We don't grapple with it in terms of numbers and statistics, we grapple with the principle of regulation based upon blaming the gun and not the individual. The guns are here and unless every singe gun is removed, guns will be a weapon that will kill. Ezra was right in saying there would be a revolution if it comes to turning in your arms and some would love that. Now you do raise a good point that comes first and foremost into many peoples minds and that is that guns kill so lets control the guns. I would go out an a limb and say that 99.9% of legal gun owners see the intended use of a gun as a form of self defense and controlling these guns will effect self defense to a much greater effect of harm than the good.
Let me ask you this, Remember how kids faces were put on milk cartons or at toll booths on interstates? I do and it was a active way to get results. It was practical and effective and loaded with common sense. I see requiring gun owners to attain a education certificate for storage of the weapon and it's amo as a similar tactic to bring real change in how the average gun owner see's his weapon. I mean it is a weapon and capable of killing someone so the owner should be educated in a responsible manner We are required to have a gun secured in a case in transport of a vehicle and if you are pulled over it is often a felony if the gun is not secure. This particular incident has problems riddled within itself. This kid had issues which are the main reason he did what he did. You are correct that these available weapons made it easy for him to carry out his deeds. Mom didn't take serious precaution to prevent the kid from carrying out his deeds. It seems that many factors are involved in this situation and many of the factory could have easily been addressed. My problem with trying to control the guns is that many people are going to die at the hands of armed criminals and stats show that especially in my neighboring town of youth,,Chicago. The media has a field day with sensationalism and reports the issues that tickles our ears just as we like to watch reality shows for example. Most of us liked to watch OCC to see dad and son fight,, it's our nature. The media rarely covers good deeds and if they do it is always a Hollywood star or someone in the light and they are a hero. You never see the humble people who do extraordinary thing but you see all the bad because that make ratings. This event as terrible as it is is a small notch in the everyday violence with guns involved. I am not justifying it in any way but the overall repercussions of control will cause the typical deaths that we never hear about to rise so what is the point to have a knee jerk reaction.
I appreciate your posts very much and you willingness to chat about this but could you respond with your personal opinion on my statements about the root cause beings a morality issue? Here is an overview of my position. Today, the acceptable speech in public is much more vulgar than years ago. The public dress attire is much more revealing (temptation) than years ago along with divorce, unwed mothers, std's, rape. Porn industry in billions of dollars. Violence of all kinds increasing. Alcohole and substance abuse. We now are seeing weed as legal in some states. Can you agree with me that there is a progression of immorality occurring in this country? If so, can you agree with me that these sorts of incidents are also on the rise? Can you agree with me that there could be some coloration between this kids acts that fits in with the overall increase of violence in our country? Can you explain to me why we do not take alcohole off the shelves as it is a major contributor of fatalities in vehicular homicide. Often speed is a player in motor vehicle deaths and yet we build vehicles to exceed the speed limit by huge mph. Is it necessary to produce these toys in such a high performance mode that many people die. All the above mentioned drastically trump the event in CT. By the way, I like fast toys and use this comparison to illustrate my point of person responsibility. I'm also known to have a few brews.
Children were murdered a few days back and God bless all who are in need. I personally, am tore up over it. My wife eyes have been red since the event happened and I just hold her along with my kids. With you understanding my heart I want you to know that yes,, something needs and can be done, I agree with that. The fact the children were involved has drawn much attention and rightfully so but we need to be vary carefully in how we deal with this because across the nation, some where right this very minute, somebody is being assaulted with a illegal gun and odds are a death is occurring as I type. There is a single mom with kids and a home invader crawling through a window carrying a gun ready to steal valuables and will use the gun if cornered or surprised. Do we really want to disarm citizens in some way that will result in defenseless people keeping in mind the number of people dying like the recent event compared to the every day fatalities across the nation. Don't we always say immediately after a crisis to sit back, cool off, morn, regain composure. The sort of suggestions I am hearing (ban assault weapons, as of now) are alarming and an over reaction. Control only address our emotions and overlooks the basis of our ill intentions. We are hearing little to nothing on individual responsibility and I believe that is where we need to focus immediately.