Dogs/Pets Around Children


New member
I was just reading the latest Journal and noticed Huck right there by your little girl.

I know some folks really do trust their pets around children,But,The fact remains that a dog is not perfect by any means and one just really never knows what could happen and it just scares me to see a photo such as that :(

I really hope no one takes this the wrong way as it is just one of those things that scares me.


New member
I agree illinois, you just never know. Dont ever think that your dog wont bite somebody, we did and we were wrong.


New member
I sort of agree. I mean, a dog is a dog. It's an animal. And you just never know. So they definitely should be supervised. But what are you saying? It bothers you to see pictures of kids near dogs? Do you think a dog should never be around a child? Cause I think that's a little extreme. I have a rottweiler. He scares the daylights out of everyone b/c he's a barker. Barks at the cars that go by, the four wheelers, the school bus, etc. But that's about all he does. He lets my kids ride him like a pony. When my oldest learned about body parts, the poor dog got an anatomy lesson every morning while napping on the couch (eye! poke eye, ear!- pull ear, teeth! put hand in mouth, etc....). I was always right there to make sure things were fine of course. Dogs have pretty clear body language. When he's not in the mood for the kids, he walks away. When they chase him when he's 'done'- I reel the kids in and let the dog make his escape. They should never be fully trusted. But if you don't think they should ever be around kids, I'd have to disagree. My kids have learned how to be gentle with animals, and how to care for them (they fight over who gets to give him his treat when he comes in from outside). While my dog has gained 2 playmates who will throw his toys as many times as he brings them back, and give him all the hugs he could want.


New member
My kids use my dogs as pillows. I could never imagine having a dog I was worried would attack my kids. If you have one that makes you that nervous, time to get rid of it.


New member
As I stated in an earlier thread, my wife and I just put our 4 year old Chesapeake down. He love us dearly but I could not trust him around others, especially the children next door to us. He showed too much aggression even though it was sporadic. We live on a lake in northern Wisconsin so our neighbors are mostly weekenders. I guess the dog was just use to only my wife and I, along with a few friends. We have no stay at home children. We've been trying the last two years to rehibilitate him and although we saw improvement we just could not trust him on a consistent level. The hardest thing I ever did in my 54 years was putting down a young, healthy, good looking, devoted to us, dog. I can't even imagine how I would feel though if he ever hurt a child. I know we did the right thing but it still was tough. You definitely need to keep an eye on any animal that is your pet especially around young children.
Interesting topic.
I have a 100lb lab that truely knows her place in our pack (family). I have
100's of pictures of the kids sleeping with the dog, playing dress up, pulling, poking, playing fetch, etc..... My favorite is when my son plays in his sandbox and the dog demands to be out there sitting 5 feet in front of him in a heal/sit position sticking her chest out. The first sign of any sound and her hair stands up and she gives the "I heard something bark".

To the orignal question, you do have to be careful. An aggressive bark can blow a newborns eardrum. I have seen her swinging tail knock over a two year old. And, when an unexpected sound occurs the dog will jump up and see if there is any danger regardless of who or what is in front of her. Basically, as a parent, the dog is included in your responsibilities.


New member
I think this is a case by case , dog by dog basis type thing. Some dog breeds are better than others. Only problem we have ever seen is when the dog wanting to lick the baby which is cute for a second than really gross. I think the picture you are talking about in the journal, the dog looks passed out cold? I have never seen a lab that wasnt awesome with kids. I wouldnt be to worried. I think John would know his dogs best if there was any possibility of trouble.
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Active member
I know some folks really do trust their pets around children,But,The fact remains that a dog is not perfect by any means and one just really never knows what could happen and it just scares me to see a photo such as that :(

I really hope no one takes this the wrong way as it is just one of those things that scares me.

I have to say that was also my first thought. - And Gracie is not a kid or child, but a baby. Big difference. IF any dog were to go off, at that point its to late and now you would only be reacting.


I think it really does have a lot to do with the breed and how it was raised.

I agree. We have two dogs and I would trust them around anybody. There are certain dogs that I will not even go around but the breed and the training certainly play a large role. I never even thought twice when I saw that photo because of the breed of John's dogs and most likely the training they receive.


New member
I have trained protection dogs most of my life. I can command them to bite left or right arm or leg, back and crotch. With that being said my dogs are around kids all the time because they are told when they can bite.


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New member
This is the most obsurd thread on johndee. IMHO This surpasses the john bought a Honda thread a while back.

It is amazing how hypersensitive the world is today.


Well-known member
I think we should lock our kids is a fire proof room with air filters no tv and only books approved buy a majority pacifists W.T.F. is this for real?


New member
I guess I'll have to wipe out half of my kids' baby books. I'm pretty sure "knowing" John that they are right there.

I have a feeling pretty soon we won't have any pics in John's journals. He's already gotten rid of most of his riding pics, next the dogs, and then the baby. Too bad.



Well-known member
Now a days I would be more worried about the neighbor then the family pet. Yes does it happen sometimes but I think people are more dangerous around kids.


New member
This is the most obsurd thread on johndee. IMHO This surpasses the john bought a Honda thread a while back.

It is amazing how hypersensitive the world is today.

i agree with ya 700. but i cant help seeing what others think. we need something snowmachine related. how was your season whos done and whos not?


I was just reading the latest Journal and noticed Huck right there by your little girl.

I know some folks really do trust their pets around children,But,The fact remains that a dog is not perfect by any means and one just really never knows what could happen and it just scares me to see a photo such as that :(

I really hope no one takes this the wrong way as it is just one of those things that scares me.

I can understand your concern when you see something like this although I totally disagree with your reaction. Couple things to mention here. John is no child, not sure how old John is but looks to be at least 40 and I know he has had dogs for some years. I also know John makes educated decisions. With this said, I bet John knows his breed of dog well. A dog owner has to be responsible and understand his dogs body language. These are things we observe as the animal is experiencing things around itself. Also, pups find their niche in family structure and learn also. I doubt you would find John's dogs and Grace outside unsupervised. You saw his family in a pic which is an event (in a sense that is orchestrated) that was planned. I would be concerned if you were to see recklessness. Nothing in the pic even remotely suggests recklessness or endangerment. I have a 7yr old lab. I have 4 kids 17,12,10 and 7. Obviously only the 5 year old was a baby around the dog and I was surprised to see the dog (Ollie) walk away in the way she did once in response to Andrew falling over her. As a lifetime dog lover and owner, my observation of watching Ollie interact as Andrew was a baby was concerning to me. As a result I understood I needed to be aware and not allow Andrew to startle Ollie, you learn the body language. If the dog just walks away lowly and relocates themselves, you know they are uncomfortable. As Andrew grew the dog became much more comfortable and now Ollie shows no discomfort around Andrew. Can I totally trust Ollie with Andrew and be 100% certain no harm could come, perhaps not but I trust the dog more than many people I know and that is no lie.

I was bitten by my own dog when I was 12. I was crawling up behind our German Shepherd (Heidi) who was eating a milk bone at the time. soon as I got to her she turned to me and nipped my hand and drew blood. My dad smacked me and told me not to do that again, lol. I agree with my dad's approach (except the smack) because the dog had no training so you better expect it to react naturally.

Honestly, when you read John's journals you see a man who loves life, loves his wife and child, loves his dogs. His passion is so obvious. You can clearly see he makes educated decisions. With all this being said, I don't think you need to be concerned about the welfare of Grace. I don't mean that in a sarcastic "mind your own business" way. You have your reasons of feeling the way you do but I believe there is more to a pic than just what you see. I also am not trying to defend John. I just wanted to relay my thought on this seeing I have raised my children in the presence of Dogs. I have had a few- Jackie, Baby, bumpy, junior, Dudley, Tia and now Ollie. I have seen behavior from Junior (Pup of Jackie, splitting image) that was concerning. As a result, it was my responsibility to adjust to the dogs behavior. I think it would be unreasonable to think John was unaware of a potential threat
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