Did anybody else see this accident?


Active member
I saw this happen too, once we knew the guy wasn't hurt, I could stop laughing at the stupidity of the situation. FIBS was my first thought, then though maybe they were rentals which would have explained a lot. Nope, not rentals, clearly these guys were in the middle of a mid-life crisis, all went and bought sleds with no experience. These are the kind of riders that make me shake my head and have made me a more cautious driver, or better yet, i think we'll find some off trail riding today. At least one of them was wearing a go pro which is the most ridiculous new fad in snowmobiling, no I dont want to watch your video of trail riding on what I know are bumpy trails. Unless you got the video of your buddy going over the bridge, I'd watch that again and again.
I'm a FIB and I'm waiting for the apology. Just like Minnesotans are waiting for a Stanley Cup.


New member
West Side of Gogebic accident

We drove passed there must have been shortly after it happened, saw the sled and guy down there, was wondering how that could have a happened. He is so lucky he wasn't hurt or worse. Thanks for the info olsmann!

Sitting taking a break a trail junction where the trail heads south along the west side of Gogebic. A group of about 5 guys on Yamahas riding like complete idiots cross the road (a few side by side of course). Well as soon as the get across the road and pull some massive wheelies, the race side by side is on down the trail. So one guy goes to pass his buddie, pushes his buddy off the right side the trail, right at a point where there is a small bridge with a little creek and a cheep 2x4 railing. Well he went right thru the rail for a 10 foot drop into the creek. Sled lands upside down and he lands right in the creek. It was a pretty good drop.

Anyways we run over to help and guy seems ok but shook up and stuvk in the slush. Buy this time his buddies come racing back to the rescue and almost run my wife over. We were gonna offfer assistance but it was clear these a-holes didn't want any help. These were not young guys either. Anyway. Just wondering if anyone else witnessed this? In my 25 years of riding I've never seem a bigger group of idiots on the trail. And that's really saying something. It was kinda surreal to watch a guy run his buddy right off the trail, thru a guard rail and into a ravine just pass him in a trail race.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Wow, glad I stay in the woods. On the way home today, driving through Eagle River, we watched 3 people blow right through a stop sign, just past the bridge near where the ice castle normally is, heading toward Trackside, the last clown didnt even look! The level of stupidity is unbelievable.


Well-known member
Did the leader (biggest dude) have a tan jacket? Pretty sure I encountered these fools trail riding with my dad this weekend. Passed them, all on the outside corner hauling tail through tight twisties and encountered them at a gas station later (can't remember which one)


New member
A friend of mine lives just off hwy 70 and the trail crosses his driveway. There are trees on both sides of the trail and he always warns me to stop in the driveway and creep out. Sure enough this day we are heading back to his house with the plow truck, he stops and before we could even look down the trail three sleds in a row FLY across the driveway blowing the stop sign passing with in inches of the V plow. Now I am only guessing ( don't have a radar gun ) but I would have to say somewhere in the 50 MPH range. We start pulling out and here comes two of his buddy's picking up the rear all I could see was two sleds cutting left and right with the binders locked up. My buddy points to the stop sign and they smile and stand up wheelies after we pass through trying to catch up with there buddies. ***


Well-known member
A friend of mine lives just off hwy 70 and the trail crosses his driveway. There are trees on both sides of the trail and he always warns me to stop in the driveway and creep out. Sure enough this day we are heading back to his house with the plow truck, he stops and before we could even look down the trail three sleds in a row FLY across the driveway blowing the stop sign passing with in inches of the V plow. Now I am only guessing ( don't have a radar gun ) but I would have to say somewhere in the 50 MPH range. We start pulling out and here comes two of his buddy's picking up the rear all I could see was two sleds cutting left and right with the binders locked up. My buddy points to the stop sign and they smile and stand up wheelies after we pass through trying to catch up with there buddies. ***

probly more traffic on the trail than on Hy 70 on any given Saturday with snow.
Good thing your friend stopped.


New member
also, I keep tight to the right on corners and still just about hook skis with people. when i do and if i'm still able I will whoop some butt.


New member
Did the leader (biggest dude) have a tan jacket? Pretty sure I encountered these fools trail riding with my dad this weekend. Passed them, all on the outside corner hauling tail through tight twisties and encountered them at a gas station later (can't remember which one)
WHAT? theses guys ride with your dad?

Uncle Vito

New member
I saw this happen too, once we knew the guy wasn't hurt, I could stop laughing at the stupidity of the situation. FIBS was my first thought, then though maybe they were rentals which would have explained a lot. Nope, not rentals, clearly these guys were in the middle of a mid-life crisis, all went and bought sleds with no experience. These are the kind of riders that make me shake my head and have made me a more cautious driver, or better yet, i think we'll find some off trail riding today. At least one of them was wearing a go pro which is the most ridiculous new fad in snowmobiling, no I dont want to watch your video of trail riding on what I know are bumpy trails. Unless you got the video of your buddy going over the bridge, I'd watch that again and again.

Probably time to consider a new user name ;)


New member
Did the leader (biggest dude) have a tan jacket? Pretty sure I encountered these fools trail riding with my dad this weekend. Passed them, all on the outside corner hauling tail through tight twisties and encountered them at a gas station later (can't remember which one)

Not sure, can't remember, the size of the guy and the fact he had a go pro had me laughing too hard to take notice of his jacket, They were probably the only 4 yammi's driving like this, most yammi guys seem to be older riders and actually know what they are doing (don't drive like idiots). I usually see kids riding zr's and xcr's riding like this, it was incredible.


I cant believe people from Wisconsin could possibly wreck a snowmobile. WOW. Idiots do exist outside of Illinois....hmmm. Imagine that? Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people assume you're stupid, than open it and remove all doubt, because it could be recorded on a Go-Pro.
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New member
I cant believe people from Wisconsin could possibly wreck a snowmobile. WOW. Idiots do exist outside of Illinois....hmmm. Imagine that? Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people assume you're stupid, than open it and remove all doubt, because it could be recorded on a Go-Pro.

I think the term FIB refers more towards a arrogance portrayed more than stupidity.


as a groomer I get to see all the missed corners and trees busted off. Last night I saw 3 blown corners all right close to Rockland. One is on a bid sweeping corner where two sleds went into the pickers. No big trees except whips and one 2" which was busted right off. The other one was a 1/2 before this corner and guy dropped off trail with huge trench and foot tracks. No wonder guys die because they cannot handle their sleds!