Dropping gas prices


New member
Crude just fell to $36.22 and inventorys are increasing-----hold off on filling----the price should be dropping before a week is up.


Gas around here went from 1.89 to 1.95 today. I still wonder why when the price of a barrel of oil goes up, it takes about 3 days for gas to go up, but when the price of a barrel drops, it takes 3 weeks to see it in the price of gas.


New member
It never fails.Just when it's time to head north for the snowcation, the aholes find a way to increase their spoils.Untill we become independent of those sandrobbers, we will always be paying too much at the pumps.With the help of the Canadian oil shell reservers, I think North America can pull it off.jmo.


New member
Anybody else find it interesting that the price of gasoline keeps moving higher even though the price of crude is relatively stable and gasoline stockpiles have doubled or tripled the forecast.

Did I miss something...I look at this every single day.


New member
The speculators have 37 tankers just sitting out at sea waiting for an increase in crude oil prices.The cost to store the crude for one day? One tanker? 67,000.00 American. I hope this plan blows up in their faces. Most speculation is coming from Europe.All crude quantities are in barrells.


New member
Jumped up to $2.09 overnite in the Holly Mi. area. Of course!<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font>'s almost Memorial Day and summer vacation time.


Well-known member
Fishing opener cash in, lots of travelers, like Memorial Day coming up. It'll come back down in a few days.

And yes, below or at $2 will be a HUGE savings for the economy this year.


Jumped from $2.05 to $2.13 today.