The U.S. has enough oil in Alaska why aren't we using that to help out the problem here? It just doesn't make any sense!
well Obama said during his campaign in a 2008 interview with CNBC,about $4a gal gas Barack Obama said he would have preferred a “gradual” increase in gasoline prices.this guy wants your gas high wants to cut all tax breaks to all non green energy wants to bankrupt the coal industry.Change you can beleve in!ask some of the ND what the Fed Gov is doing with minneral rights in ND to try to slow the private drilling thrugh the back door.
most of the left want high energy prices to force you in to mass transit and dense urban development.
in a senate hearing 2/28/12 Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA): “I want to say that, despite the Administration’s arguments that are laid out, that you all are all guns blaring and green lights for drilling, the facts that I checked, and if you disagree tell me, only 21 permits for offshore drilling have been issued by this date. In 2010 there were 32 permits. I just left the annual conference of LOGA, which is Louisiana Oil and Gas Association, Mr. Secretary, yesterday. They are beside themselves with not being able to get their permits processed and to answer you, Mr. Franken, let me just say Exxon and Shell may be making record profits but according to a study recently done by the Greater New Orleans, Inc., 41% of our oil and gas independent operators and service companies, I’m not talking about Exxon and Shell that have operations all over the world, I’m talking about companies in the Gulf Coast, in Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama. Let me tell you what the studies show about their profits: 41% of them are not making a profit at all, 70% have lost significant cash reserves, 46 have moved operations away from the Gulf, and 82% of business owners have lost personal savings as a result of this slow down. Now part of it is the accident.” (Committee On Energy And Natural Resources, U.S. Senate, Hearing, 2/28/12)