John I'm a little Disappointed..................


New member
I'm sure I will get bashed for saying this but here it goes short and to the point.............

John I was a little disappointed to hear that your new vehicle was a Honda, being the our Michigan economy is in the toilet I feel it ever so important to support our BIG 3 manufactures, I'm sure many guys and gals that visit this sight are either employed by the one of the BIG 3 car company’s or work as a Tier 1 or 2 to them, myself I work for a Tier 1.
Every time I look to make a major purchase I do my best to try and find it made in the USA.

And I know some guys will claim quality but I don’t buy that for one minute, the quality in USA made cars are second to none, I would stack a GM or Ford to a forgin car any day hands down......

Just my 2 cents.......................................


New member
I just learned today there is a place in China and Japan named Usa. Watch what you buy 'cause it may say "MADE IN USA", but it's coming from China or Japan.



so, can you tell me how much of a Chevy, Ford, Chrysler is actually made in America compared to a Toyota or Honda?

please, before you go trying to bash someone for a purchase, look at what you own, even the little things add up, what 6 year old made your jeans and other items you covet in life...

Was that what you were looking for?

on edit: look at my wifes Pontiac Vibe. its really a money just went to the CEO's that ran the big 3 into the ground.

I know i shouldn't have responded, but i don't expect this post to stick around...
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Well-known member
serious mattus, this is kind of ridiculous. the Pilot is made in Alabama, two of the Detroit 3 no longer exist except for the life support courtesy of the US taxpayers (thanks to Presidents and Senators/Representatives of both parties), and the 3rd is a ticking time bomb, having been mortgaged to the hilt to survive today's crisis but unable to get any meaningful concessions from the UAW. I know GM and Ford quality has improved in recent years, but you can't call someone out for buying an American made vehicle from a solvent company.


New member
Don't ya think his family comes first? SHEESH!!!Hondas run 10 years plus!!!!good investment.....for a vehicle...

we should all be more worried about his choice in sleds!!!LOL


New member
Buy American or get lost I live in Lansing Michigan which use to be the car capitol of the world. Not anymore, Now Its hard to get a decent job because there arent any. If you do get a job at GM you are makeing $12 bucks an hour thanks for the need to try to compete with these cheapy forign auto makers that dont offer a livable wage and sell there junk cheap.

Out of a job yet, keep buying forign


Well-known member
Global economy buy what ever product you think is the best for your family. Too many auto companies can't all survive shrinking market. Honda makes great cars good bang for the buck & has to be considered in my book. I never purchased anything but American cars but Honda top of my list as well. Times are changing only the strong & the best will survive.... GM still in big trouble I just don't know if they will make it & could be huge waste of taxpayer money. Also have not purchased USA snowmobile since 1996 just not as good as Doo & Yamaha. I can't bring myself to buy anything just because it is made in USA. If the product is the best bang for buck sure but if not I will buy the best tech regardless of country.


I find it interesting how guys like to tell others how to spend their money. Clear and what you want, style, fit, performance, economy of use, maintenance, durability, fit and finnish, resale, ect. To be blunt, if Ford, Chevy, Chrysler built what people want then they would be selling. Also, the big three's factories and assembly structure are out dated and too large. Too much overhead. They needed to rebuild long ago. Look at the new efficient plants that Toyota, Nissan, BMW, VW, ect are building here in America. Im a IBEW electrician and I own a Acura TL and Dodge Dakota. My next truck will be a F150 or Tundra. Why, in my opinion they are the best two truck out now for me. Bottom line...dont tell others how to spend their money!


Well-known member
Tax is tax regardless of country. USA gets paid one way or the other.You will drive youself nuts trying to buy made in USA it just does not work that way anymore. We buy from all countries & they buy from us especially with value of USA dollar down. In fact that is what is driving the current USA recovery. You have no idea where the subassembiles come from in any product. Our economy is moving up regardles of auto biz. The adjustment has been made auto biz small part of big picture. Home electronics left USA a long time ago auto biz going to be the same way unless they can build a much better car than the competition & make money at it. Neither looks good now & in future. MI has to attract other industry & move on stop thinking of what was it's already gone & never will be the same. If I was part of failed auto industry I would look to do something new it's gone or at the very least an enormus downscale. Sad but true & time to move on. I know it is hard but don't wait for something to happen that is beyond your control. Be proactive & move on better for you, your family & the good old USA.


New member
Thanks Mattus, I think what bothers me most about the purchase, (not including that I am a GM UAW employee) is that his neighors live and work in the Keeweenaw at the local dealerships, and instead he drove two hours to Marquette to buy a honda, instead of supporting the local economy and Honda is in fact a foreign automaker, (there headquarters are not here). If memory serves me right, his sleds weren't local either.


Active member
Made in USA

A few mths ago, majority or most, were waving red white and blue flag for any and all purchases or local companys dealt with, even if more expensive. If someone admitted they shopped Walmart or bought Foriegn that was the wrong thing to say. Just my observation from here.

mattus was not bashing anyone, though it has become very popular now.


New member
I think the troops need snow!! Soon !! I noticed Graces blanket was English wool !! Lets ride ,Wed 8 am. varoooom !


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Staff member
My only response is that Nora and I purchased the vehicle we did because it best fit our families needs, not the UAW or GM or Ford or Chrysler. I am sorry that it disappointed so many of you, you certainly have that right.

But as long as we are on the topic of what is American and what is not, can someone please tell me what is American about telling another American how to live their life?

My only request is that we keep this thread civil. So far so good.
