hit and run at hoopnholler


New member
I find it EXTREMELY hard to believe that a sled could be hit by another sled SO hard that it gets moved eight feet, totals the sled, but yet the "hit and run sledder" was able to ride his sled away. That makes absolutely no sense at all. Moreover, even if the "offenders" sled was ridable, surely the driver was seriously injured as well.

My physics are a little rusty (little help here with the formula NASH?), but you would need to either be going quite fast to move a 500# stationary object with a 500# moving object to move it eight feet....OR...It was hit by something MUCH heavier....Like an automobile.

Something here doesn't add up.

Please, don't misunderstand me, I'm on the "victims" side. Whoever did this is a piece of garbage for not fessing up no matter how it happened. Even if it was (or wasn't) parked in the road.


Sorry, but moving something on ice or snow eight feet is easy, it could have been a glancing blow. Also we assume it was driven away, it could have been towed.

Drunks don't feel pain for hours.


New member
did any one take pictures of the sled ? I would love to see a picture of what happened Also carry a camera when you go sledding just in case something like this happens . May need it at times like this to THINK SNOW


New member
did any one take pictures of the sled ? I would love to see a picture of what happened Also carry a camera when you go sledding just in case something like this happens . May need it at times like this to THINK SNOW

I believe he has pics if not soon will. I'll try to get some up here so you can see. I'm gonna be leaving to go see the carnage firsthand in just a little while.


New member
OK, here's the deal polaris62.....Since the Mrs. and I also own a business, I wanted some clarification on this subject, so I made a phone call to a fellow rider/neighbor/insurance man.

This accident would fall under the "Care, Custody and Control" clause in a policy. Meaning, if you were dropping your sled off at the Hoop for them to use, store or work on, then The Hoop would be liable for the damage AND deductible no matter where it was parked. But, since the sled was there "visiting" the parking lot, The Hoop has absolutely no liability. It's no different than your car getting hit in a parking lot, it's beyond the scope and control of said insured lot owner.

But hey, I make sawdust all day, I'm not an attorney or an insurance man!

Just for giggles....Call the local hospital(s) (or doc-in-the-box) and find out if anyone came in after the accident with any "broken" or dislocated injuries. One could surmise that one or the other would have happened if it was hit by another sled.....

At least it might help narrow down the suspect!

Best of luck......


BTW....If it happened between 5-7, he must have drank a TON of soda pop in two hours! :)

Thanks propjockey but I think he's kinda of given hope of finding out who it was. Yeah he was there for a couple hours but with his wife and not what you would call a big drinker anyway. I'm sure he enjoyed a couple of beers but that would be about it. By the way you ever notice when your self employed you sure seem to have an ahole for a boss.lol


New member
Drunks don't feel pain for hours.

Ahhh....Yes.....More intelligent remarks from another obvious teetotaller. If there's trouble, then it always MUST be a drunk guy. It could have been a sober guy stuck on stupid, parole, a girl or even an AUTOMOBILE! :)

Uggh. Why is it that the same old sheot ends up ruining a lot of threads on this site? THIS HAPPENED AT A BAR, WHICH WOULD INDICATE THERE COULD BE DRUNKS IN THE AREA!!!!


Take that under consideration when parking at one next time. This is where common sense should override stupidity.



New member
could of been a guy or a gal not paying attention and talking and texting on there D--M cell phone I for one can't stand cell phones ever since they have been around peiople have become more rude Can't people wait till they get home to talk ? i for one don't want to be bothered all the time Peace and Quiet are nice The only good thing a cell phone is for is 911 and thats all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
By the way you ever notice when your self employed you sure seem to have an ahole for a boss.lol

Yeah, and I yell at him a lot, so I give myself a day off here and there as punishment! :)

My two favorite lines I love to use being self-employed...

"Hey Jeff, how's business?...."

Response #1- "Oh, you know, just another day of trying to run it into the ground"
Response #2- "Business would be great if it wasn't for the customers"

All joking aside, while I never have "normal 9-5" hours and must always answer the phone, I love being able to shut the shop down whenever I want to go play golf, ride the sled, go boating or just go sit in a sunny beer garden and get waxed while taking in a Cubs game. To me, the benefits outweigh the sometimes overwhelming pitfalls. You gotta pay to play, and I love to play hard which is why I'm thinking about how I'm going to kick tomorrows arse at the shop while I sit here watching Luge.....(swooosh!)



New member
Yeah, and I yell at him a lot, so I give myself a day off here and there as punishment! :)

My two favorite lines I love to use being self-employed...

"Hey Jeff, how's business?...."

Response #1- "Oh, you know, just another day of trying to run it into the ground"
Response #2- "Business would be great if it wasn't for the customers"

All joking aside, while I never have "normal 9-5" hours and must always answer the phone, I love being able to shut the shop down whenever I want to go play golf, ride the sled, go boating or just go sit in a sunny beer garden and get waxed while taking in a Cubs game. To me, the benefits outweigh the sometimes overwhelming pitfalls. You gotta pay to play, and I love to play hard which is why I'm thinking about how I'm going to kick tomorrows arse at the shop while I sit here watching Luge.....(swooosh!)




New member
This event does not surprise me, it just goes to show what high H.P. sleds and idiots can do to the sport of snowmobiling. Just imagine running into this guy on the trail, you would not stand a chance to escape without injury. The fact that he took off after causing the damage puts the whole sport in jeopardy. And the need to have more laws increases with each incident. Why do I say high H.P. because there is no way you are going to push a sled 8 feet with a 500 cc. sled,unless you were going 70 M.P.H. which makes him an idiot. Now I am ready to hear all the comments.


Well-known member
just a guess but in order to push a sled 8 ft you need some weight behind you so I would be looking at a newer yami or a older thunder both about 3/4ton


New member
just another thought how about a pick up truck with a snow plow attachment in the front of it ? be hard to damage one of those things to also if it was parked on a road a semi could of came through there and moved it with out damaging the semi maybe that is far fetched but it's a thought THINK SNOW!!!!!


I for one was out on the lakes with my son who is 11 and does NOT have his safety certification and I could care less if the DNR gave me a ticket. My son does not drink, he does not drive reckless and he's in bed at 9:00. Belive it or not I passed two DNR officers just outside of boulder and they gave my son the thumbs up as they passed bye, I had to get on the trail for about a mile or so, to get to another lake to ride on. I guess that would have cost me a fortune. I talked to some locals at the bar this morning having eggs by the way, and they said the Vilas county and local cops have been a real pain in the Butt this winter. I'm not so sure this is the sport I'm willing to hang onto anymore, it cost me a fortune to drive 250 miles stay at a hotel, $40.00 a gal of oil and then to checked at every stop. If you think the manufactures are killing the sport with high prices add the local cops. I'm going to check the local city web page, I'm sure my kids bikes need a lic. too, and my dog, oh yea i might have a small fire in the back yard, better get a permit for that. What next, now ya got me all pissed off.


New member
Well the sled that was hit arrived home. Being able to look at it in a nice warm shop for as long as we wanted it defintely looks like it had to be a sled that hit it. There are many marks on whats left of the hood that sure look to have come from carbides. Not that we are ever gonna be on csi but it appears a ski caught the ski of his wifes sled, parked right next to his. That must of shot the ski just airborn enough to land on the top of his spindle. There are deep marks on top of his spindle that were never there much like a carbide would of made. It must of got the ski just high enough to land on his hood. So it looks like this other sled actually ran right over the top of his sled. But while doing so either hit the brake hard or just the force of the impact rolled his sled. Which explains how it ended getting moved 8 feet. The steering post is severly bent which is no easy task,as I've had more than a few rubber side up with no damage except the old winshield. But with the weight of another sled pushing down much easier. We even thought a dead sled being towed that got away from them but i don't think many people would be towing a sled that fast there, but I quess possible. But that does'nt explain the faceshield they left behind. It took a good hit on something as there is a good size crack and a puncture hole like it might have after hitting the handlebars. Whats really amazing is the sled was sitting right side up. So it either did a complete roll or the person who hit it took the time to right it and this sure seems unlikely. It looks like he'll probably never know what really happened but whoever did it at the very least woke up with a real bad headache. Also after looking he realized the est. was low as the dealer missed many items that you would just not think would of been damaged but were. If anyone knows anything please post it here or p.m. me it sure would be nice to see who did this pay.


Well the sled that was hit arrived home. Being able to look at it in a nice warm shop for as long as we wanted it defintely looks like it had to be a sled that hit it. There are many marks on whats left of the hood that sure look to have come from carbides. Not that we are ever gonna be on csi but it appears a ski caught the ski of his wifes sled, parked right next to his. That must of shot the ski just airborn enough to land on the top of his spindle. There are deep marks on top of his spindle that were never there much like a carbide would of made. It must of got the ski just high enough to land on his hood. So it looks like this other sled actually ran right over the top of his sled. But while doing so either hit the brake hard or just the force of the impact rolled his sled. Which explains how it ended getting moved 8 feet. The steering post is severly bent which is no easy task,as I've had more than a few rubber side up with no damage except the old winshield. But with the weight of another sled pushing down much easier. We even thought a dead sled being towed that got away from them but i don't think many people would be towing a sled that fast there, but I quess possible. But that does'nt explain the faceshield they left behind. It took a good hit on something as there is a good size crack and a puncture hole like it might have after hitting the handlebars. Whats really amazing is the sled was sitting right side up. So it either did a complete roll or the person who hit it took the time to right it and this sure seems unlikely. It looks like he'll probably never know what really happened but whoever did it at the very least woke up with a real bad headache. Also after looking he realized the est. was low as the dealer missed many items that you would just not think would of been damaged but were. If anyone knows anything please post it here or p.m. me it sure would be nice to see who did this pay.

The dealer is just going to give a quick estimate and cover the obvious damages. They do not want to spend too much time writing it up and have you pocket the money. If they get the repair work any additional damages are report to the insurance company as they repair the sled.

If i were the insurance claim adjuster I would have many doubts about this story and how the actual damage occurred. Lets see some pictures.


New member

Its hard to believe every time something like this happens, it is one of the brotherhood of sledders. Just by nature of the odds there has to be a couple a**holes amongst all the guys that are otherwise treating the rest of us like family. Too bad we don't see as many posts on the guys that go out of their way to help us out. I have met some great guys that are still friends from helping or being helped out on the trail or with a repair somewhere.

Alcohol was probably at fault. ya think? My buddies cousin flew in from Texas to ride with us, rented a sled in Bergland, and 20 minutes later was hit on a corner doing 30 miles an hour by a high speed sledder who just kept going. I imagine this happens fairly often.

Sorry to the owner. I hope they find this guy. If he has any soul at all he will do the right thing, although he may wait for the 2 year statute of limitations to run out.

I didnt see if the owner was insured, but after watching my sled burn to the ground, insurance looks a lot cheaper.

Thanks to all the guys that do stop after a mishap, or stop just to help!!


New member
I am still having difficulty understanding how this incident wasn't witnessed by one person.

You said the sled was parked in view of the cam, well this is directly outside the main window that everyone at the bar sits and looks out on the lake, additionally there was a very large crowd inside and out as I rode past Saturday evening, based on where the machine was parked the only direction another snowmobile would have come in that hot is from the south or directly at the hoop because there were parked sleds on the lake protecting its SE side, the hoop directly in front, high snowbanks directly west, I suppose it is possible somebody started their sled in the parking lot slightly northwest and a throttle stuck and ran into it, more I think about it that really is the only thing that makes any sense at all. But with the amount of people in the immediate area and nobody seen this incident is almost incomprehensible.
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New member
I agree that it is unlikely noone saw it, however, some of these post then are implying what? That the sled was wrecked and then a hit and run staged? Carbide tracks on the hood... Santa Clause?
I guess I don't see the gain in something fishy. If he has insurance, it would be covered regardless of whose fault is was. It would be better if a licensed motor vehicle hit it, then the sled would be covered under the auto drivers liability/property damage insurance. Gotta find someone to blame it on though, or it doesnt pay.
"When the impossible is ruled out, only the improbable remains, my dear Watson". Sherlocke Holmes. or Barney Fife, i get them mixed up.