

Active member
Last Friday in Shingleton a guy blew the stop sign on M-28 on trail 41. 70MPH pickup truck t-boned him. The truck is even done for.

Here is a post from our clubs facebook site from a guy who stopped to try to help.



A few years ago on a lake in MN two guys coming from opposite directions nailed each other. Both were going over 100 mph. Really small pieces left. Never did find one guy's arm. Lots of ways to die or get hurt on a sled. But people fall in their bathtubs too. Life in general is dangerous. But running stopsigns is tempting fate.


New member
A few years ago on a lake in MN two guys coming from opposite directions nailed each other. Both were going over 100 mph. Really small pieces left. Never did find one guy's arm. Lots of ways to die or get hurt on a sled. But people fall in their bathtubs too. Life in general is dangerous. But running stopsigns is tempting fate.

what i dont understand and never will is.."what is the fkn hurry"? you are presumably on vacation..and nowhere else to go but ride your sled..plenty of places to ride fast and hard..but these idiots just gotta blast stops and even worse..not slow down one iota for sleds on the side of trails taking a break..

i will never understand it


Well-known member
Only an idiot lumps all sled trail stop signs together.... too bad there are so many needless ones at unused driveway crossings that leads other idiots to blow through the really important ones like major highway crossings.

Look out for sleds, motorists....they are everywhere.


Thank Grant Hoar! geezus, maybe a couple more weeks is in need.


Well-known member
Only an idiot lumps all sled trail stop signs together.... too bad there are so many needless ones at unused driveway crossings that leads other idiots to blow through the really important ones like major highway crossings.

Look out for sleds, motorists....they are everywhere.
no only a a hole blasts any sign.
a yield wont slow 70% down. few yrs back some one hit a car coming out of there drive with only a yield on our system .
long story short we now put stops up on every drive to cover arss


Active member
I wonder what will come first? Banned or getting run over by someone using their private driveway that the trail crosses. Since the Vilage Idiot doesn't like stop signs at driveways,maybe these trails should be closed.
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Well-known member
Not sure what blasting a sign is. Most roll though while looking in all directions. Pretty simple maneuver. If it is a blind crossing, busy road, highway.... yes, probly gonna stop.

Most driveways should be a 4 way stop. The trail most likely has far more traffic than the driveway, at least on every trail I have been on. In any other crossing the little used direction of traffic would yield to the high traffic direction. The sledder has way more to lose than the car or truck in a collision. Do we tell motorcyclists, pedestrians, bicyclists they need to yield based on them being the smaller more vulnerable vehicle/individual?

I know i'd be stopping at a trail crossing my driveway....even if it was a fat tire bike path.
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Active member
I'm just going to sit back and watch for a while.


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Well-known member
Not sure what blasting a sign is. Most roll though while looking in all directions. Pretty simple maneuver. If it is a blind crossing, yes, probly gonna stop.

Most driveways hould be a 4 way stop. The trail most likely has far more traffic than the driveway, at least on every trail I have been on. In any other crossing the little used direction of traffic would yield to the high traffic direction. The sledder has way more to lose than the car or truck in a collision. Do we tell motorcyclists, pedestrians, bicyclists they need to yield based on them being the smaller more vulnerable vehicle/individual?

u tell your insurance man that theory after u T bone a ford .prob 1/2 on his property 1/2 on state property. I can tell u who will loose even when hurt pretty bad . U will be covering your own medical paying for a ford and the law suit with the club will be tossed out


Well-known member
u tell your insurance man that theory after u T bone a ford .prob 1/2 on his property 1/2 on state property. I can tell u who will loose even when hurt pretty bad . U will be covering your own medical paying for a ford and the law suit with the club will be tossed out

Yea, the 4 way stop idea might prevent that from happening in the first place. I think the insurance co. would like this idea too.


Active member
Last Friday in Shingleton a guy blew the stop sign on M-28 on trail 41. 70MPH pickup truck t-boned him. The truck is even done for.

If said truck was following the posted M speed limit of 55,, never would have happened. So who's at fault ?


Well-known member
I wonder what will come first? Banned or getting run over by someone using their private driveway that the trail crosses. Since the Vilage Idiot doesn't like stop signs at driveways,maybe these trails should be closed.

I've done very well not getting into accidents my entire life. I feel very safe rolling up to a stop sign in a wide open area, seeing the driveway has not been plowed at all and rolling through....and my belt thanks me by lasting many more miles. Most folks are alert enough to do exactly what I just described. You can come to a complete stop at every useless stop sign you come across and feel like a model citizen....I won't say a thing about it.

As i also said, if I had a driveway that crossed a trail, I would make darn sure I would stop before crossing it instead of throwing caution to the wind knowing that if I get t-boned, it is OK because I am in a bigger vehicle and besides....it is the sledders fault.


Well-known member
I've done very well not getting into accidents my entire life.
I feel very safe rolling up to a stop sign in a wide open area, seeing the driveway has not been plowed at all and rolling through....
and my belt thanks me by lasting many more miles.
You can come to a complete stop at every useless stop sign you come across and feel like a model citizen....I won't say a thing about it.

As i also said, if I had a driveway that crossed a trail, .

What about the trail that crosses the driveway? Hmmm :rolleyes: IMO, there are no useless stop signs. Unplowed driveway, really? Then I guess a driveway with no fresh tire marks in it would qualify the stop sign as useless. Then again, your precious belt can thank you for not stopping thereby extending it's life as you roll through it potentially shortening your own life.-Mezz


Any UPS drivers on this site? I am friends with a couple. If you drive for UPS you cannot get in an accident. You cannot get a ticket. You can't even go in the ditch or you risk being terminated. Have you ever seen a UPS van back up? They are never supposed to back up. That is why they park in weird places sometimes. They are also supposed to avoid left turns across traffic whenever possible. I understand that some of these rules do not pertain to snowmobiling. But the mantra that UPS stresses is that ALL accidents are avoidable. There are good drivers / riders and there are bad drivers / riders. That is just the way it is. If you have bad driving habits sooner or later you are going to get into or cause an accident. When I was teaching my daughters how to drive I always pointed out dinged up vehicles and told my daughters to be careful when driving in proximity to them. These folks either don't care if they run into things or they are just bad drivers. You have to drive defensively all the time. Running stop signs is not even in the discussion. Stop signs are there for a reason. Duh. Also a person does not have to be drunk to do stupid things. Stupidity does not depend totally on blood alcohol level. Stupidity is everywhere!


Active member
Any UPS drivers on this site? I am friends with a couple. If you drive for UPS you cannot get in an accident. You cannot get a ticket. You can't even go in the ditch or you risk being terminated. Have you ever seen a UPS van back up? They are never supposed to back up. That is why they park in weird places sometimes. They are also supposed to avoid left turns across traffic whenever possible. I understand that some of these rules do not pertain to snowmobiling. But the mantra that UPS stresses is that ALL accidents are avoidable. There are good drivers / riders and there are bad drivers / riders. That is just the way it is. If you have bad driving habits sooner or later you are going to get into or cause an accident. When I was teaching my daughters how to drive I always pointed out dinged up vehicles and told my daughters to be careful when driving in proximity to them. These folks either don't care if they run into things or they are just bad drivers. You have to drive defensively all the time. Running stop signs is not even in the discussion. Stop signs are there for a reason. Duh. Also a person does not have to be drunk to do stupid things. Stupidity does not depend totally on blood alcohol level. Stupidity is everywhere!
I'm a better drunk driver than my wife is sober. Haha

Seriously though.
You don't like stop signs but you want to put more up? A four way at each driveway? Have you considered installing a roundabout at each trail-driveway crossing? Just think how much longer your belts would last.
Yea, the 4 way stop idea might prevent that from happening in the first place. I think the insurance co. would like this idea too.