Dropping gas prices


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Staff member
2.02 in St paul- i heard of 1.97 but I'm not drivin for 5 cents!
I might get to Twin lakes 10 times again this winter if it stays that cheep!
ha ha
Scottiking OUT


New member
Ok, 98panther. I'm not even going to try to argue this one with you. We will see if you are correct in January when ExxonMobil releases their 2008 QTR4 reports. Since gas prices are now half of where they were over the summer, then if your theory is correct then their profits should be in half too, right?

Are you trying to tell me the cost of the raw material has no effect on the price of the final product? Now that sounds like total BALOGNA. (Correct spelling)


New member
I have no energy to debate either, the funny part is the Sheiks part.

The oil companies are the ones drilling/shipping/refining/selling. So yeah
the always will make money - they control it all.

But you got me on the processed meat spelling.


New member
Funny? There is nothing funny here. Everybody has been pointing out that there is $700 billion in funds being transferred overseas to OPEC every year, and yes that includes sheiks. $700 billion! ExxonMobil profits 2% of that amount last quarter, and somehow they are the crooks?

And now that prices have dropped, OPEC is scrambling with these emergency meetings to cut production and get prices back up. This is not made up by me, and I didn't read it in the cartoon section. Both of those points are facts.


Active member
I think its a lot of bologna … and that ain't no BALOGNA!


New member

If I remember right. "I drive a X and drove 3XX miles today" You didn't mind when gas was 4 bucks, so hopefully now at 2 then you are still kicking in that extra 2 back to help them out then.



New member
Nope, I just drive with my foot on the brake and gas at the same time to be sure I burn twice as much!

I think it's time you buy one of those air powered cars and then this whole gas situation won't be an issue anymore.

Whatever the gas price is, I have no choice but to pay it. You are completely out of your mind to think I or anybody enjoyed paying $4 a gallon. My truck now costs about $75 to fill up instead of $120-$130. You think I don't enjoy having an extra 55 bucks in my account to spend on other things?


Well-known member
Zx, we all know you don't care about making friends here, you've proved that over and over.

I seem to remember having a discussion with you on something a few months back concerning gas mileage, and it went the same way, until I provided the FACTS to our discussion.

Give us the FACTS that you base your comments on.


New member
I found the story from a lefty news source called CNN for you that outlines Exxonmobil's profits:


Regarding the $700 billion per year going overseas, don't tell me you haven't heard that before. That number has been publicized for pretty much this entire year. And that's just the oil coming from overseas. Of course domestic production isn't included in that number, so when you add that in, ExxonMobil's profit margins are even less than 2% for the quarter (8% for the year).

Here's another CNN interview with Lou Dobbs that indicates that $700 billion, just for the record:


So there's your factual numbers. Now tell me I am wrong, because I am sure you will...

Oh, keep in mind that ExxonMobil makes money from many more products than gasoline. Lubricants, plastics, etc. So that means that their profits from gasoline are probably even less yet.


New member
Well of course not... I was just mainly referring to OPEC which is comprised of many shieks. And OPEC is the one who is now holding meetings to cut production and therefore up the price again.