


Demand will drop after the fourth. After about two weeks gas will start to come down.


Active member
We got back from a 4500 mile trip a couple weeks ago. Took the Jeep Wrangler. Shaped like a brick, lifted up with 35” tires. I averaged 13-15 mpg. Worst tank was 11 mpg. Turbo engine likes premium gas.
I didn’t keep track of total fuel costs, but I believe it was around $1600-$1700.
Was still cheaper than the hotels….


Paid 4.67 in Stevens point WI on Friday, cheapest I’ve seen in some time but here in the Keweenaw we are still around $5. I did fill up for 4.95 at Murphy today in Houghton


Well-known member
No Democratic plan to increase domestic oil supply or refining capabilities. It’s an insane approach to alternative energies. They are in control and don’t care a lick about inflation and high energy prices. The USA and world can reduce carbon imprints but give it a reasonable timetable like 10 to 20 years. Weeks , hours and months is unrealistic and will fail I just don’t understand why our government can be that stupid!!
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Well-known member
No Democratic plan to increase domestic oil supply or refining capabilities. It’s an insane approach to alternative energies. They are in control and don’t care a lick about inflation and high energy prices. The USA and world can reduce carbon imprints but give it a reasonable timetable like 10 to 20 years. Weeks , hours and months is unrealistic and will fail I just don’t understand why our government can be that stupid!!
Unfortunatley, Government has gotten so big and inefficient that it can't do anything. Why do we put up with it?
The amount of people on the taxpayers payroll is disgusting, no accountability anywhere. Federal Government should be cut way back and money should stay in the state government.

old abe

Well-known member
No Democratic plan to increase domestic oil supply or refining capabilities. It’s an insane approach to alternative energies. They are in control and don’t care a lick about inflation and high energy prices. The USA and world can reduce carbon imprints but give it a reasonable timetable like 10 to 20 years. Weeks , hours and months is unrealistic and will fail I just don’t understand why our government can be that stupid!!
The last "New"Refinery went on line 43 years ago. Hardly a 1 Political Party issue. Anyone who thinks Demo's, or Republicans, aren't concerned with Inflation, or High Energy prices is consumed in a Wishful Thinking Fantasy Land.

old abe

Well-known member
Old Abe, I did not check it out and can not verify how much refined fuel was being used 2 years ago, Can you you share those REAL FACTS? I would love to see them. If you ask any American today if there is wishful, warm, fuzzy thinking about what is happening right now, I think you will get the same answer. THEY DON'T CARE, GAS PRICES ARE KILLING US! Everyone knows that there was no plan to to go right to EV from fossil fuels and that is the issue. Wait until fall and winter when heating fuels are in demand, it's going to get even uglier. The fact that the Biden Administration turns their back on Americans will be their demise. Most people don't think in terms of what their fuel is, they think in terms of what their income is every year and what they can afford and this is not sustainable the way things are right now. Is it wrong to just want to make a good living, afford a house, nice things for your family, perhaps a college education for your kids, a nice investment portfolio? That is not even remotely possible anymore the way things are.
pclark you can get the info your looking for @ US EIA, and US Dept of Energy. That's the Rick Perry couldn't remember, eh! Also, many Industry publications also are a source for the info you're looking for.


There will be 80 million EVs on the roads in the USA in 2030. Nobody is going to build a refinery when all signs point to a reduction in demand. The EV conversion is worldwide. You are going to have to look hard to even purchase a new ICE vehicle in 8 years. And by then you will also have to look hard for a traditional gas station. The transition will occur. Like it or not. All electric applications getting better every single day. It is a worldwide phenomenon.


And no gas prices are not "killing" you now. Gas prices are forcing you to re-priortize your allocations of your personal funds. Which might force you to change things up. Old people resist change more than young people. And old people dominate this site. But like it or not things change. Makes no difference who is in office or who is fighting with who. On the whole electric thing a lot of you remind me of the naysayers who said the early Model Ts would never replace the horse. See how that turned out?


Well-known member
If that is so then you must have a plan. The conversation here is not about old people that don't like EV or clean energy, it's about a president and his adminstration who had no clue about how to reasonably transition to clean energy. That's why people are so pissed off.....


Well-known member
So if you criticize the lack of a realistic plan to transition to alternative energies it means your old and resistant to change. That’s seems very narrow minded to me. Yes I’m a boomer but I believe in EVs and other green energies that have yet to be developed. BUT the world is a petroleum based economy that can’t and won’t turn on a dime. Ease into alternative energies gradually and the economy will adapt. Cold turkey is stupid and painful to the world economy that is not sustainable in days and months. With the current supply chain shortages it’s impossible to respond to any high market demand of older, current and new technologies of any kind. Our government needs to adjust energy timetables to a more realistic schedule that can be supported by manufacturers and availability of less expensive energy supplies. Imo that’s what has been debated on this website. With the way Russia and China are behaving the USA needs a strong military to respond to any threat. As far as I know the USA Military runs exclusively on oil and needs to provide that oil domestically if dependent on foreign countries that cut you off then what your defense is left stranded in place. As said repeatedly the USA needs needs a realistic plan to continue supply themselves with oil and also cut over to green energies and other green alternatives.


Well-known member
The last "New"Refinery went on line 43 years ago. Hardly a 1 Political Party issue. Anyone who thinks Demo's, or Republicans, aren't concerned with Inflation, or High Energy prices is consumed in a Wishful Thinking Fantasy Land.

While it is true we have not had any new refineries, the size of said refineries has grown significantly over that time, at least the one closest to me. There is one about 15 miles from my house that I can tell you has grown significantly in my lifetime, more than ten-fold per some articles.

Pine Bend Refinery - lots of info out there about this place. You probably buy fuel that was processed there being in Sconnie.

I'm not against alternative energy sources, but when those alternative energy sources are no where near capable of producing and maintaining as much energy as our current sources, you can't just shut the spigot off on the current one.


Food and energy are not included in the inflation index. Food is not included because the government has no control over the weather. Energy is not included because the government has very little control over energy. Energy is a world commodity. And the US does not control the world. Gas is high simply because of supply and demand. When Covid reared up demand dried up. The energy markets adjusted. Now Covid is over and energy has returned to pre Covid consumption. Demand has outstripped supply. For awhile. Until the energy folks get it back under control. You just don't flip a switch. It takes time.

As far as not being ready to transition that is wrong also. Here in MN I have seen two major projects upgrading and increasing capacity. One along I 94 from the cities to Alexandria. Another from Warroad all the way to Wisconsin which doubles the capacity there. There is much going on with the electric companies. My own electric coop is pushing for home charging and offering discounts and rebates to accomplish this. They would not be doing this if they didn't have a plan.

Our present administration could most certainly do a better job with many other things such as crime and the southern border. But they can't do much about food and energy. The much talked about Keystone pipeline was never operational. It was never built. And it would have had no impact in the US anyway. It was all earmarked for export. The only thing it would have done would have been to provide construction jobs for a year.

The oil industry knows what they are doing. They are investing in the future more than anyone. And they are investing in electric.


Well-known member
just my 2 cents, but when a president says he is going to END the use of fossil fuels as best he can
it doesn;t give oil company's all that much incentive to do MORE to make more fuel, they will not invest there $$into something being fazed out!
as for having a PLAN, I call BS< you cannot FORCE an agenda onto things without there being a system in PLACE to handle the new found demand! wishful thinking doesn;t get things done,

IMO< the electrical system in the USA is past its prime on the use we have NOW< adding a boat load of e vehicles to a over taxed system is not IMO< the brightest idea to have happen
face it the so called EXPERTS claim summer use alone of AC and like, will cause power outages in many places, ,
so what system is here NOW to handle things if we all got E vehicles (as if there are enough for all, or of ALL could even afford them )

NOW< had the system been updated FIRST, had the MODS made FIRST, and then PUSH the world in a direction to less fossil fuel use
, that WOULD have been a PLAN with hope and less distaste from the general public.

I am OLD< and YES I dislike many changes, but I also know they HAVE to happen some times, so can open be open minded about many things, even if I am not a fan of them!

but again, being forced to believe things WILL magically work out, isn;t again a PLAN
E vehicles have been about for over a decade, and they have NOT honestly gotten that GREAT, if we can be honest
the costs are HIGH to buy one, the lack of a current system in place to handle them doesn;t exist in MOST places!
it all comes down IMO< to piss poor planning, on a agenda that just seems to be relying on technology that isn;t here yet!
no wish full thinking or force will magically make it happen either!
old or young, doesn't matter
the way this was handled was poorly at best!
and there have been NO good fixes to the damages that have been caused by the premature JUMP into this game were in now! IMO


$80.000 for a truck that can only tow 100 miles, nah i'm good i'll keep my horse for awhile longer.
Yup. That is how it is at present. Do you think your gas job would be more economical? You would be wrong.My gasser gets roughly 1/2 the mileage towing. Which puts me in the 7-8 mpg range. It is 1/4 the price of gas to charge the battery back up. The only thing holding electric back right now is a better network of charging stations. Once that is addressed there will be no reason to keep the horse. And by the way my new Lightning will be all of $3000 bucks more than a similarity equiped gas Lariat. Whoop de do.


So let me get this straight. You guys want the government to be in charge of energy. The same government that runs the post office? The same government that is trying to turn the military into the Vienna Boy's Choir? The government that employs people like Anthony Fauchi? The same government where whack jobs like Gore and Kerry and AOC have influence?

Not me. Let the capable people figure it out instead.


The Model T was invented before there were roads and gas stations every ten miles. Cart before the horse. And by golly it seemed to work out just fine.