Food is food. I had a young couple with very nice clothing and big dollar air Jordans on who bought Steaks,beer and cigarettes with food stamps ahead of me in line the other day. As they drove off in their Lexus, I asked the clerk of about 15 yrs. Old, How can this be? She said it goes on all day long, and that her parents own the store. They "fix" the reciepts for this. So we paying customers reciepts also are used in the "cover up". Just another service us paying customers provide and did not know it. She states it is not right,but keeps our little store alive and feeds our family. She also said it all started out when a customer threw a fit in the store in front of regular paying customers over paying for candy bars, monster drinks and 5 hr. Energy. We took the stamps to keep her quite and the line a moveing. Word got out, and the problem grew. After all they got the stamps and card to use them, who are we to judge. Was what she said. Makes me sick. I have never got anything from the government ever other than a you owe us this amount notice. Never ever got unemployement checks, workers comp. Or anything else free. Why? Must be the white middle class male status I hold.