did poo 800's ever get straightened out?


New member
thanks for all the responses guys!! I am leaning towards the 2012 600=I dont hear of as many issues,and I think its going to do everything that I need it to

I just got a leftover '12 Switch pro r with a 600. I have no desire for anything more. My '10 600 Shift is all I need. If they put a little more in the '12...well that's even better. Not worth it to have the extra bs that comes with an 800. I've drove them and there is a noticeable difference, but not much at all.

Deleted member 10829

There's a lot of guys on there with multiple post history, not bogus screen names

Along with pics

and Indy Dan

And the 2011-2012 800 breaking parts official poll, lots of facts

Bottom line, 2011 and 2012's 800's are still breaking pistons and cylinder skirts, period!

Certainly you're not suggesting a JFK conspiracy theory....................................................

Why would this guy say he rides a 2012 Cat, have Cat logos all over his username area, yet post he's riding a Polaris and it just happens to have had a major engine problem at 500 miles? You can't be serious!? I don't doubt they are still having some issues, heck all of the OEM's do, but 93% of the poll respondents are not. And if you think a random poll on Snowest is 100% legitimate, I have some ocean property in Arizona to sell you. :) Have you read nothing good about the engine as you post only negative things over and over again? Are there no good things being said on Snowest you could cut and paste here? Your agenda is very clear to me.


Why would this guy say he rides a 2012 Cat, have Cat logos all over his username area, yet post he's riding a Polaris and it just happens to have had a major engine problem at 500 miles? You can't be serious!? I don't doubt they are still having some issues, heck all of the OEM's do, but 93% of the poll respondents are not. And if you think a random poll on Snowest is 100% legitimate, I have some ocean property in Arizona to sell you. :) Have you read nothing good about the engine as you post only negative things over and over again? Are there no good things being said on Snowest you could cut and paste here? Your agenda is very clear to me.

Well said mark
I just snow checked my 2013 pro 800 155


Well-known member
Why would this guy say he rides a 2012 Cat, have Cat logos all over his username area, yet post he's riding a Polaris and it just happens to have had a major engine problem at 500 miles? You can't be serious!? I don't doubt they are still having some issues, heck all of the OEM's do, but 93% of the poll respondents are not. And if you think a random poll on Snowest is 100% legitimate, I have some ocean property in Arizona to sell you. :) Have you read nothing good about the engine as you post only negative things over and over again? Are there no good things being said on Snowest you could cut and paste here? Your agenda is very clear to me.

not to stir the pot but if u read the guys old posts he started the yr with a new cat had the belt thing because of the clutch alinment bar issue sold it was excited about his new pro liked it then had issues this was over a 2.5 mo of posting .and he still ownes a M 1000.
could all be BS but kinda looks like a long time frame of posting just to be able to bash on sno west 3mo later.
yeah I dont have anything better to do than go back and read some guy I dont know and his friends old posts on a 68 degree sat I MISS MY WINTER and am kinda sad and have no desier to go out and enjoy this crappy hot weather

Deleted member 10829

Well said mark
I just snow checked my 2013 pro 800 155

Congrats! Let us know how that belt drive works out, I can't wait for them to put it in a trail sled. Maybe Cat will have to borrow that design too so they can resolve their belt issues!

Deleted member 10829

a new cat had the belt thing because of the clutch alinment bar issue

Tell us about this issue. You sure don't hear much about it on this site, or the reverse thing. I don't visit other snowmobile sites. If it was a Poo, everyone would be posting about it non-stop. Kind of like a Rush Limbaugh vs. Bill Maher thing. Double standard IMO only.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Tell us about this issue. You sure don't hear much about it on this site, or the reverse thing. I don't visit other snowmobile sites. If it was a Poo, everyone would be posting about it non-stop. Kind of like a Rush Limbaugh vs. Bill Maher thing. Double standard IMO only.

Snowest.com, and BCR are the two best sites for info concerning mountain sleds that are out there. This site is not known for the techical side of things. Lots of problems with all the brands. If I want to know what is going on with a certain model of mountain sled, snowest.com is the place to go.

Deleted member 10829

Thanks Skylar, I will have to check that out. I guess I'm not referring only to mountain sleds. Am I the only one that notices, on this site anyway, that Poo gets blasted quite often, yet you hear nothing about Ski Doo having issues with 800 etech last year and Cat unable to keep belts on some of thier sleds and the reverse doesn't work this year? Maybe it's just me.


Well-known member
Tell us about this issue. You sure don't hear much about it on this site, or the reverse thing. I don't visit other snowmobile sites. If it was a Poo, everyone would be posting about it non-stop. Kind of like a Rush Limbaugh vs. Bill Maher thing. Double standard IMO only.

I guess what happened was belts have been blowing like crazy to the point you could not buy one out west.
guess the prob is the robot that torqued the stud bolts on the clutch alignment bar was not tightening the bolts to the point to set the stud or something like that.so now you are out riding vibrating twisting around,that pulls the stud that extra bit in to its set spot. but now your nut is loose causing more shifting and hole auging making the issue worse.
the reverse thing is some kind of bad thrust washer I guess owners were told not to use reverse until new parts were installed.for the hassle the affected owners were given like 2 more yrs of warranty.
think poo is looked at under a more sceptical eye is track record in the past yrs with the 800 and the way it was handled. and when it the 800went it went hard.
looks like for the most part they are running strong part of the failer rate is just numbers with so many pro out west running you will have isues I am sure persentage wise all 3 are prob real close.
I just know if I bought one next yr with out question the skirt would bust even if it was the only one in the country that failed it would belong to me.

Deleted member 10829


Thanks for the great explanation. I was thinking it had something to do with the clutch alignment bar design, but loose bolts will sure do it. Darn robots! I had the first year Poo 4s turbo and there was a reverse problem that involved a washer too. Very easy fix and they gave us a $50 gas card. With the extra warranty, it sounds like Cat is stepping up to the plate and handling it well. Have to admire that!


Well-known member
Thanks Skylar, I will have to check that out. I guess I'm not referring only to mountain sleds. Am I the only one that notices, on this site anyway, that Poo gets blasted quite often, yet you hear nothing about Ski Doo having issues with 800 etech last year and Cat unable to keep belts on some of thier sleds and the reverse doesn't work this year? Maybe it's just me.

It might be just you.....I've seen plenty about Doo's crank issues....and how they bend.....etc

Deleted member 10829

It might be just you.....I've seen plenty about Doo's crank issues....and how they bend.....etc

Ok, I will give you that, but that's from years ago. I was referring to the 800 etech issue and 2012 Cat issues.

D.B. Cooper

Active member
Why would this guy say he rides a 2012 Cat, have Cat logos all over his username area, yet post he's riding a Polaris and it just happens to have had a major engine problem at 500 miles? You can't be serious!? I don't doubt they are still having some issues, heck all of the OEM's do, but 93% of the poll respondents are not. And if you think a random poll on Snowest is 100% legitimate, I have some ocean property in Arizona to sell you. :) Have you read nothing good about the engine as you post only negative things over and over again? Are there no good things being said on Snowest you could cut and paste here? Your agenda is very clear to me.

Are you saying reputable companies like Indy Dan and RKT and MTNTEK are making all this up and selling 800 fix-it kits when no problem actually exists?

My only agenda is to answer the O/P's question and NOT to sugarcoat the facts as to be so brand loyal to in an attempt to cover up a design flaw

Time to get your head out of the sand
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Well-known member
Ok, I will give you that, but that's from years ago. I was referring to the 800 etech issue and 2012 Cat issues.

Not necessarily.....though I haven't seen a dedicated thread referring to them in a long time, I've seen them mentioned very recently in threads that were started on a different topic but migrated to other things, as threads so often do. I think the bottom line is, most of us fail to notice, or at least, don't pay much attention, when "other" brands have their issues. But when "our" brand is cast in an unfavorable light, we tend to notice very quickly and it seems as though we're being "picked on". Human nature, I guess.


Well-known member
Am I the only one that notices, on this site anyway, that Poo gets blasted quite often, yet you hear nothing about Ski Doo having issues with 800 etech last year
I think there's a lot more Poo guys than Doo guys on this site. If you go on HCS and see how many are view Poo & Cat versus Doo, its phenomenal. All the Doo guys stick to DooTalk they don't want to hear what us Poo & Cat guys have to say about their sealed crank bearings :)


New member
I think there's a lot more Poo guys than Doo guys on this site. If you go on HCS and see how many are view Poo & Cat versus Doo, its phenomenal. All the Doo guys stick to DooTalk they don't want to hear what us Poo & Cat guys have to say about their sealed crank bearings :)

Haha, which is why I won't buy a don't...I mean doo!

To add; poo also sells more sleds than doo. I used to see soooo many doos on the trail. Not any more. I think it changed when poo came out with the rush and assault pro ride.

I'm not trying to brand bash here diehards. I have my reasons why I stick with poo.


Well-known member
All the Doo guys stick to DooTalk they don't want to hear what us Poo & Cat guys have to say about their sealed crank bearings :)

You can say what you want, doesn't bother me a bit.....I got 10062 trouble-free miles on my sealed crank bearings. :)