes in hemp.
Both Washington and Jefferson tried growing hemp on their Virginia farms, with mixed success. Washington used some of what he grew to make hemp clothing worn by his slaves. However, U.S. hemp exported to Britain often was of such poor quality that it couldn't be sold, and Washington was never able to turn a profit on the crop despite sustained effort. Jefferson also seems to have grown hemp strictly for local consumption, from which we deduce he couldn't make money at it either. In short, not only were Washington and Jefferson marijuana farmers, they were unsuccessful marijuana farmers.
Notwithstanding their failure to make a fortune from hemp, Jefferson and Washington kept at it. Washington continued to tout the crop after he became president. Jefferson invented a better "hemp brake" to separate the fibers from the stalks, something he thought was so important agriculturally that he refused to patent it. This tells us two things. First, Jefferson ran an advanced marijuana processing facility. Second, he was a socialist.

I am confident that Washington and Jefferson both knew well that smoking the stuff would lead to being lazy and shiftless and if they had we would still be ruled by a Brit monarchy.
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Well-known member
but how would they ever know with out u there to let them know just how shiftless and lazy they were.
yeah we all know the hemp farmers only packed there pipes with tobacco. the Indians that gave them the stuff never shared the secret of the peace pipe.
correct me if I am wrong but is not the deceleration of independence not printed on paper made in Jeffersons hemp paper factory ?
and the Principal Author of the deceleration of independence was no socialist. few things he said over his life have been taken out of context and used to sway the sheepel but he was deff a libertarian .


Active member
When I was working out in Oregon, we could not find any prospective employees to pass the mandatory drug test. So we brought in automation.

This is just another reason for companies to get rid of employees. Don't worry though, the government will take care of you. How dare an employer ask that their employees come to work not under the influence of anything. What nerve!


Thing is just because you fail a piss test for weed does not mean you were high when tested. Its BS how it is tested and if you had any in last 30 days (approx) you fail the test.
I know the cops really want some sort of weed breathalyzer... Its not reality yet.


Well-known member
So... just to stir the pot..hehe.... if marijuana is legal does that mean people on government assistance don't get tested??


Well-known member
So... just to stir the pot..hehe.... if marijuana is legal does that mean people on government assistance don't get tested??

like they are now give me a break . heck drug addiction and booze addiction are considered social security worth disability's


Active member
Youse guys are way out. No one ever got tested for anything. BUT wait if you have no income $ still not good enuff. Have to pass the asset test. Cant own ahything car boat home bank accounts. IRA dont count. Just have to jump thru hoops