John I'm a little Disappointed..................


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I apologize to mattus for my earlier post, I was dealing with some serious work issues at the time, and I did not mean for it to come across as a challenge. No posting while mad at something else! LOL.

The great debate, buying a car where the profits stay here at home, and you help a worker in a different country stay employed, or buy a car where the profits go to Japan, but you help keep a fellow American working. What to do, what to do?

I have been a Mopar guy before I could drive, I have owned 2 Fords in my life, both dependable. Everything else has been a Chrysler/Dodge or a Plymouth. I have had great luck with them. We haven't bought a new car since 1995, we buy used now.

If I were to buy a new car today, it probably wouldn't be a GM or Chrysler, we should have let them go bankrupt from the beginning, and not given them a bailout, all that did was delay the inevitable. I would probably buy a Ford.


New member
This is a very "interesting" topic! It is nice to live in a Country that allows one the FREEDOM to choose. I feel for John as he made a decision to get a new vehicle and now he is getting questioned on why he didn't "buy American"?

I also am happy to have a 2009 Honda Pilot that has given me zero problems after 14,000 miles. I made my choice because of the good experience (139,000 miles and no problems!) I have had with my 04 Accord. Also the bad luck I have had with two Dodge vehicles and one Ford helped with my choice on the new SUV.

I am still waiting for the anwser to John's question!???


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Did I miss somethin'

When I read this I was left wonderin' why Nora's vehicle had to sit outside when she is the one gettin' up and going to work.. It's good to have your garage too full of toys but in my day I'd be damned if I'd scrape windows when I had a nice warm garage to park in.


New member
Where did all these Junior Members come from that know everything?

This may be the problem the whole U.S. is dealing with, who are you to decide that gets an opinion? In a democracy, everyone has an opinion, whether you agree with it or not. There isn't one person in the U.S. who shouldn't have an opinion. If you have one, voice it!! I am not any better than the next guy, and we all CAN have an opinion. If you can pull rank and say your opinion is better than mine, you better have a good case and get ready to debate it, before you threaten to fight over it.


New member
Hey Mattus, I would love to have you tell me FACE to FACE that you don't like my Accord, it's a 98 with 164,000 on it and it runs and drives like new, my 96 S10 with 162,00 is junk, rattles from every piece of the cheap plastic interior, on the second motor the 2.2 is not bullet proof by any means, the head is leaking AGAIN just all around a piece of ****.


New member
Favor to John

Hey John, Since every other post I reply to usually dies out immediately after I post on it, I'll give it a whirl on this one too.

BTW- 2 Chevs in the garage and one in the driveway. Who gives a rats a.. what I/anyone drives in the global matrix we are now living in?

Congrats on a nice ride John


New member
I was worried about enraging the union folks Whitedust. I did not mean to point a finger of blame, I just wanted to point out what I though the unions purpose is (good or bad).

That was a great response Mattus.

For what it is worth, I still believe that America is the best country in the world with the best workers and when our backs are against the wall is when we do some of our best work. I believe that there will be a recovery of some, if not all of the big three. Perhaps not in the way everyone wants, but what will emerge will be stronger, more efficient and more capable of competing with anyone.

Now I am going to try and bow out for good this time! :)


The global economy was inevitable. I know if I call to complain about a mortgage, or car problem, etc., I get to talk to some Indian guy in Punjab. (Problem #1-Outsourcing). In my lifetime, I don't remember wearing clothing made in the USA, except for what my mom made. I do remember the "cotton" ads from the 70's and 80's (and I am 41). (Problem #2) If I go to McDonalds or Taco Bell or any other food chain, most of the "employees" are illegals. Same thing for laborers. The Mexican roofers will do the job because "us American workers" are too good or lazy to do tear-offs. At least that is how it around the Twin Cities. I have seen alot of my friends and co-workers get laid off because of this attitude, and to be honest, I am part of that group. It would be easy to say "don't shop at Walmart because everything is made in China", but truthfully, in this economy, I can't afford Levi's. I am a Union member, but have always had the understanding that seniority isn't job security, but I work at a car dealership, where office politics is more concealed than in an entire factory. (If your union steward is in bed with management, ANYONE can get fired!!) Sorry about my tangent, but everyone is entitled to their own purchases. John, enjoy your new vehicle!! I remember I had junk to drive when my kids were babies and I was afraid to drive any distance with them. Your relative remote location would have me buying a new vehicle, too!


New member
briano i will tell you face to face i dont like your accord. i have had pretty good luck with my chevys. 73 suburban bought from my dad who bought it new,290,000 not one problem.79 2wheel drive pick up ihave no idea how many miles. 82 pick up 330,000 a couple starters.85 blazer i am still driving but getting rusty.89 gmc 195,000 one tranny. 89 ford diesel one transfer case and a few injectors.99 suburban 201,000 still driving,ball joints and front end parts.03 gmc only 45500 miles but no problems. this is america why help the people that hate us?


New member
This thread is reminding me of the famous Greek slave Aesop and his fable "The Miller, the Son, and the Donkey."

The story is about a miller and his son who were driving their donkey to market. They had not gone far when some girls saw them and broke out laughing. "Look!" they cried. "Look at those fools! How silly they are to be trudging along on foot when the donkey might be carrying one of them on his back."

This seemed to make sense, so the father lifted his son onto the donkey and walked along contentedly by his side. They trod on for a while until they met an old man who spoke to the son scornfully. "You should be ashamed of yourself, you lazy rascal. What do you mean by riding when your poor old father has to walk? It shows that no one respects age anymore. The least you can do is get down and let your father rest his old bones." Red faced with shame, the son got down and made his father get onto the donkey's back.

They had gone only a little further when they met a group of young fellows who mocked them. "What a cruel old man!" jeered one of the fellows. "There he sits, selfish and comfortable, while the poor boy has to stumble along the dusty road to keep up with him."

So the father lifted his son up, and the two of them rode along. However, before they reached the market, a townsman stopped them. "Have you no feeling for dumb creatures?" he shouted. "The way you load that little animal is a crime. You two men are better able to carry the poor little beast than he you!"

Wanting to do the right thing, the miller and his son got off the donkey, tied his legs together, slung him on a pole, and carried him on their shoulders. When people saw this spectacle, they laughed so loudly that the donkey was frightened. The animal kicked through the cords that bound him, fell off the pole into the river and drowned.

The moral of this story is, "He who tries to please everybody pleases nobody."

Drive/ride whatever you want John. Not worth it trying to please everybody.
/though it does please my wife the more pictures of Grace that are in your journals...just a thought.;)


chords, now that there was funny. I love picturing that in my mind, everybody looking down and whistling. Shuffling along trying to be unnoticed, and than. "Hey you, you frigging pumpkin pie hair cut-ted freak drivin that nasty rollin turd pile. I'm gonna pound lumps on your cap" I hate you you nazi US hating mongrel"

That there is a funny vision. I'm callin snl right now!
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New member
If we keep buying American cars just because they're American, regardless of quality (mind you, I'm not saying American quality is bad), then the benefits of capitalism and competition go out the window, and the situation only gets worse. I'm all for buying American when it's practical, but if the best car for your needs happens to be foreign, then buy the foreign car. It's up to the American manufacturers to make their cars more appealing to more consumers, not up to the consumers to prop up a company that isn't innovating.


New member
A very wise man once told me...............................................................

Be Carefull..............................................................

The Toes you step on today.......................................

Are attached to the Azz you have to kiss tomorrow!


please forgive me if I mispell a word or do not end a sentance with a period because I had a few beers tonight (Budwiser, which is owned by non americans) I'm only a person of our goverment education system. I have read alot of posts with many good comments. The only person who gave you the right to choose is the American service man and women, with out them you'd have nothing. I thank them all. I have been in unions and worked for none american companies, I have purchased electronics from japan, guns from Italy, and drink beers from mexico. American greed has put us in our situation, and only we can pull us out. Its not a matter of buying this or that, its a matter of doing whats right. Familys are falling apart, crime is up, people use drugs, and we blame that on someone else. BS, I know whats right and wrong, we need to start helping each other, contribute to our own well being and take responsability for our actions. If you didn't get an education why do you think you should drive a BMW or own a 5000Sq foot house. Your not a doctor don't spend like one. Every one thinks they should get what everyone else has, and thats our problem. Why does a car assembly person think they should make $30.00 an hour when they barely finished high school, because there union. NOT, earn what your worth and thats it, spend what you make and save a little. I don't owe you anything.

I own american cars and trucks and am happy with them and will stay with them as long as I feel there worth it. I also own MN made sleds and I think there pretty good too I also own japanease motorcycles and they have been pretty good as well. My son who hit his head while snow boarding was seen by many doctors of all races, and they were ALL great. We have the right to choose what we buy, how we eat, what we watch on tv, and many people have died to give you that right. quite your bitching and do your job, and do it well and you'll have nothing to worry about. Do a poor job and you won't have it long.

Don't put you failure on somone else, you have the ability to make change. If you don't like it change it, Vote, but don't blame it on someone else. Ok, my can runs empty


New member
Hey I'm a good post killer also...Glad to see everyone's keeping it light. I say Congratulations.John works hard for all of us,and he and his family should have anything they want.


New member
if everyone that visit's his web-site would send him $1.00, or even a quarter we could buy john a new truck, we could even vote on what make/model of american made truck it would be! at over a million hits a


New member
Why do we have so many colors to choose from when it comes to automobiles in this country? Why you ask, because we are not a Communist country that’s why!

Maybe over the years the Unions should have expanded their influence overseas or across the borders to keep a level playing field so big business wouldn't leave our shores for cheaper labor. Maybe big business should not have lined their own pockets with our sweat equity. Maybe the big bankers shouldn't give themselves the big bonuses they do and plan to this year.

I can go on and on but the bottom line is this, we live in the land of the free where you can choose where you live, work and play. The land where we have clean drinking water and food to eat, where we can choose how where our children get educated.
The land where you can freely choose your religion and lastly where we as the people can choose who run's this great nation.

Maybe we all made a mistake when we choose our career paths, we all should have been politicians. Who drives them? Who gasses their cars? Who pays for their Health Care? Who pays for their lodging and travel?

Boy hindsight is truly 20/20.

Proud to be an American, long time union member and someone who has the right to choose.
if everyone that visit's his web-site would send him $1.00, or even a quarter we could buy john a new truck, we could even vote on what make/model of american made truck it would be! at over a million hits a

With the Popularity of the site I really hope that did buy the new truck.. I am sure it takes a lot of time for him to run the website and promote it. Through his hard work and detection to running the site it sees a huge amount of hits and is recognized by all the manufactures.
Great Job John Keep up the good work


New member
Thinking out of the box how about an organized open bid US work force that could put a package together for maybe 3-5 years for GM to build cars that controls costs puts a fixed cost on labor benes,ect. GM always went with lowest bidder on automation why not labor? Allow a new type of labor organization to bid their services to various industry giants. No job entitlement, no strikes your organization bids & either wins or loses the opportunity. This would be a separate contracted labor company that pays their own benes does the hiring & firing controls profitability & could share profits as a bonus to members for doing a good job. Current Unions have no competition & that needs to change. Strip it down reduce costs & start over with new methods. Could this work for a new cost control environment & give GM what they need to turn the corner.

Off target/topic a bit, but I was thinking that Roger Penske was going to take Saturn and turn it into a REAL all American car company, parts labor (Okay as much as it can get) everything American, and market the company as such.....thought this company could be called the Phoenix, but then found out that what broke the deal down was that Roger wanted to have an over-seas car company build the products and stick Saturn on the name plate and sell them here. Company balked and the deal went south....

So much for a real American car where did I park my Nash Rambler???