Dropping gas prices


New member
$2.08 in Chisago and Lindstrom,MN--Just put 20 gallons in the Denali $2.09 minus .03/gallon discount means $2.06 bottom line for me.I think we have a way to go yet.


New member
2.08 Troy,MI... 10 cent drop over night, this is more like it


New member

OMG!!! I know what you're talking about!! When I looked at my 3rd quarter 401K statement I almost had the big one!!! And then there was my husband's and then I have an IRA from a 401K at another place I worked. I did the math to see how much we lost this year. Ouch!<font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font><font color="ff0000">&#149;</font> made me sick to my stomach!

My financial planner told me that if we could afford it to up our percentage of putting into our plans because when the market turns around it will be just the opposite and we have the potential of making up what we lost and then some. Now, I don't know enough about all of this, but what if the market just totally tanks??? Then what?? There won't be any money in there to make money off of???

Scary stuff!!


New member
Just heard on FM 100.3 that the price has dropped under $2.00/gallon in the Twin Cities,MN.They didn't say where.We are hanging at $2.07 in Chisago.


New member
Still EXXON MOBIL made almost 14 billion dollars in the last quarter.

If the price dropped to $1 per gallon for the next 2 years, it would NOT make up for the son-of-a-guns taking the price to $4.20 per gallon for 8 months.


New member
I had a .19 off per gallon coupon for up to 12 gallons for Holiday station, price on the pump was $2.06. Filled the Ram for $41.72 today, almost half what it cost me a month ago! I am in Lakeville, MN.


New member
booondocker, ExxonMobil has their margins either way. The reason gas is now close to half where it was a few months ago is because the price of crude is now half (or less) than where it was. That money went to the sheiks, not ExxonMobil.


New member
"Thats money went to the sheiks, not exonmobil"
Geeze. Where do you get your info? I'm guessing Simpson, Family Guy, or some other cartoon.

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