

Active member
How many EV charging stations are in Wisconsin?

There are currently about 550 public charging outlets across the state of Wisconsin. Public charging locations are funded by a mix of government, utility, and private investments.

May 5, 2022 — There are 5.6 million cars registered in Wisconsin. Learn more about driving in the Badger State here.

Does this tell you they are not ready? How the heck would 550 stations keep the state moving? You could add 10 times that and still have lines miles long. They are not ready, and it will be several years before they are.


Well-known member
There is a time & a place for EV's, its just not for everyone or all applications. I don't see it being a "primary" source of transportation for "everybody". I have nothing against EV's, battery powered devices have been improving & do assist many in certain situations, but, again, not for everything.


I don't know how much of the WORLD you have been to, but can tell you a LOT of it is FAR from going top E vehicles and I mean a LOT of it!
HIGH population areas OK, MAYBE
but if were going to honest, " the WORLD" has more remote place that are NOT densely populated than area's that are!
and I also think NO one here is really bucking E vehicles or disagreeing that E Vehicles MIGHT be the way to go but the facts are that as of RIGHT now, there is no REAL system in place to handle them, if everyone went and bought one tomorrow!
what most folks here are simply saying is the way this E vehicle deal is being handled is, being done so in a very un logical way , that sort of shows that was no REAL plan in place to convert things in the time line there claiming to meet!
its an unrealistic time line, and when you FORCE an issue,l it has a higher rate of fail than if it was done in a more logic way!

LOTS of things were claimed to solve many issue's in the world and as time passed they failed!
so, there is that too to consider, before putting all your eggs in one basket !
Biting the hand that feeds you is never a good way to move forward in life!
Relax. Nobody is forcing you to buy a new EV today. Quite the contrary. You probably couldn't find one to buy. Foreign stuff maybe but no Ford's or Chevys. They are all booked up and spoken for for the next three years. The Grants have been in place for over a year to build charging stations across the entire country. Urban and rural. No, they haven't been built yet. But they are already funded and will be built. Regardless of any elections or regime changes. It is happening.

As far as could it have been planned out a little better - who knows? What exactly could have been done? Rely on the government to get everything lined up? If we wait for that to happen it never will happen. Again, they can't even run the Post Office.

It is happening now. Ready or not. Again, I think it is a fun time to be alive. Lots of neat stuff in the pipeline. Stuff we didn't even know we needed LOL.

And for all of those worried about affordability don't worry. If it is going to take over completely there will be affordable options for everybody's budget. And make no mistake - it will take over completely.

Those of us early adopters are paying a premium. It won't always be that way.


Well-known member
Relax. Nobody is forcing you to buy a new EV today. Quite the contrary. You probably couldn't find one to buy. Foreign stuff maybe but no Ford's or Chevys. They are all booked up and spoken for for the next three years. The Grants have been in place for over a year to build charging stations across the entire country. Urban and rural. No, they haven't been built yet. But they are already funded and will be built. Regardless of any elections or regime changes. It is happening.

As far as could it have been planned out a little better - who knows? What exactly could have been done? Rely on the government to get everything lined up? If we wait for that to happen it never will happen. Again, they can't even run the Post Office.

It is happening now. Ready or not. Again, I think it is a fun time to be alive. Lots of neat stuff in the pipeline. Stuff we didn't even know we needed LOL.

And for all of those worried about affordability don't worry. If it is going to take over completely there will be affordable options for everybody's budget. And make no mistake - it will take over completely.

Those of us early adopters are paying a premium. It won't always be that way.
I an relaxed, I am have only been saying things that relate to a large population of this country! and offering differnt views on things!

I am NOT against E vehicles either, but there just not where things are being claimed too be! IMO, nor is the infrastructure for them, and it won;t be here any time soon

the simple facts are, the total roadway system in the USA is failing, bridges are, at the point few pass standards
there are a lot of things that NEED fixing IMO before E vehicles are to dominate the road ways!


you says its a FUN time to be alive, well, maybe for you it is, and you have the budget to enjoy things

but for millions of people the costs of things today are NOT fun,

and you say things will be affordable for all
what about folks on fixed income? that cannot afford to BUY new vehicles NOW< and never have, period!
and many are struggling to get by now!
what will they be affording in 10 yrs?? the used E vehicles of early gen's that that don;t have the more modern BETTER things to them? as tech improves
is that really going to HELP them, or be FUN for them!
its real easy for folks with means to say things are GOOD< but when your on the other side of the deal, , FUN is not struggling to get by, and trying to HAVE to buy new things cause what you had is being replaced, without a REAL plan in place to HELP folks !
I am personal friends with a lot of folks on LOW income, that go BACK to work, and living on $700-800 bucks a MONTH!
tell them what FUN it is these days>? with crazy prices on everything,

it hits home a little harder when your friends with people that struggle, and some folks call these times FUN and GREAT to be alive!

and there is a LARGE percentage of Americans on fixed incomes you know!


Active member
I've been saving my pennies so I can buy my next car with cash. If there's a relatively "cheap" electric car available in 4-5 years, I suspect I'll buy it. If not, a hybrid might be an option.


Well-known member
This discussion should be entertaining when we hit the winter months. If everything you are saying then my electric heat should be so much more realistic in price. After last season I am not buying that at all but that may be where I live.

The cost to heat your home this winter will be so high (are you watching Natural gas prices?) that nobody is really thinking that far out. Coupled with high gasoline and diesel prices it should just about take all of our paycheck, savings, or credit cards just to keep the lights on.

Again, I don't think anyone on here is doubting the future of EV or E anything, it's just that this was so poorly thought out and no plan was ever presented. If you think the American people won't remember this in November you don't know people that well.


Super Moderator
Staff member
How many EV charging stations are in Wisconsin?

There are currently about 550 public charging outlets across the state of Wisconsin.
Let me guess....most are in Madison & Milwaukee. Actually, more than half are in Madison and a dozen or so in Milwaukee.



We should be building more nuclear power plants. That is far and away the best option of energy out there. But it is a hard sell for the general public. The three famous nukes that have failed all failed for the same reason. 3 Mile Island , Chernobyl and Fukushima all failed because of cooling issues. The first two because of human error and Fukushima because of an earthquake. By and large nukes are safe. As long as you don't build them on fault lines or hire idiots to run them. But the American general public is scared of them because they remember the headlines and not the why. Nobody pushing nukes would ever win an election. Which is a shame.


Well-known member
We should be building more nuclear power plants. That is far and away the best option of energy out there. But it is a hard sell for the general public. The three famous nukes that have failed all failed for the same reason. 3 Mile Island , Chernobyl and Fukushima all failed because of cooling issues. The first two because of human error and Fukushima because of an earthquake. By and large nukes are safe. As long as you don't build them on fault lines or hire idiots to run them. But the American general public is scared of them because they remember the headlines and not the why. Nobody pushing nukes would ever win an election. Which is a shame.
spoken by someone that doesn;t live near a nuclear power plant I bet!!!
for them , to see the many other issue's they have and bring to an area

I have a plant near my one property too by the way!(less than 25 miles away and have friends that live less then 3 miles from it, so I have some real experience with things over a LONG period of time, 50 yrs now !
like how the cancer rates of residents near it are many times above the national average!

and it also, proves, that just cause something on paper sounds great doesn;t mean its world changing in real life!
as it also didn;t effect the future as it was expected too
As, its invention , NEVER panned out to be anything like it was hoped to be
and that is,
be it here in the USA ,or any other country that TRIED them
and I am NOT bashing them, they have there good sides too

but there are many down sides besides the failures other than what you mentioned!
and NOT hiring idiots??
if that was really possible
as even educated people make mistakes and do DUMB things
having more fail safes in place might be a better way to solve that issue's
as the old saying says,
were only human and we make mistakes!
which is also why the average person is scared of these plants,a s a mistake can be rather huge and catastrophic to say the least!

a risk many don;t see the reward being worth it!



Well-known member
OH< and I will also add this, since I have coal fueled power electrical plants, two of them located within 10 miles of two of my properties as well as wind farms less than 15 miles away from them
so I have first hand experience living and being about them for several decades too!
funny deal with the coal fueled plants, is, all the POWER they make, is sent a few hundred miles away, NONE OF the locals get to use it, or get discounted electric from them, yet , the locals get all the negatives from the plants
like NON stop truck traffic hauling in fuel 24/7
local roads are beat to hell from all the heavy trucks, not to mention all the SMOG that comes off the smoke stacks and noises DAY and NIGHT

be a little easier to swallow, if the locals at least got a discount on power, but, guess that would be asking too much for the inconveniences the power plants cause us! LOL

and wind mills
don;t kid yourself, there not so quiet , can be heard from MILES away
of NON stop droning sounds
the lucky folks that lived there LONG before they were built are OH so happy , NOT!

a lot of things again are GREAT on paper, but when they are built next to you, devalue land and homes you worked for, one can tend to see other sides to things easier than those living far away and ONLY want to see the good
and again, ALL the more so when the GOOD doesn;t positively effect those having to live next top things like this
all though I could be forgetting that for the first 10-15 yrs or so, the one power plant(also has green houses they grow flowers in)
would give locals free flowers on some holidays!!
BOY OH BOY< were they Great to get too, really off set the negatives~! for sure how them flowers would last a week or two and die! HAHA
so again, I might have some added experience here over some others that just want to see the POSITIVE on going electric!
and LUCKY me, too, my one property, there in the process of building two new industrial parks, just got legal approval this past yr!

NO local power benefits going to them either so, weeee! HAHA!
I'm sure my local roads will ONLY get better though!\
time for new shocks on the truck any how!


Well-known member
HEY< and I almost forgot, HAHA
I also have a solar farm 10 miles away, and 7 yrs ago now there was a another solar farm approved, and supposed to have been built 1/2 mile from my one property, its still said to be going in SOON, , been hearing that for 7 yrs though HAHA
SOLAR is the one thing I have ZERO complains about owning land next too or other wise
its quiet, and where they have plans to build is reclaimed coal mine land, so its vacant any how, might as well put it to some good use if it helps

BUT NONE of the solar power from the working farm, gets to locals, its gets sent to a big city far away!
funny how that works!, have about every type of power plant near my properties, yet NONE give any power to the locals where there at!!

so I have a little hands on experiences living next with all types of power plants! not just hear say , but real experience in seeing how its effected things over time from start to current times!
I believe the “Green Movement” has been set back in a big way because of the current administration. The attack on the fossil fuel industry in Biden’s first week was way too hasty and a major fumble. It was as if the climate for EVs was already mature. That along with so many other policy missteps will cause a big change at the ballot box in November and likely in 2024. Alienating so many US Voters will cause the current administration to be short lived. The Green Movement will be a much lower priority by those I suspect will come into power.


Well-known member
I believe the “Green Movement” has been set back in a big way because of the current administration. The attack on the fossil fuel industry in Biden’s first week was way too hasty and a major fumble. It was as if the climate for EVs was already mature. That along with so many other policy missteps will cause a big change at the ballot box in November and likely in 2024. Alienating so many US Voters will cause the current administration to be short lived. The Green Movement will be a much lower priority by those I suspect will come into power.
Totally agree the current administration has set back green movement for years totally out of sync with the times and economic strain it’s caused. They could change policies but show no signs of changing course. Seems to be no one close to Biden to convince or even attempt to temper current policies. They will be voted out in midterms and 2024 election as well. Unbelievably stupid party with and idiot for a leader.


By the way, the pull from the strategic reserves is being sold to CHINA!!! to a company affiliated with Creepy Joe and Druggy Hunter. so while we deplete ours we are growing their's. Way to go Joe. Dumbass.


Local dealer got his first Lightning in today. It is an XLT with the base battery. Window sticker $54145. He will keep it for six months for anybody and everybody to test drive. It is already spoken for after that. I had it for two hours today. It is exactly like driving a regular F150 except it is just about silent. There is no noise when you hit the button to start it. The dash just lights up. You shift it exactly the same as a gas pickup. You would never know the difference except when you nail the 'gas' pedal. And then the thing takes off like a rocket. It is governed out at 107 mph. At 100 it is absolutely planted on the highway. A lot better than my gas F150. I am assuming this is because of the extra weight of the battery plus the independent rear suspension.

So far it is everything Ford promised. Now we have to check on range and charging times. Will keep posting as we learn real life situation.


Well-known member
Local dealer got his first Lightning in today. It is an XLT with the base battery. Window sticker $54145. He will keep it for six months for anybody and everybody to test drive. It is already spoken for after that. I had it for two hours today. It is exactly like driving a regular F150 except it is just about silent. There is no noise when you hit the button to start it. The dash just lights up. You shift it exactly the same as a gas pickup. You would never know the difference except when you nail the 'gas' pedal. And then the thing takes off like a rocket. It is governed out at 107 mph. At 100 it is absolutely planted on the highway. A lot better than my gas F150. I am assuming this is because of the extra weight of the battery plus the independent rear suspension.

So far it is everything Ford promised. Now we have to check on range and charging times. Will keep posting as we learn real life situation.
That's not a gas pedal, you have to talk the talk, how about an E Pedal? I would not buy first generation anything, let them work the bugs out. It will be interesting to hear about your EV Ford when you get it. I look forward to the reviews.


Well-known member
You can tow-charge a Tesla and you will be able to tow charge any EV with regenerative braking. And they all have regenerative braking. Studies have been done. If you tow a Tesla 10 miles you can drive it another 40 miles.
So are you towing this with an EV or an ICE? Or in this logic you can use a Tesla to tow a Tesla switching every 10 miles and eventually both will be fully charged without ever plugging in, just don’t ever see this being possible


You can tow it with anything you want. But the tests done are only towing it 30kph. Maybe you will burn something out if you tow it faster. I don't know. But it has been done. The test I read they were pulling it with a Raptor. Pulling it faster might cause the drive wheels on the towed vehicle ro start slipping. Think of when you are towing a stick vehicle to start it. You tow it slow but have the transmission in a high gear when you let out the clutch. Otherwise it will slip the tires seriously. And if it did start it would massively over rev.