propjocky As I must respect your opinion. I do not agree.
For real? Do you really mean what you wrote?
Just sit back and think about what you are thinking.
If a large % of us Americans feel like what you wrote we are in reel trouble.
I worry about my 5 grandkids every day. A statement like yours is a reason why.
I understand where you are coming from. I do. Really. Don't need to think about it anymore. Let me try to explain where I'm coming from.....
My whole life I've fought for others when they needed help to fight ,been divorced (twice), lost a VERY nice custom home I built to a fire (reason for divorce#2) took a two and a half story fall that I should have died from, but ended up in a wheelchair for three months instead, survived the end of my fathers 45 year old construction business that I was V.P. of and currently struggle every day to keep MY business above water.
Oops...Was that a plug?
I watch the Government throw money around to businesses that can't run themselves, I see crooked politicians AND law enforcement everywhere, I find that drug dealers can access ammo easier than I can and the list of gripes goes on and on. But, you know what? I get up every day, I go to work, I keep my chin up and just smile. Do I REALLY need to worry about where the DNR is going to be this weekend? Whatever. Get over it already.
So what's the point of all this mumbo jumbo you ask? It's not a dissertation for a pity party, It's to show that I've had to side-step and adjust to just about anything bad that could happen to a person in their life. And I'm only 41.
I'm nowhere near lazy...I'm just tired of fighting.
And while I may not have five grandkids, I do have SIX KIDS. I try to spend most of my energy on them instead of trying to please everybody else all the time. Truth be told, as soon as the oldest is out of college, Kathy and I are moving to an island somewhere. Both of us are completely disgusted with the direction this country is moving. Do you watch the news? They should call it "The Bad News" cause' that's ALL it is. It's depressing, it sucks and it's the same old sheot over and over again. Anybody who says I have a "lazy attitude" obviously doesn't know me. I'd spend my last dollar on a perfect stranger if they needed it and I've written several letters to government officials which, presumably, went unnoticed.
So, call me what you will and think of me what you want. Maybe someday we'll meet on the trail somewhere and we can chat.
I'll be the guy in the grey wool snowmobile suit.....Comrade.