did poo 800's ever get straightened out?

2011 Poo had a few Injector issues that caused failure im told...on Hardcore sledder guys with the '12 rave about power and reliability. from '11 to '12 they changed injectors and also some different porting. Upping the HP a bit. Polaris didnt say anything about that hoping all the issues were solved. I have a '12 800 and love it..everyones that has rode it gets off with a smile. Power is great and oil consumption is even better. I wouldnt be afraid of a '11 or a '12 at all. BTW mines for sale if anyones looking for a 800 144x2


They seem better, but IMO the issue has not been fully remedied. One of my good friends dropped a cylinder/piston skirt on '11 pro RMK. Punched a hole in the case, and destroyed the motor. There are others I have seen on snowest with VERY similar issues.

However, the motor runs well when running, and the chassis is incredible. It would be my choice of sled as long as I had warranty, but I am an expert at voiding those...lol


Rode with 2012 Pro R 800. Not the same sled as an RMK or Assault but same motor. As far as power is concerned I would say that Pol has caught up to a point. They are still not heads and shoulders over anybody on power. As far as blowing up nobody from around here got enough miles on to really address that issue. Pol has spent a lot of time on the 800's. It wasn't that many years ago when they didn't even sell that many 8's. But now the industry has changed. Everyone is selling more 800s so Pol has to step up. It appears they are trying.


Well-known member
I would buy one but only with a 5yr ext warranty and would sell in 4 no matter what.
quit a few guys on snow west still busting skirts off the jugs around that 1500 to 2k mark.spendy dice to roll if your jugs are next.
if I owned one I would with out question be putting in some of the longer skirt/lighter pistons offerd buy a few of the aftermaket corp out there.
I would look real close at my jug skirts when appart for hair line cracks.
but then my history with poo is one of any thing that can bust will but only on my poo.my bud can buy same sled same day and run for yrs after my poo has been traded in cuz of any thing that can bust did
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New member
I would not worry about buying a new Poo 800. Polaris knows they had some major duds and it really hurt the companies pride to lose the number one spot. They want it back with a vengeance. American pride is a hard thing to swallow to our friends to the North.


thanks for all the responses guys!! I am leaning towards the 2012 600=I dont hear of as many issues,and I think its going to do everything that I need it to

Deleted member 10829


I think you will be very happy with that choice. The 600 has been one of the most reliable motors on snow for many years. I used to have 800's but didn't like all of the belt blowing they did. Unless you do a ton of lake racing and have to beat your buddies across the lake, you will be more than happy with the 600. I'm past having to be first across the lake, in fact, I never cared about that. Best of luck!


Well-known member
I for 1 am still sad with the passing of the 700 class always liked the 700s insurance liked the 700s.
still cant figure out why cat dumped the 700 for a 800 to only get 4extra hp out of it for 3 more yrs.

I will say for 90% of the time a 600 is more than enough for us flatlanders.


New member
600 is a good motor. Only place it lacks is at elevation. If you ride in mountains, a 600 may not cut it, depending on your riding ability.


Well-known member
the new '12 - '13 600 is 135 hp they claim which moved into the 700 class spot!
is that not what they said about the 09 800 when it droped from 154 to 146? sorry could not resist.
if they are getting 135 out of the new 600 that is impresive. prob a fun flat land boondocker
hahha c'mon...making fun of that 09 800 motor is like poking fun at a handicapped kid on the playground! lol

even if real world is 130hp thats impressive....everyone that has a '12 600 RMK motor LOVES them. and now word got out guys on other forums are fighting for leftover or used ones

Deleted member 10829

Another 2012 800 loses a piston / skirt, new post on SnoWest 3/8/2012

Only 500 miles on the sled


To answer the O/P's question, I 'm not convinced that POLARIS got the problem straightened out yet.

I question a post like this one you ask us to click on. It's from a guy that says he rides a 2012 Cat and has Cat logos all over his post. Not too credible IMO. I'm not convinced! LOL


New member
If I felt Poo had an issue I would surely report it. In the Poo crowd I know and or ride with no issues on the 11 or 12's pertaining to the motors. I am not impressed with my stock rear bumper and that is it. We did have a voltage regulator on a 10 800 assault go. Dealer had in stock. Lost about an hour with this issue. Thanks again Mtn. Mayhem powersports for staying open until we got there. Dave B. Got a voltage reg. And cpu last year on his 09 or 10 800. I would not worry about the new motors. The 600 is also a screamer for its size.


New member
If I felt Poo had an issue I would surely report it. In the Poo crowd I know and or ride with no issues on the 11 or 12's pertaining to the motors. I am not impressed with my stock rear bumper and that is it. We did have a voltage regulator on a 10 800 assault go. Dealer had in stock. Lost about an hour with this issue. Thanks again Mtn. Mayhem powersports for staying open until we got there. Dave B. Got a voltage reg. And cpu last year on his 09 or 10 800. I would not worry about the new motors. The 600 is also a screamer for its size.
Good, cuz I am a lookin. Somehat hesitant though since I have all those upgraded parts in my older 800's they should (in theory) keep on running for a long time. Are any of you Assault/RMK guys in the neighborhood of my size 6'5" 250? Kind of concerned about comfort. I'm too tall to stand all the time unless I had about a 18" ape-hanger riser!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Second day of riding in Tog I developed a mid range hesitation on my new Pro 800. It did not happen all the time, but it was there. After that day I did not have it happen for the rest of the trip. If Houghton Powersports would have had the Pro Rmk 600 on hand the day I was buying, I would have bought the 6 no question. As the new owner of an 8, I hope Poo has them figured out, but I have my doubts, and because of that, I did get the extended warranty. I follow everything on snowest also, so I know of the issues some have had, we will see I guess.

I did get a little time on John's new kitty, I could have bought one of those and been happy also. Great sled!

D.B. Cooper

Active member
I question a post like this one you ask us to click on. It's from a guy that says he rides a 2012 Cat and has Cat logos all over his post. Not too credible IMO. I'm not convinced! LOL

There's a lot of guys on there with multiple post history, not bogus screen names

Along with pics

and Indy Dan

And the 2011-2012 800 breaking parts official poll, lots of facts

Bottom line, 2011 and 2012's 800's are still breaking pistons and cylinder skirts, period!

Certainly you're not suggesting a JFK conspiracy theory....................................................
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