John I'm a little Disappointed..................


New member
Just to clear a couple of things up:

I never stated that I though any of the big three were un-reliable. I said we needed to find a new main vehicle because the Blazer has 220,000 miles on it and I worry that something major could go at any minute on it. So I was not blaming the vehicle, but the miles on it. A vehicle with 220,000 miles is not something I want to drive my family around in or have Nora driving to work alone in every day.

We also STILL HAVE TWO GM vehicles sitting in the driveway and when it comes time to replace them with a new truck for me, it will be one of the big three as I believe they still make superior trucks.

I'm glad that everyone is keeping this pretty civil and am glad that the debate can go on.

Still waiting on that answer to how telling someone else how to live their life is American!


Unfortunately John in todays America that seems to be the norm. Lately we are told what to eat, what not to do thats bad for our health. We have had our rights as parents taken away by laws in regards to recreational vehicles, safety equip. etc... We also have residential communities that tell us what we can build and how it must look and whether or not we can have flag poles.

I know what you were getting at but I feel that the way things are going we are being molded to "think for others" instead of being able to learn from our own mistakes and grow. Growing up in the 70's as a child when you hurt yourself it wasn't the toys fault or the snowmobile, motorcycle, or ATV's fault, it was usually your own fault for doing something that caused the injury. Now days when a kid gets hurt or killed its all about the euipments fault and then the lawsuits start. Others seem to think they know whats best by outlawing things, making it more difficult to purchase certain items or my telling you what to buy. Its a shame but it is reality.

P.S. John, I really like the new forum, its really user friendly. It will be great for you to monitor and for the users to use!!!! Thanks for having such a great passion for snow and the outdoors, we wouldn't be able to have a debate like this without
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New member
Why do we have so many colors to choose from when it comes to automobiles in this country? Why you ask, because we are not a Communist country that’s why!

Maybe over the years the Unions should have expanded their influence overseas or across the borders to keep a level playing field so big business wouldn't leave our shores for cheaper labor. Maybe big business should not have lined their own pockets with our sweat equity. Maybe the big bankers shouldn't give themselves the big bonuses they do and plan to this year.

I can go on and on but the bottom line is this, we live in the land of the free where you can choose where you live, work and play. The land where we have clean drinking water and food to eat, where we can choose how where our children get educated.
The land where you can freely choose your religion and lastly where we as the people can choose who run's this great nation.

Maybe we all made a mistake when we choose our career paths, we all should have been politicians. Who drives them? Who gasses their cars? Who pays for their Health Care? Who pays for their lodging and travel?

Boy hindsight is truly 20/20.

Be proud to be an American someone who has the right to choose I know I am!


Staff member
Mattus you said "I just can’t see the "I'll do whatever best for me attitudes" "

Not union bashing here, but isn't that pretty much exactly what the unions have been doing since day one? I mean it's their whole purpose to do what ever is best for their members and anything else... well...not so much.



New member
Doesn't anyone in here snowmobile anymore? Or are we all just out of work and have nothing else to do? You have to admit Honda builds a great product no matter what it is.


New member
Being John Dee is a tuffer job than I thought. Weather forecast does not work & you could say he got it wrong. John shares details of his life & suddenly he got that wrong too. The Pilot is a fine car perfect for him & his family. I say John be excited about your new car purchase & buy exactly what you want. Take in that new car smell & enjoy the experince of your new Honda. I think you made an excellent choice!

I'll second that! Cheers John!


New member
I think the answer would be...

You can tell someone what you think they should buy, (or "how to live your life" I guess? a bit of a stretch)

But you also have the right to ignore him, tell him where to put his advice.
Also since we are in your house it's your right to, delete his post, bannish him, etc.

All of the above options seem pretty American to me.
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New member
Doesn't anyone in here snowmobile anymore? Or are we all just out of work and have nothing else to do? You have to admit Honda builds a great product no matter what it is.

my wrist is broke---and im still not going to tell you how to live!!LOL
polarisrider1 I think we need to talk about how much you seem to be skipping out of work too much!!!J\k LOL


New member
Hot off the WGN Chicago website:

Chicago-based Boeing, which has orders for 840 787s, plans to make the first delivery to Japan's All Nippon Airways late next year.


Well-known member
Mattus you said "I just can’t see the "I'll do whatever best for me attitudes" "

Isn't that pretty much exactly what the unions have been doing since day one?


I think this will get the MI union guys fired up. Laid off, bored, future looks bleak & stuck in the past. Could be the end of this thread. I hope not .....everyone keep it civil & maybe a better understanding of both sides of the issue will evolve.


New member
Mattus you said "I just can’t see the "I'll do whatever best for me attitudes" "

Isn't that pretty much exactly what the unions have been doing since day one?


John your exactly right and I will be the first to admit that what got them in the position there in now and that’s a shame, but hopefully they have learn for their mistakes and have turned a new page, and hopefully we have also, and can support them moving forward.

Any way you slice it a strong American car manufacture will in-turn result in a stronger US economy.


Just to clear a couple of things up:

I never stated that I though any of the big three were un-reliable. I said we needed to find a new main vehicle because the Blazer has 220,000 miles on it and I worry that something major could go at any minute on it. So I was not blaming the vehicle, but the miles on it. A vehicle with 220,000 miles is not something I want to drive my family around in or have Nora driving to work alone in every day.

We also STILL HAVE TWO GM vehicles sitting in the driveway and when it comes time to replace them with a new truck for me, it will be one of the big three as I believe they still make superior trucks.

I'm glad that everyone is keeping this pretty civil and am glad that the debate can go on.

Still waiting on that answer to how telling someone else how to live their life is American!


John its the socialist ideal. I say screw that. I could give a rats *** on what you drive.


New member
John, bet you never thought sitting at the dealership purchasing this new vehicle for your family would generate all this buzz - LOL


Staff member
I was worried about enraging the union folks Whitedust. I did not mean to point a finger of blame, I just wanted to point out what I though the unions purpose is (good or bad).

That was a great response Mattus.

For what it is worth, I still believe that America is the best country in the world with the best workers and when our backs are against the wall is when we do some of our best work. I believe that there will be a recovery of some, if not all of the big three. Perhaps not in the way everyone wants, but what will emerge will be stronger, more efficient and more capable of competing with anyone.

Now I am going to try and bow out for good this time! :)



New member
Hey John - which Honda did you get? My wife and I both have Honda' em! Trying to decide whether to buy her Odyssey after the lease if up in a few months, or maybe try a Pilot or Ridgeline...


just my 2 cents again. if that is true about 12.00 per hr. now for union job.they would not be in the position there at today just my opinion.


Well-known member
Thinking out of the box how about an organized open bid US work force that could put a package together for maybe 3-5 years for GM to build cars that controls costs puts a fixed cost on labor benes,ect. GM always went with lowest bidder on automation why not labor? Allow a new type of labor organization to bid their services to various industry giants. No job entitlement, no strikes your organization bids & either wins or loses the opportunity. This would be a separate contracted labor company that pays their own benes does the hiring & firing controls profitability & could share profits as a bonus to members for doing a good job. Current Unions have no competition & that needs to change. Strip it down reduce costs & start over with new methods. Could this work for a new cost control environment & give GM what they need to turn the corner.


New member
my wrist is broke---and im still not going to tell you how to live!!LOL
polarisrider1 I think we need to talk about how much you seem to be skipping out of work too much!!!J\k LOL

rusty, I have tons of time and little money. Work has all but vanished here in Michigan. I am learning to syphon gas with the best of them. It's amazing that sledding on a budget is still everybit of fun. Actually it was nice to ride here before Togwotee this yr. I would of been totally whipped out there. It is snowing here in Grand Rapids today.


New member
I wonder how many "Buy American" or else people chiming in on this topic ride sleds from a manufacturer that does not build thier sleds here in the good ole USA! How many have flat screen TV's or ATV's that were not made here?

I do not understand why there is such a double standard when it comes to the brand of car/truck we drive.

I would not debate the merits of a sled or ATV based on if it was built here or not, I may have a debate if I thought 1 was better that the other for other reasons but not because of where it was built.

We are in a global economy, thats why our markets effected every other market and the world went thru this recession, to some degree or another together.

Maybe I am a little disgruntled. I was a employee at a Chrysler dealer, was since 1989. The dealer I worked at was one that was closed down. I was lucky enough to be kept by my company and therefore keep my seniority. I was transferred to a Honda dealer they own.

I spent my entire adult life defending and driving American made vehicles, I still have 2 Dodge products in the driveway.

Let me tell you, there is a HUGE difference in the products! The last month at the Dodge store I wrote 40,000 in warranty repairs parts and labor, the next month at the Honda store I wrote 3500.00 in warranty repairs.

The numbers do not lie!

Further, I also believe that everyone has thier own choice to make and nobody should be singled out. We all have a life to live and will do what we have to survive. That includes making choices that best suits our family and our own unique situation. I feel bad that John opens up about his life every week, I feel like I know him and Nora like I know my neighbors, only to have him called out on his own website that we all get to use for free because as a American he made a choice that felt right for him and his new family.

I own 2 Dodges, still have trouble with the idea of owning a Honda car or truck because I was born and raised in the good ole suburbs of Detroit. My Dad and several other family members have worked at or retired from the Big 3. I also own a Ski Doo, a Hitachi TV, 2 Yamaha quads and I am sure a bunch of other stuff that was not made here.

I pay my taxes, vote and am good to my kids and family. That is what being a American is all about. The core values that make this the greatest country to live in and raise our kids, where they have thier own choices and opportunities and destiny to control. IT IS NOT ABOUT WHAT BRAND OF CAR YOU DRIVE AND WHO MAKES IT!!!!


New member
you and me both thunderstuck88.term limits should be for all of goverment and this crap wouldn't have happened.they want complete control.the gov has 35% of total control now.all they need is another 16% on the public nipple and it's all over.we can stop it on election days,but to what extent?depends on the damage done.between gov workers,welfare recipients,and the unions,that is where i get 35% control of the economy and the way gov operates.where the other 16% comes from depends on how many others they can suck into their vacuum.