hit and run at hoopnholler


New member
A friend of mine arrived at the root cellar last night and took a ride to the hoop to get some dinner. Between the hours of 5-7 someone hit his sled causing major damage. The damage was so bad it had to picked up with the trailer. No one seen anything happen it was right in site of the cam but I quess the camera does not record. Needless to say he's more than a little pissed. They left a piece of their sled and a faceshield so there had to be a lot damage to the other sled. It really saddens me to think someone could do this and just leave. If anyone is up in the area and sees a sled with damage or may of seen this happen your help would be greatly appreciated. You can p.m. if you want or post any info on here. He has a 500 dollar deductable that he'll have to pay all because someone was to much of an ahole to let somebody know what happened. My quess either no insuance or drunk or both. Even so I know 500 bucks to cover his deductable and he probably would of been ok. I know myself thats part of the reason I head to the u.p. I don't expect this type of stuff to happen. I hope whoever it was reads this and you realize what a idiot you were to handle this this way you ruined a guys trip and cost him 500 bucks all because you're to inconsiderate to walk into the place and say damn I really ruined somebodies day. Accidents happen but the way it's handled says whether you're a man or a worm, and I quess you're a worm.


New member
It was my brothers sleds that were hit yesterday at the Hoop. If anyone has any information let us know. If you were in that situation you would want anyone who knew anything to fess up, a true snowmobiler would do that...


New member
I quess this is a great example of why everyone should have their sled insured. As the o.p. I was hoping for more response it would really be nice to find this person,not many people ride alone so at least one other person knows what happened. It sure would be nice to see that person stand up.


New member
this sucks All i can say if offer a reward for information money talks even with so called friends this guy sounds more like a coward and a yellow bellied snake coward at that not to admit what he or she did wrong I HOPE YOU CATCH THIS CREEP BIG TIME take care THINK SNOW!!!


Well-known member
Try offering a reward. Buy some information....might work. Exspecting a hit & runner to come forward not going to happen. A reward might get someone to recall seeing the hitter.


New member
That really stinks that some jerk ruins someone else's trip & doesn't own up to it. We were at the hoop about a month ago & it is hard to imagine how someone could be so careless


New member

We're up here now. Are there any special color of broken parts we should be looking for? We need good intelligence to find the slacker.


New member
where is this hoop and holler place at got my buckeye curiousity going again? thanks to THINK SNOW and maybe hire DOG the Bounty Hunter I bet he could find this creep


New member
Sheriff sitting near the Hoop n' Holler trail...

Returning from dinner tonight, we passed the HH with the sheriff sitting be the edge of the trail. Be carefull when leaving.


New member
Saw the pictures of the wrecked sled today and its amazing another sled was able to ride away because the sled is definately wrecked. Keep a look out guys.


Well-known member
Then something wrong with traffic pattern. I would look at that & fix it. Does not happen elsewhere twice in a week. Other consideration is impaired riders & can't fix stupid. Cops can only bust after hit & run & that may be tough on wheels.


New member
We rode past that scene last night, I just assumed authorities were checking for trail passes and registration what a drag to hear about the hit and run. What is it with people this season? Someone runs over a picnic table and hits the hoop and then yesterday somebody crashes into a sled in broad daylight with zero visibility issues????? Either too much alcohol or no riding experience, perhaps both.

I am on the lake today if I notice a sled with heavy damage I'll give you a heads up.

The irony here is one of the guys riding in our group yesterday caught an edge and flipped in a turn on 102 he thought he broke his collar bone they left last night so I haven't heard if he had it x-rayed yet, we put him on a two up and rode past the hoop when the police were taking the hit and run report, we then went back for the sled fortunately it was only about 4 or 5 miles north of M28, sled damage wasn't too bad cowl and windshield will need to be replaced.

Trails are decent north but could use some snow between Lake Gogebic and U.S. 2, reports call for 10" today this will help shore up the thin spots, overall conditions are very good.

Ride safe people!


New member
Now exactly where was this sled parked at the Hoop? Last time I was there sleds were parked all over in no specific manner. The gas pumps are very close to the so called parking area. I have not seen the pics. of the sled, but it sounds as if something major hit that sled. Plow truck maybe? A drunk with a pickup? The Hoop is getting its share of air time lately. I always park on the ice in front of the lake side windows by the bird feeders when I am there. seems the safest parking spot.

Running Bear

New member
Love going to the Hoop been going there since the late 80's....sleds have always gotten hit there but you never heard about it like you do now.......best stop on the lake... tons of sleds most of the time......kinda like a big city more cars more accident.....more sleds...more accidents....too bad it happens but it does....good insurance helps against idiots