Kids these days


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Here is the funny thing, I wonder how many people thought the same thing about us, when we were that age? LOL. I've been working since I was 15, my dad always said, if you want something, you have to work your azz off to get it. He worked his azz off, and I attribute my work ethic to my father. John is right, it is up to the parents to instill a good work ethic into their children. My 14 year old daughter already knows that nothing in this world is free.
She sees me coming home from a 10-14 hour day, and knows I am working my azz off. (literally, everyone who knows me knows I have no azz, dang pants fall right off when I walk!) She has chores to do around the house, if she doesn't do them, no allowance, plain and simple. I would love to spoil the heck out of her, she is our only child, but what would that teach her? Nothing.

There are some good, hard working teenagers out there, we don't see them much though, because they are busy working, we just see the lazy sobs standing around doing nothing. LOL.


Been married 33 years to a woman who grew up in western Minnesota in a family of 7 kids. I grew up in the St. Paul suburbs with just a brother. My parents decided that my brother and I would have a paid for college education, including lunches, gas money, books, insurance, and a car. Mind you, we weren't rich, but we were well provided for. We had to work for our own social money, etc., but the college education was paid for if you wanted to go to Minnesota and live at home. My wife, on the other hand, had to pay entirely for her education. I also kinda screwed off a bit (a lot) in college, and if my dad hadn't cut me off after 5 years and 2 summer sessions I think I would still be going to college. While I have developed a good work ethic, and I consider myself successful, I never developed the real hard core milk the cows, feed the kids, clean the house work ethic my wife has.

Early on in the marriage this irritated her (****, after 33 years it still does!) After maybe a year of marriage she accused me of being spoiled, and of course I had to explain to her that I was not "spoiled", I was "fortunate". Here's how I remember the argument going-

"You're spoiled!"
"I am not. I'm fortunate."
"B.S. your college education was paid for!"
"Like I said, I'm fortunate"
"Tell me, did you ever have to wear hand-me-downs?"
"No, my older brother was smaller than me and his clothes wouldn't fit"
"Did you have a car to drive to college?"
"What was it?"
" A Corvette...but it was used!"

I lost the argument....


New member
Here is the funny thing, I wonder how many people thought the same thing about us, when we were that age?

Not here, Iowa Farm Boy Chores before and after school/sports. If I wasn't donating my time to dad I was earning a buck at the neighbors. At college,worked 30-50 hours plus carried a full class load and still earned honors. (no financial support from the folks). I learned the value of a dollar and how hard it was to earn. Debt? What is that?


Well-known member
kids heck 20ish grown azz men wont get off there azz to work any more.why when mom and dad pay your rent insurance car food is real bad around my part of town bunch of cake eaters.I wont even hire summer help from young men around my house.a few yrs back I had a 17yr old who I hired to clean sites run for materials run to the dump and so on.well after 2 weeks he pulls up in a new f250 yes new.well he told his dad he needed a truck for work so his old man bought him the f250.well the guy quit less than 3 weeks latter.I have tried to hire high school kids to pull docks in the past usually pay them around 200 bucks for a 6 or 7 hr day cash and they wont do it
Don't blame everything on the parents now. I have a son that is a senior in high school. He went to Catholic elementary and middle school, earned his Eagle Scout and does very well in academics. His transition from a moderately restrictive Catholic School to 'almost anything goes' High School in Sturgeon Bay was difficult for him. As parents, we felt we did a pretty good job raising our son, but throw in the distractions of MTV, texting and cell phones, internet garbage (not John Dee!) like Facebook and the ever popular video games, sometimes I feel good parents do not have a chance when the kids get to high school and are faced with all this 'cool' stuff. I have learned to pick my battles wisely and concentrate on what is important, but it has been a difficult road through the teen years.

A parent can only do so much, society has brainwashed our youth at such a young age. It is very sad what has become of our youth, they are missing out on so much good stuff in life.

Enough said, take care and good luck!



Well-known member
any parents get annoyed of their sons playing COD? it annoys the heck outta me! all these kids at school talk about COD like it's the coolest thing in the world. who really wants to run around and shoot people? but YES i have an XBOX 360, i paid for every cent of it, i either got all my games as x-mas gifts or i paid for them too. The only games i own are sports games. that's not too bad right? and like i said before 5 texts a month, and other kids laugh at me because i don't text enough. my dad for a fact don't even have a phone. we just got a message on the answering machine from my uncle asking for my dads cell #. i just started laughing. darn technology these days! i wish it was the olden days again! lol :D


New member
It is not just Kids in the world getting lazy now a days, the whole world has gone lazy. If you have to work more that 8 hours a day the world may be coming to and end, and most people think they deserve $31.50 and hour to push a button and better get there two 15 min brakes and get an hour paid lunch during that time, and for sure no more than 40hrs a week! I am not saying everyone is this way, and some people will always get those jobs. It just seems with times being as hard as they are you would see the work ethic that built this country come back. Instead file for unemployment and wait for the next easy job. I like to believe and I am only 25 and could very well be wrong but it seems we need to show our kids that there is a such a thing as hard work and not only show them the easy way! When I turned 16 I got a job changing oil after school so i could buy a pick-up and a snowmobile, went to school 730 to 230 worked 300 to 700 and when high school was over I tried college. College didnt work so i go a CDL and hooked onto a Gravel train 10 to 15 hrs a day later I made up for that lack of college edu. Trust me i was given the option by my parents to go to school and get the 9 to 5 or figure somthing else out! there was not sit around and be lazy while you pay you bills till you figure it out option. it was one or the other and get going! sorry this is a tuchy subject to me, hope i didnt get to out of controll


Well-known member
but no i do not have a job. do i want one? yes! the question is how would i GET to the job. that is my biggest problem, i live in a small town, not too small but it doesn't even have a high school. only places within biking distance are mcdonalds or subway, i will stick to umpiring little league games instead and looking for mowing jobs.


Active member
Funny thing after reading all of the posts....I didn't even mention the 2 20 yr olds that said they'd rake they needed bad they never showed up this morning....thats how the day back on the phone again...thats when I found the 12yr old...lasted 1 hr....this one is a good kid and will be a hard worker when he gets bigger at least he showed up and tried hard. Found another 20yr old said he'd show up in the morning...first thing...sad to say... I won't be holding my breath.
HA! you hit the nail on the head john. mrs running bear, when i read your post this morn i thought ,WHAT? when i was a kid thats how i got what i wanted with a percentage going to savings. i wouldve never passed up something like that. back then i thought it was crap but now i look back and thank my parents. LOL .


Active member
HA! you hit the nail on the head john. mrs running bear, when i read your post this morn i thought ,WHAT? when i was a kid thats how i got what i wanted with a percentage going to savings. i wouldve never passed up something like that. back then i thought it was crap but now i look back and thank my parents. LOL .

thats what I thought....WHAT...I can't find a kid that wants to I was workin from 13 on, bailing hay...shoveling s*** it didn't matter heck sometimes ya just did it...didn't need money just wanted to help...very let down today....:( ...after today I really know I had great parents!!!!
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New member
Hey Indy if there was more kids like you the whole world would just be fine I am Happy to have you as a friend to and look forward to see what your up to each day !!! INDY ROCKS :D


New member
We were in the middle of the road with our kids. They got what they wanted when younger. 4-wheelers at the age of 7 or 8, brand name clothes that they wanted, toys, they had pretty much what they wanted. When they reached the age of 15 or 16 they got jobs for after school and weekends. They worked their work schedule around sports and school activities. When they started working we still bought their clothes and necessities but when it came to brand names we split the costs with them so that they would realize what it costs. Any extra that they wanted they would buy. When they were in still in high school they had nice cars or trucks to drive but they worked for them saved their money and paid cash for them. When they wanted snowmobiles they were still in high school and needed to get loans and as long as they were working we co-signed for them so they learned how to manage their money and make timely payments. It worked out well. When it came to college we said that they would have to pay for their own through loans and whatever. That way if they wanted screw off and mess up it wasn't on our dollar. All 3 furthered their education and worked all through their college years and paid for it themselves. Once in a while we would help out with a little spending money here and there or a care package to take back with them. We can proudly say that all 3 of them graduated from college and all have jobs today in the fields that they went to school for and doing well for themselves.
I was a stay at home mom so when they came home from shcool I was home. Husband was and still is a hard worker and puts in long hours. I truely believe it is the way they were brought up.


Active member
Well I'm waiting...wondering if he's gonna show up... I'm thinking first thing means 8:00 am....Hmmmmm I hope he shows up or guess who's gonna be raking.....gotta have the place look nice for the big weekend and times running out! Please show up.....please....can ya tell I don't wanna rake


Well-known member
Well I'm waiting...wondering if he's gonna show up... I'm thinking first thing means 8:00 am....Hmmmmm I hope he shows up or guess who's gonna be raking.....gotta have the place look nice for the big weekend and times running out! Please show up.....please....can ya tell I don't wanna rake

raking the grass? what grass? there's 4 inches of snow outside! o wait that's just by me :D


New member
The blame goes to the parents of these kids - period. I was taught, if you want something you work for it, nothing comes free in life. By reading these post, it sounds like that is the way most were raised. There are some kids that still know the value of hard work out there just as John found. Just fewer of them.


New member
The blame goes to the parents of these kids - period. I was taught, if you want something you work for it, nothing comes free in life. By reading these post, it sounds like that is the way most were raised. There are some kids that still know the value of hard work out there just as John found. Just fewer of them.

That is the moto that my parents have raised me by and so far it has been working good for me. I am always working either at my regular job at pamida or doing side jobs like lawn care, putting in sea walls, building docks and decks, fixing peoples power toys, or any kind of job that someone gives me. work comes before play and if you dont work first you cant expect to be able to have gas in your toys or be able to keep them running. I myself personanly like working because it gives me a sense of accomplishment knowing that i can afford things by myself, expecting my parents to pay for my toys like alot of my friends do is wrong because i am the one that wants them. the world would be a far better place if kids would realize that mom and dad wont always be there to give them money and if parents dont give there kids money and tell there kids if you want it you have to work for it kids might actually do a little bit of work. i know my parents have raised me so that i can survive when they are not around and i thank them every chance i get. It really puzzles me why my friends can't figure out how i can afford the new truck and sled i got this year when im working all the time. i would like to say thank you again to my parents for raising me with a good work ethic and knowing that if i want something i have to work for it.


New member
I use to think it was the parents. Now that I am one it’s different. My family was well to do in a small town. All 4 of us children were adopted. My brother is a perfectionist. Nothing to do with our parents. My sister was not that bright but a hard worker. My other sister feels something is owed to her for her hard work for 15 years and then being a mother. Me? Started at the Elk’s club doing dished at 13. First job at 14 at a TG&Y store cleaning. Paid my own way from first car at 15 to my latest toy my Harley. I can tell you though I like to be lazy as all get out. I would rather help someone else for free than get pay for my own chores. I do it for the gratification I get from others seeing how good I am. That’s not a motivation for everyone though. Some people need the boss climbing on their back all day to motivate them. It’s all a matter of finding what make them tic. 95% of the kids you’re talking about will come into their own and be productive citizens.