This is funny Chit.
Get real people. The country is flat broke, the state's are broke and the small little towns we pass through on our sleds are broke.They all make lots of money from us everyday writing tickets, so the money can go back to small towns police budget and Mr LEO can feed his kids and wife on a daily basis. And it's only going to get worse over the years. So get used to it. Try to be as legal and polite as you can be to LEO, and hopefully they will send us on our way with a little fine. Its called contributing to the town and the sport we love so much. Not all cops are crooks,but a lot of them are !! And yes they can pull you over for no reason,weather you are in a sled,car,bike,atv,boat and harrass the chit out of you, and get away with it. Why, you ask ? Because each and every cop backs his partner and any other cop they deal with. Thats what they do best. Lie,lie and deny. They are getting a pay check, no matter what. I spent many years in law enforcement and could not take it any more. So i got out.
Get real people. The country is flat broke, the state's are broke and the small little towns we pass through on our sleds are broke.They all make lots of money from us everyday writing tickets, so the money can go back to small towns police budget and Mr LEO can feed his kids and wife on a daily basis. And it's only going to get worse over the years. So get used to it. Try to be as legal and polite as you can be to LEO, and hopefully they will send us on our way with a little fine. Its called contributing to the town and the sport we love so much. Not all cops are crooks,but a lot of them are !! And yes they can pull you over for no reason,weather you are in a sled,car,bike,atv,boat and harrass the chit out of you, and get away with it. Why, you ask ? Because each and every cop backs his partner and any other cop they deal with. Thats what they do best. Lie,lie and deny. They are getting a pay check, no matter what. I spent many years in law enforcement and could not take it any more. So i got out.