C'mom kevisip, give me a little credit here! I'm not asking for the government to build me a house. Let's try this again...
My buddy is a good old fashioned American carpenter, not an illegal alien, not a scofflaw, doesn't beat his wife, drinks beer like the rest of us. He's a guy that goes to work every day and you would like him.
He gets cancer
to get quality health care he needs insurance
He can't get insurance
Why? Because he has cancer!
Follow that? He's sick, he needs insurance...can't get insurance because he's sick! Catch 22.
27% of the American population either doesn't have insurance or buys their own, that 's 83 million people. For those 83 million people the insurance industry either won't cover them, drops them if they get sick quadruples their rates as they age, or excludes their sicknesses. Think about it, there are 83 million people who can't get health care on a consistent quality basis. You only get quality affordable insurance if you are young and healthy. If you get old or sick (when you need health care) you get dropped or you pay exorbitant rates.
My issue with this is that the whole premise is like auto insurance, if you become a higher risk you pay more. That's faulty logic with health insurance. With auto insurance if I have accidents and speeding tickets it's my careless driving and I should pay more. I did not choose to get older. My buddy did not choose to get cancer. He needs health care but he cannot afford the mechanism to receive it because he needs it.
Now, for those of you getting health care from your employers (53% of population) pay attention. Employer based health insurance used to be the primary source of health care in the US, covering 75% of the population. That has now declined to 53%. Additionally, health care costs represent 11% of payroll expense, op 72% since 2001. In the future more of you will lose benefits, all of you will pay more.
If you get laid off, you loose your insurance. If you choose to start your own business you will be able to get insurance as long as you don't need it. If you get sick, or heaven forbid old, you will loose that insurance. And, all pre-exisiting conditons are excluded.
All this has resulted in the most expensive health care system in the world which provides mediocre care at best to its citizens as a whole.
The system is broken, it will continue to get worse, and sooner or later the problems will show up at your door 'cause your gonna get older, you might get sick, you might get laid off, or your employer reduces or drops coverage.
Is the new plan the answer? I don't know
Was it ramrodded through? Yup
Is it expensive? Yup?
Is it a BFD (Biden)? Yup
Is it better than the status quo? Yup
The status quo is not sustainable. Employer provided coverage is a declining benefit.