Libby never lets facts get in the way of a good argument. Fake news the last few days. What else is new
Wooo, Tirty-four dollars. Such big spenders!OH!...here is a little blurb
"Foxconn Technology Group and Gilbane ǀ Exyte have awarded $34 in contracts to five Wisconsin companies for site utilities and road work … "
Family supporting construction jobs. Jobs where a spouse could actually stay at home and raise the children with as much care as some folks give their pets nowadays. I know,.... I'm a dreamer (legal immigrant citizen too)
Seems as Foxconns Louis Woo is who started the "renegotiation idea"? Appears a lot like their previous deals?
That is the latest fake news.
If that is true and foxconn initiated a renegotiation then why wasn't that the news 6 days ago when it was first reported? makes absolutely no sense at all. Evers said he was going to open new negociations and it was reported as such ... which was hilarious because he isn't an emperor. Evers is most likely trying to get Foxconn to include unionization.
i predict he will muck it up somehow. Socialism can't stand independent prosperity.
Foxconn continues to buy property in WI. That is a fact.
That is the latest fake news.
If that is true and foxconn initiated a renegotiation then why wasn't that the news 6 days ago when it was first reported? makes absolutely no sense at all. Evers said he was going to open new negociations and it was reported as such ... which was hilarious because he isn't an emperor. Evers is most likely trying to get Foxconn to include unionization.
i predict he will muck it up somehow. Socialism can't stand independent prosperity.
Foxconn continues to buy property in WI. That is a fact.
fact of the matter is they are in negotiations, highly doubt to unionize but to protect the tax payers investment. fact of the matter, they have failed thus far for promised job creation (at this point in game) Fact of the matter... racine county was supposed to be ground zero for LARGE SCALE manufacturing which was supposed to accommodate a very large portion of jobs that were "supposed to be" created, that has been since greatly scaled back. Fact.... yes they are buying up property across Wisconsin which tends to lead to believe that manufacturing is no longer the main intention as it was initially stated, so Im sure the original foot print they were going to take here has changed greatly, their primary objective is now is research and engineering to my knowledge and that would explain buying office buildings IMO. Im not an expert but I am glad someone is watching out for the tax payer, and to all those naysayers maybe they should have moved into your back yard then, I think the opinion would be very different. They have a very bad reputation of keeping promises and commitment and again I am glad someone is concerned over it even if I don't approve of who is doing so. IMO
You are entitled to your own opinion but not to your own facts.
Just wondering how much more in taxes you are paying now that the Foxconn contract is a year or 2 old?
I will repeat this fact one more time and slowly....All the tax break incentives are tied directly to the number of jobs created... no jobs =no tax breaks.
The jobs also have to avg. $53,000 per year.
I personally know 100's of construction workers that are directly or indirectly working on the project.
These are your neighbors in SE WI who will have expendable income....who knows, they might also be your customers.
BTW, as a businessman yourself, I have a hard time understanding your negativity towards Foxconn. I am sensing Walker derangement syndrome...let it go....your man Evers got the wheel now.
It says it right on the large wooden sign as you enter WI from IL.
You know,....the one that used to say "Welcome To Wisconsin. We are Open For Business"
Unfortunately we'll never now anything. New governor gets his fingers in the mix, if Foxx con is successful, he will take the credit. If they fail it's walkers fault. It's Bs politics. If it's cheaper to change their plans down there cause of the higher taxes coming down the pipeline, of course they are going change. You would too.