John I'm a little Disappointed..................


New member
My wife drives a 2009 Camry, its a company car and she works for an American company: one of the largest companies in the world. Last year when she got to choose her company vehicle there was only one American car on the list and it was a Chrysler that she did not want. Her fleet department told her that the negotiations with the big 3 did not go well that year for her company and that they couldn't come to terms with decent prices. This past summer someone stuck a sheet of paper on her car with all of these sound bytes of "its people like you that are destroying America" and "you are why we are out of work", etc. Well I did a little research on her car and found this out . The 2009 Toyota Camry is the number 1 made in America car based on sales and MADE IN AMERICA parts. Who cares if the "profits are going overseas". They are employing many good people here in America that don't need the union and are very happy.

I also know that there are some foreign vehicles that have a much higher resale value after a couple years than their big 3 counterparts. Compare the price of a mini van by Honda or Toyota vs. the big 3 that is a few years old.

John, enjoy your Pilot. I have a good friend of mine that drives one and she loves it.


Super Moderator
Staff member
"Who cares if the profits are going overseas".

Well, I think we should all care. Those Profits are going to build schools, bridges, etc. in other countries, not the USA. Our Infrastructure desparately needs Corporate Profits to maintain itself. If there is a Silver Lining, it's that we still build the foreign cars here and the wages remain in America. Unfortunately, the workers are Taxed to the Max in return.

Let's remember, we live in a country where we're still free to choose where we live, where we travel, and what we drive. Enjoy the Honda, John & Nora.

And I should also mention, my wife and I drive Ford Products and are very pleased with the quality and performance.


New member
i'm sure i will get bashed for saying this but here it goes short and to the point.............

John i was a little disappointed to hear that your new vehicle was a honda, being the our michigan economy is in the toilet i feel it ever so important to support our big 3 manufactures, i'm sure many guys and gals that visit this sight are either employed by the one of the big 3 car company’s or work as a tier 1 or 2 to them, myself i work for a tier 1.
Every time i look to make a major purchase i do my best to try and find it made in the usa.

And i know some guys will claim quality but i don’t buy that for one minute, the quality in usa made cars are second to none, i would stack a gm or ford to a forgin car any day hands down......

Just my 2 cents.......................................

sounds like a union guy out of work


New member
I personally own american vehicles for reasons that the imports couldn't fill my needs. That said, the big three controlled their own destiny. The lifestyle of the pompous american with their big escalades and fancy corvettes that spew nothing but arrogance, while zero focus was put into fuel economy or practicality until now, when they have been called out on their lack of attention to that segment. The absurd amount of money that the heirarchy of the big three would make was ridiculous. Our country has turned itself into one big greedy competition. Nobody seems content with practical day to day life, that shows in our demand for 400 pound sleds and 200 horsepower. The state of our economy rests on the shoulders of the american, plain and simple. Blaming it on anything else is denial!
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New member
My ? to you all is HOW DO WE GET OUR COUNTRY BACK to the way it was ? I want things for my kids and grand kids to have good jobs for and I don't see it when it was made in the 60 's that product was made to last Not all this crap coming from China that has to be recalled all the time I am sick of all that waste Also all the lead in them products scares me for the kids to and Aqua doodles a few years back contained the date rape drug in it NO QUALITY CONTROL IN CHINA Need to go back and have pride in this country where made in the USA means something and where we put our people first not last as I have been seeing latley OUR PEOPLE in this country need to have jobs way before any one else period and I think the CEO's should get out of there Ivory Towers for at least 2 years and do the job of the regular Joe on the street and make the same pay to May wake up some of them guys to I miss the USA the way it was proud and strong and second to none NUMBER 1!!!


I'm sure I will get bashed for saying this but here it goes short and to the point.............

John I was a little disappointed to hear that your new vehicle was a Honda, being the our Michigan economy is in the toilet I feel it ever so important to support our BIG 3 manufactures, I'm sure many guys and gals that visit this sight are either employed by the one of the BIG 3 car company’s or work as a Tier 1 or 2 to them, myself I work for a Tier 1.
Every time I look to make a major purchase I do my best to try and find it made in the USA.

And I know some guys will claim quality but I don’t buy that for one minute, the quality in USA made cars are second to none, I would stack a GM or Ford to a forgin car any day hands down......

Just my 2 cents.......................................

I am curious why you stop at "major purchases" The money spent from day to day add up year to year. I believe they probably exceeded the major purchases. What I ask is that people who question others spending, look close at your own. US companies claim they have to many restrictions imposed on them and "had to outsource" It may or may not be true but regardless Washington is not working for the people anymore and without them backing the people, no sense putting a band aid on a hemorrhage


New member
Ezra - sounds like your a little upset with z71 - LOL

I would say drive what ever vehicle best suits a person's/family's needs. Happy with the Silverado (4 yrs old) and the wifes Explorer (11 yrs old & still going strong - 150K miles). Both have been good vehicles for us!


I'm sure I will get bashed for saying this but here it goes short and to the point.............

John I was a little disappointed to hear that your new vehicle was a Honda, being the our Michigan economy is in the toilet I feel it ever so important to support our BIG 3 manufactures, I'm sure many guys and gals that visit this sight are either employed by the one of the BIG 3 car company’s or work as a Tier 1 or 2 to them, myself I work for a Tier 1.
Every time I look to make a major purchase I do my best to try and find it made in the USA.

And I know some guys will claim quality but I don’t buy that for one minute, the quality in USA made cars are second to none, I would stack a GM or Ford to a forgin car any day hands down......

Just my 2 cents.......................................

Say Mattus...why would you even be inquiring about a Yamaha sled if you are so "buy American"?


New member
sounds like a union guy out of work

Not at all, never been in a union. Reading all the reply’s it's no wonder our country is in the state that it is. Think all you want, but America was built on manufacturing and if we do not support our local business were all domed.

I scared as **** to see what my kids and grandkids will have to contend with when they grow up with such IGNORANCE in the country today................................................


Only because my wife like the looks of the new Phazers, but I Guarantee it will never happen..................LOL

yea, right...if it were never going ot happen you wouldnt be inquiring on the classifieds.

Happy wife, happy life. Good like with your Phazer.


Well-known member
Gary - corporate profits flow to the shareholders. You can buy stocks in Honda or Toyota right now but not in Chrysler or GM. And Ford shares are different in that the Ford family's minority share still holds the vast majority of voting rights in the company. So if you want to buy a common stock in a car company, and participate in the profits and voting rights, you can't do that with any of the Big 3.

Mattus - not trying to single you out as I don't think you were trying to bash anyone) but if this country was built on manufacturing (I would argue it was built on the concept of freedom and with the blood of our troops), how does an automotive plant outside of the UAW's control not do the same thing? I agree the wages and benefits are not the same, but I doubt you could find one case where the wages paid are less than what else is available in that general area.

We own a Jeep Commander and a Nissan Altima. Been happy with both of them, although the "fit and finish"/overal quality of the Commander seems to be a little poor - but that's ok because we bought it used and got an incredible price. When we were looking at the Altima a few months ago (built in Tennessee), we also looked at the Camry (highest American content of any vehicle), Impala (built in Canada), G6/Malibu (built in America) and the Fusion (built in Mexico). I wanted to buy an American-built car, which ruled out the Fusion, and I couldn't bring myself to buy a bailout car, so that left me with the Altima or the Camry.


New member
My ? to you all is HOW DO WE GET OUR COUNTRY BACK to the way it was ? I want things for my kids and grand kids to have good jobs for and I don't see it when it was made in the 60 's that product was made to last Not all this crap coming from China that has to be recalled all the time I am sick of all that waste Also all the lead in them products scares me for the kids to and Aqua doodles a few years back contained the date rape drug in it NO QUALITY CONTROL IN CHINA Need to go back and have pride in this country where made in the USA means something and where we put our people first not last as I have been seeing latley OUR PEOPLE in this country need to have jobs way before any one else period and I think the CEO's should get out of there Ivory Towers for at least 2 years and do the job of the regular Joe on the street and make the same pay to May wake up some of them guys to I miss the USA the way it was proud and strong and second to none NUMBER 1!!!

WOW, this is just one long sentence. Punctuation is your friend.


Well-known member
I am tired about everyone talking about what the quality of an American car is. I have sold American cars for the last 10 years. Maybe the UAW shoud take some pride in the American car companies and not just what they are going to make. I will agree the foriegn car makers do not no make a truck that compares in the heavy 250 or 2500 market. The American car companys flood the market with cars they sell to rental car companys so it makes your car worth nothing, Example I bought a 23k Impala it was work 12k a year later and had to go back to the dealer 2 times for electrical problems.

Then we could talk about the 2010 Travese I had a dealer trade on. Well it starts fine I bring it home and the next morning no start. It just grinds and grinds. Finaly it starts but no power locks and rear window wiper will not shut off. I found out they know they have a linkage problem for over a year but there has not been a total fix yet.

Talking to everyone in the business it looks like Ford will survive but Gm and Chrysler might not. You cannot give away Gm franchise away while you cannot find a forgien car one. It makes no sense why a Buick is actually a nice car while they use the same components in a Chevy and its junk. Gm should of went bankrupt without a government bailout for the unions. They might of came back now all they are is a wounded animal just prolonging another bailout. GO bankrupt and start over.


New member
Do you own a TV and how many. where is it made. Hmm
Cargill ships a lot of food overseas. who grows the corn, rice?
Our farmers. We all pay things that we need. thats made over seas.
Thats our counties trade agreement. This how we live today to
try to make peace. I try to buy USA made things but sometimes
you buy what works for you.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Just wondering if Mattus has the balls to go up to people at a gas station, who are driving a foreign car, and tell THEM how dissapointed he is that they did not buy an American owned car? I bet not.

No face to face confrontation on the internet.


New member
Capitalism for all. Don't force your opinion down my throat, and I won't force it down yours.
God bless America. Embrace your freedom while you still have it. Some people here are trying to level that so called playing field.



Well-known member
For the comment if Gm did not build the Escalade and the Corvette they would not be in this situation. Well if they did not make these vehicles they would not of made it his far. Gm has not been able to figure out to make a good car in the small car market like Honda or Toyota. A lot of the quality is perception. If you had a junk snowmobile I think you would look at another brand. The reason new union workers are making $12 a hour is because you have to pay for the workers that are retired. a company cannot work by supporting all the ex employees. What happened to a savings and a 401k.

I do not think any of us would have a problem buying a Gm if the quality is there. And here is a list of what I have had
95 toyota t100
97 gmc high rider
98 bmw convertible
01 lexus
02 duramax
03 s10 zr2
04 duramax
05 vette
06 vette
06 duramax
08 impala
08 honda