cheap...Bud Light or PBR........ Quality....Boddington's Pub Ale. Weihenstephaner (brewing since 1040) and a little less quality but still really good is .Grolsch, Moosehead, St Pauly Girl and Sam Adams.
Free is best, Sam Adams is my favorite, but in this economy I'm drinking Special Exprt $14.74 for a 30 pak of cans. When I really think about it though, I never met a beer I didn't like
As Skidoorob said, my neighbors beer, wifes beer, friends that come over and bring their beer, Free Beer!!! Only my beer in last resort situtations. If your coming to my place, bring Busch Lite.
Any beer will do for me, as long as, I am staring at a sled all polished up and ready to ride! I could seriously sit in my garage all night and drink beer and stare at my sled. And I would be perfectly content to sit even longer and drink more beer if there was a strong sexy man with big arms bent over polishing that tunnel, too!