Home self defense weapon


New member
Anythings better than nothing as snobuilder suggests...just stupid..not even worth arguing.

My choice is a 1911 .45 cal semi auto pistol


Well-known member
LMAO!....an arctic cat fan did what??????,
except it was summer so must have been a poo fan he saw that pos sportsman 500 and just had to run up stairs and start rubbing I guess.
it took 2 calls to the cops ar 230am over 20min and my town is less than 5 mi across . when they did show it was all 3 neighboring towns at the exact same time.
I think the friggin pussycats were afrade to come alone or something I had this guy heald by the neck up to a tree with his pants around his feet for 20min .
then seeing as the garage was under construction and had no side door the worthless cops did not even charge him with braking and entering . and then they say my word to his that he was jacking in my garage even though when they got there his pants were still down.
oh well not even 2 yrs after that they had the helicopters from 2 county's out looking for him .I knew the second I saw the alert on tv who it was. then I saw him and called the DA and told him my story and none of the stuff about this freak masturbating in my garage was in the report.
I knew I had recognized him from some place the night it went down . the 4 days after I went to Super America gas station . then I remembered he saw me walking up and ran in to the cooler . well I proceeded to tell every one he worked with and a big chunk of the morning rush customers the story in full detail . did not see him again until he was on tv caught for lurking in a woman's house.


Well-known member
and no one got shot?...do you keep your porn in the garage?....looking for a good clutch kit?....gimme a minute here to get my smartassed reply straight...that was one hel7 of a story.


Well-known member
no I was up watching tv my wife was sleeping . I heard something in the garage . like I said I was just building it gable end was not even fully ply wooded.
I shin a flash light up to the gable end just out side my bedroom window and I see the action. I run out and up the stairs. jump up still on stairs grab this guy by his backpack strap and yank him down the stairs face first . my wife is standing at the door shot gun in 1 hand on phone with 911 with other saying why is he not wearing pants.
then 15 min pass and she had to call again. guy was wasted but still. creepy stuff would have deff been a dif story if he was in my house.
oh I forgot she was also heckling him when still on phone with 911. are u sure he was jacking it looks to small to grab . and a few other jabs.
that was eventful crime yr that winter is when I chased down the Indian Christmas day after I saw him in my truck at the Duluth holiday in parking ramp. caught his ars and took some aggression out on his drunk stomach with my boots . they searched him and started pulling out prescriptions with my name on them . Christmas gifts . cops were like we have been trying to catch this guy for months . I said well guess U need to give me a job I just rolled in to town 20min ago and closed this case. that cop saw what was going on after I caught the guy. he came to a full stop let it continue then slowly rolled down the hill .my wife was on the phone with 911 the whole time giving play by play commentary watching from parking ramp.
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Active member
It's amazing how paranoid all you country folk are. I've lived in Chicago and the burbs for 52 years and never needed a gun. I thought you guys lived out in the boondocks to get away from all the bad stuff. LOL!


Well-known member
I've lived in the burbs for 52 years and never needed fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, or CO detectors either, but you can rest assured there are several of each in my house. :)

Lots of good sensible advice here to a legitimate question (I personally have not seen any "machoed up rambo replies). Unfortunately, we can't all live in the beautiful utopia where bad people don't do bad things.


New member
FYI, Dunham's in Rhinelander,Wisconsin, Sterling Illinois and Michigan locations has Remington 9mm luger 115 gram ammo 250 round boxes for $57.99 a box limit 4. Sale ends Dec. 3.


Well-known member
It's amazing how paranoid all you country folk are. I've lived in Chicago and the burbs for 52 years and never needed a gun. I thought you guys lived out in the boondocks to get away from all the bad stuff. LOL!

Maybe they don't have the police force you have


It's amazing how paranoid all you country folk are. I've lived in Chicago and the burbs for 52 years and never needed a gun. I thought you guys lived out in the boondocks to get away from all the bad stuff. LOL!

I have all types and very handy...I don't need an alarm system either in the "country", I do however believe in my second amendment rights.

I am not paranoid, in fact quite the opposite. I've had two very scary encounters with wolves this fall while out with my dog on my property. I will protect my family, property, and whatever is needed to enjoy this beautiful land I live on.

All I can say is that I am happy I have my pistol on me at all times. I seriously doubt I'll ever need it for personal protection (from humans) but I may in the woods. A friend of mines dog was just killed by a wolf while he was letting it out, very close to my home, I won't let that happen.

If some don't want to carry or have any firearms that is great, but I prefer to have some and teach my kids to use them and to respect them.



Active member
That`s what is great about this country. We have choice. You can have the foresight to prepare for the worst and be armed and ready. You can use other means to safeguard your family like alarm systems etc and count on a quick police response or you can do nothing because nothing bad will ever happen in your neighborhood anyway. Whatever works for you I guess but when its all said and done I want the odds in my favor so I chose all of the above!!


Active member
How have you gone about teaching your kids to use them and respect them ? I'm just askin '


New member
extreme commitment to on going training and a plan for possible invaders is the key - you could get shot by the intruder with your own gun or possibly shoot a family member or friend your kid let sleep over and you were not aware.-- if you don't have the training-
we don't have a gun in our house, but we live in town and feel pretty safe - everyone's situation is different


Well-known member
I prefer to reserve the element of surprise. It's kind of like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get.....:eek:-Mezz


I prefer to reserve the element of surprise. It's kind of like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get.....:eek:-Mezz

That's awesome.....sort of like a big snow and then I open the garage door and see what ya get......

Anyway, I'm always amazed at all of the different responses to these types of questions posed...... I'm thinking Mezz got a box of chocolates for his Bday.......and he took a bite out of each one then put it back in the box.........



extreme commitment to on going training and a plan for possible invaders is the key - you could get shot by the intruder with your own gun or possibly shoot a family member or friend your kid let sleep over and you were not aware.-- if you don't have the training-
we don't have a gun in our house, but we live in town and feel pretty safe - everyone's situation is different

Well said and right on.....it is important to know what is going on at all times if possible. I know where to reach for my firearm, how many exact steps to another and so on...I also have tactical lights in specific places and mounted on.......anyway you have to practice as most people freeze up in tense situations. self defense classes with shooting targets on the move are really good.

I may get killed with my own gun, but they will have to beat me with it as it will be empty......
