

Well-known member
I don’t understand how the earth benefits by any oil refinery regardless of location? USA has EPA standards I have no idea what OPEC regulations has to adhere? So what’s the difference seems to be a cleaner process here plus less carbon in transportation.
Yeah I was being sarcastic. Clearly it's better to produce it as locally as possible as to where it will be used, from an environmental standpoint. But our environmental laws often have the impact of pushing production to places without such standards so it's net loser for the environment.


Super Moderator
Staff member
This has been my argument from day one with Climate Change. We can have the cleanest water and air but just across what used to be our southern border, Mexico can dump raw sewage. As for the Carbon Footprint, is India or Pakistan concerned? Nope. But if those foolish Americans want to shackle their industries and tax carbon output, so be it. Thankfully, Movie Stars and Politicians are exempt. 💩


Well-known member
Saw $5.09 a gallon for regular today in Waterford, WI just keeps jumping upward every few days. I thought $4.39 was outrageous a couple of weeks ago now that seems like a bargain.


Well-known member
$5+ gas has to start driving down demand. I know I don't see sledding north of Wausau in my future.😭


$5 a gallon might be a tipping point. We will soon find out. Anybody making less than $75000 is running up CC debt just to try to do business as usual.


Well-known member
It hurts the libs who voted for this mess even more because they have to admit that and live with fact that if they would have just done a little homework on what this administration stood for they wouldn't have been so quick to vote out Trump just because they didn't like him.

The truth is that Trump got things done, like him or not, and the country was prospering even through COVID. What Biden has done will have lasting impacts for years.


Well-known member
Has to be some people in trucks ,SUVs and beaters that can’t afford to drive to work. I have to start thinking is this trip necessary and I get 33 mpg. This is nuts!!! That brings me to my boat that I haven’t put in yet for the season. What to do? Snowmobiling I hope it snows locally most of that expense is gas going up North has to be a dream for now. Joe needs to expand USA drilling now to save snowmobiling.


Well-known member
Today, at $5.00 per gal for reg unleaded, $5.39 midgrade, $5.49 Premium, $5.76 Diesel. This is Insane!!!


Active member
It hurts the libs who voted for this mess even more because they have to admit that and live with fact that if they would have just done a little homework on what this administration stood for they wouldn't have been so quick to vote out Trump just because they didn't like him.

The truth is that Trump got things done, like him or not, and the country was prospering even through COVID. What Biden has done will have lasting impacts for years.
$4.69 here in northern MN.

I don't like to get into politics, but I believe that the Democrat party has done a very good job (with mainstream media support, perhaps) of convincing many people that anyone with an R after their name is a racist, xenophobe, misogynist, etc. I am close friends with many hardcore liberals (and I love them dearly), but they will NEVER vote for anyone with an R after their name, no matter what.


The 'Rs' always vote R. The 'Ds' always vote D. It is the 'Is' that decide the elections. The 'Ds' would vote for JFK if he were on the ballot just as the 'Rs' would vote for Reagan. The country is more polarized now than it has ever been. The leadership is corrupt on both sides. If I were 25 years old I would get the hell out of here. Probably to Vietnam or somewhere else American dollars have gone to rebuild. Anyone google Vietnam lately? Land of opportunity.


Active member
The 'Rs' always vote R. The 'Ds' always vote D. It is the 'Is' that decide the elections. The 'Ds' would vote for JFK if he were on the ballot just as the 'Rs' would vote for Reagan. The country is more polarized now than it has ever been. The leadership is corrupt on both sides. If I were 25 years old I would get the hell out of here. Probably to Vietnam or somewhere else American dollars have gone to rebuild. Anyone google Vietnam lately? Land of opportunity.
Great points!

ICT Sledder

Active member
The 'Rs' always vote R. The 'Ds' always vote D. It is the 'Is' that decide the elections. The 'Ds' would vote for JFK if he were on the ballot just as the 'Rs' would vote for Reagan. The country is more polarized now than it has ever been. The leadership is corrupt on both sides. If I were 25 years old I would get the hell out of here. Probably to Vietnam or somewhere else American dollars have gone to rebuild. Anyone google Vietnam lately? Land of opportunity.
You think today's progressives would vote for JFK? Not a chance. Old school dems sure, but if JFK were alive today and had similar policy stances he'd be the most conservative elected democrat by an order of magnitude. He'd effectively be a moderate republican with a "D" beside his name. Joe Manchin, but further right.

The situation with Obama is somewhat similar as well, at least with respect to the positions he held in his first term. And we're just a decade removed from that period. Some of Obama's policy positions in his first term would today get him labeled all kinds of fun stuff by the nutty fringe of the left that now rows their boat.

The progressive wing of the left has hit hyper-drive over the past few years. It is almost unrecognizable from the traditional left, and a world away from the tenets of classic liberalism.


Well-known member
It hurts the libs who voted for this mess even more because they have to admit that and live with fact that if they would have just done a little homework on what this administration stood for they wouldn't have been so quick to vote out Trump just because they didn't like him.

The truth is that Trump got things done, like him or not, and the country was prospering even through COVID. What Biden has done will have lasting impacts for years.
The marxists who voted for this garbage don't really care if all of this mess happens. It's their causes that they are voting for...not the results. They don't think that far ahead and are convinced their agenda will in the end be worth it.


$5.19 in Ixonia last night. Took $52 to fill up the wife's car. It gets 33-35 mpg and all it is used for is back and forth to work. That one hurt a lot. I do think $5 is the tipping point. When people can't fill up just for work.


Active member
Here in North central Ohio fuel is over the $5 mark as well. I see no slowdown in the amount of traffic on the roads, I'm rural with 2 major state routes running through my small village. One going North/South the other East/West. Camper traffic is still strong along with drag racers headed to summit raceway park. Boaters are taking the biggest hit with fuel over $8 bucks at most marinas on Lake Erie but, my boater friends say boat traffic at the Islands is down some with the exception of the holiday weekends.

I think it will have an impact on the trails this coming riding season but not by much. Most folks are still going to ride no matter what, maybe the less popular destinations benefit more as they offer less travel in the vehicle and trips become shorter. The weekend warriors may do a few less trips a year, what's not going to change are those that do weekday riding. This is where my group is, reservations have been set for months now. One trip (6 days) in the Central/East side in January and one trip (7 days) on the West side late in February. Our group has had discussions on how much more it will cost but not one word of canceling out.


$5.19 in Ixonia last night. Took $52 to fill up the wife's car. It gets 33-35 mpg and all it is used for is back and forth to work. That one hurt a lot. I do think $5 is the tipping point. When people can't fill up just for work.
Took $160 to fill my truck, it’s about $11/day for my work round trip. My 1995 dodge 1500 gets better mileage than my 2020 Silverado 2500. Not surprised though. My 1986 Honda scooter takes $1 for my work round trip!!!
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I burn Premium with 10% in the Spyder. First time ever that I recall paying more than $5 for a gallon of gasoline. Thanks Joe, I'll remember this....


Well-known member
Now $5.19 per gal for reg unleaded & all others following suit. This has to stop.......